Messages between christellar and GrammyOgg

By GrammyOgg on Aug 22, 2011 at 10:09 AM

*gigglol* I've been playing with a new program........getting some ideas for Samhain too........I wonder what I'll manage to create for THEN.....? heeheehee! Glad you like it!

By christellar on Aug 22, 2011 at 10:07 AM

awesome profile pic! *raises glass* cheers!

By GrammyOgg on Aug 17, 2011 at 8:47 AM

Thank you! I've been flooded by well-wishes & am trying to get to everybody. It really means a lot to me!!

By christellar on Aug 17, 2011 at 7:19 AM

happy belated birfday grams! (big hugs)

By GrammyOgg on Jul 26, 2011 at 7:32 AM

I go to AD a lot......but what *that* person had was beyond belief! o.0

By christellar on Jul 25, 2011 at 12:34 PM

sanx again :) I yewshully just read the bio, but Suzi_sMom made a gud suggeschun too: check der LOLs FURST!! XD -- so happy i don't have to look at dose NE more... there's other places for those types of images on the internets :S

By GrammyOgg on Jul 25, 2011 at 11:06 AM

I have to admit to seeing your dilemma on my dashboard, so I knew WHY you needed the info. Always happy to rescue somebody when they're in *that* kind of situation. I'm not friending ANYBODY on AD that I don't know in Cheezland......;)

By christellar on Jul 25, 2011 at 10:38 AM

omg tysmuch grammy!!! (big hug) saved me from the VORTEX!!!

By GrammyOgg on Jul 25, 2011 at 10:28 AM

*ED* your question. Go to your friends list & go to that name. On the right, there will be a little [x]. Click it & dump 'em. I didn't know how to do it for a long time......

By GrammyOgg on Jun 8, 2011 at 10:18 AM

And I'm prayin' we'll get some rain! Not so much for the wet (altho that would be a good thing too) but for the coolness & the clean air. Our air is so stagnant, it's hard to breathe. *pleh*

By christellar on Jun 8, 2011 at 10:17 AM

eeek! Don't wilt too much on me, k? ;) I do hasta say: Im a bit jelly. we MAY have gud weather this weekend *crosses fingurs/paws*

By GrammyOgg on Jun 8, 2011 at 8:56 AM

We'll be around 35-C here this afternoon. Or warmer. *wilts* I'd gladly send you about half of that!! I really don't *do* heat very well.....

By christellar on Jun 8, 2011 at 8:39 AM

You should!! :D So how hot IS IT over there then? Sadly, we're still hovering around 11-C (52°F I fink) it's still pretty cold up here... send some warmth up here please!!! :) glad you're doing well darling

By GrammyOgg on Jun 7, 2011 at 10:29 AM

I have a feeling that will be a profile pic at some point. I thought it was too cute!! I'm okay......trying to stay outta the sun & this awful heat. Anything over about 80 & I wilt.

By christellar on Jun 7, 2011 at 10:08 AM

LOVED the rock'in'roll witch LOL Sylviag made for you! *thumbs up* hope ur doing well hunny! (huggies) christellar

By GrammyOgg on Mar 17, 2011 at 8:39 AM

Gonna have to wait til tomorrow for that Guinness Stout, but I'll have it then, by CC! My lady drinks Merlot on occasion, don't want to get her too tipsy ~ I'm not feelin' carrying her up the stairs! LOL!

By christellar on Mar 17, 2011 at 8:33 AM

Hey Grammy! I want to wish you and your special-patient happy st catricks day! U gonna reelax and hab a beer tonight?

By GrammyOgg on Mar 15, 2011 at 11:27 AM

I try to be......we have a great charity shop where there are great deals to be found. And then a few "outlet" stores.....In my line of work, our paths cross a lot too. I've worked with a lot of people I knew at another facility from years before.

By christellar on Mar 15, 2011 at 10:39 AM

Oh yes I know those kind of friends! I worked as a server, cocktail waitress and bartender for several years. Its funny; those are the friends you seem to "keep" even after employment! Are you good at bargain shopping?

By GrammyOgg on Mar 14, 2011 at 9:54 AM

Our local Golden Corral has a great bunch of cooks & a lot of them are old friends of my daughter's from when she worked in the food service industry. Even on "off" days, the place does a brisk business. The up (down) side is that it's right across the street from one of our favorite places to shop!! I love to go to Ross to find nice gift-type mugs & kitchen "toys" that would be over $20 at another store.....get 'em there for under $5! Thanks for the link!

By christellar on Mar 14, 2011 at 9:32 AM

Oh how sweet! Where did yew ladies go to eat? Annuder cheezfriend of mine sent me this a while ago and (though iz skepticul) it was a gud reeed! Yew might like it (relates to your werk)

By GrammyOgg on Mar 11, 2011 at 4:05 PM

*pats full belleh* We had a nice dinner out ~ just us girls......then did our second-best thing. Shopped!! LOL!

By christellar on Mar 11, 2011 at 2:28 PM

*dansdans* -->(wif yew) yipee! PeaceNKwiet for grammy! LOL Oh, soak in the solitude my dear! In fact REVELL IN IT! Have a good weekend/Caturday (hugs)

By GrammyOgg on Mar 11, 2011 at 12:11 PM

.....from your lips to CC ears!! We'll have a little peace & quiet most of the weekend. My s-i-l took the boy-children with him to go visit his mom. *dansdansdans* YAY for peace & quiet!!

By christellar on Mar 11, 2011 at 12:08 PM

well hopefully when your next shift begins the sunshine will radiate around her :) *fingers crossed*

By GrammyOgg on Mar 10, 2011 at 1:59 PM

Sure seems like it some days. She's having a not-so-great day today......I rarely see the g'kids when they visit. They come on the weekends when I'm off......& only then it's just a couple of times a year. Some days she's great & everything is fine. Those days are getting scarce. *sigh*

By christellar on Mar 10, 2011 at 12:41 PM

:*{ that has to be hard on the grankids if Nana doesn't remember them. I can't imagine... Perhaps she has a bit of bipolarism (the seasons/moons)?

By GrammyOgg on Mar 9, 2011 at 3:07 PM

Sadly, I think she's past thinking about him at all. She barely recognizes her g'kids (who are grown) when they come to visit. They all live out of state & don't get here but about twice a year. Her moods/lucidity coincide with the moon phases too. They seem more extreme with seasons' change......

By christellar on Mar 9, 2011 at 2:42 PM

ah yes, it could be winter blues. My father's "moments" sync with the moon phases, so why not seasons too? I can relate to the teeth griding but from the other side. Mr.Christellar bought me mouthguards for Christmas to sleep with. He says it sounds like I'm going to break my teeth! :^s eek!!! She must talk about her husband a lot, hey?

By GrammyOgg on Mar 9, 2011 at 2:38 PM

When she's in her lucid moments.....which are getting fewer & farther between these days. We're hoping that it's a touch of "End-of-Winter" Blues & she'll brighten as the days get longer & brighter. She's been grinding her teeth a LOT keep us from going straight up the wall, we get her to chew gum. Tonight it took me 2 pieces before she'd accept it from me. *sigh* Now I can has peace from the horrid grating noise. They say she used to be *really* bad about it.....drove her late husband NUTS!! *grin* I feel for him......that's one of the few noises I can't "tune" out! :(