Messages between deniseaucoin and Sylviag

By Sylviag on Mar 21, 2013 at 9:18 PM

Well hiya. That is pure ossum that u have the cast off. It has been a long road to heal that and u definitely need to be careful. Just kind of a break in the action for ur life. I bet u got a lot of reading done :) Cheers.

By deniseaucoin on Mar 21, 2013 at 4:16 PM

Hey, Sylviag, what's going on? I have some good news: the cast is officially off, I am hobbling, without crutches, on my 2 feet. YAHOO! However, I am not to attempt any 'Riverdancing" at this time. Physio is now on the list. I still can't believe it. To celebrate this momentous event, I had my brother drive me to the store. Don't I lead an exciting life! Now I can concentrate on tackling any issues regarding job hunting and how to ace an interview. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Have a great one. Take care and keep smiling. Denise

By Sylviag on Feb 12, 2013 at 8:52 PM

Oh boy, I bet u will be more than happy when that heals up and u can get back to normal and back to ur job hunt. Glad to hear u and ur Mom are getting some outside assistance for chores and meals. Having a good attitude like u do willhelp speed things along. Take good care of urselves and be very careful!

By deniseaucoin on Feb 12, 2013 at 8:05 PM

Hey, Sylviag, yes, I did a number on the ankle: a plate on each side, 4 short screws for the small bone, 3 long screws for the big bone. Morphine and I became very good friends and will continue to be as such for another 8 doses. I am feeling much better now. I am to stay off that leg for 6 weeks..arrggghhh. I am counting the weeks. This Thursday, the staples will be removed, yay, and another cast put on. I sleep a lot, sometimes I look out the window and thank God that I cannot go outside yet. I am concerned about my mom because the burden is on her to do simple chores, cook, do my laundry. She has difficulty walking and she is prone to losing her balance. I pray for her everyday. On the plus side, we are getting along okay. We perform duties in a very stretched manner (safety first), there are 2 women who come over to do some housecleaning, meals on wheels cuts down the time mom has to be on her feet, and my brother makes an appearance once in a while to do some shovelling and shopping (considering he is using my car during my recovery). All is not that bad. Have a great one. Take care. Keep smiling. Of course, drop a line anytime. Denise

By Sylviag on Feb 3, 2013 at 8:19 PM

Oh my stars - u really did a number to it to require surgery. What a nice good Samaritan that helped u. Sending lots of healing thoughts and hugz

By deniseaucoin on Feb 3, 2013 at 8:17 PM

Hey, Sylviag, yes, I broke my right ankle last Monday morning. It was strange; I got out of my car, stood up, no problem. I took one pace forward, I felt the bottom of the leg going into the top of the foot. I immediately knew that the ankle was broken. A gentleman who had parked beside me heard my scream and saw me go down. He took charge of the situation: called the ambulance and my mom, and secured my car. He also got some jackets and a blanket to keep me warm. I will be sending his supervisor a note detailing his quick thinking. At 4pm, I was in surgery, 6pm I was admitted. I was discharged on Friday at 1pm. Naturally, I got a prescription for morphine. sweet. I suspect the fracture on each side of the tibia was already there because nothing had happened to cause it to break. I now have a plate and pin on each side. Recovery is going good, the orthopedic surgeon did an excellent job; thank God. I see the doctor on Wed morning to remove the cast, clean the area, and put a new cast on it; I am looking forward to it. Anyway, I feel the pill kicking in. I will now hit the rack for more sleep. Have a great one. Take care. Keep smiling. Denise

By Sylviag on Feb 3, 2013 at 7:58 PM

Good heavens, did I ED right, u broke ur ankle and still recovering from another ankle injury? Hope all heals up soon.

By Sylviag on Jan 23, 2013 at 11:19 PM

Always love me a good monorail :)

By Sylviag on Jan 23, 2013 at 9:17 PM

I like Plan A :)

By deniseaucoin on Jan 23, 2013 at 8:53 PM

Hey, I do all the right things including the proper attire, but it seems they are favoring people who are already employed. On the bright side, their faves are on a 6 month probation with the company. I just hope one will mess up royally, the job will be reposted, and I will convince them that they should have hired me in the first place because I am the best qualified for the position plus my previous jobs were customer-oriented. ta-da. Denise

By Sylviag on Jan 23, 2013 at 8:39 PM

lad u liked that one :) U will indeed dazzle them. Project a positive attitude and confidence and they will see that.

By deniseaucoin on Jan 23, 2013 at 8:36 PM

Hey, Sylviag, thanks a bunch. Unfortunately, I am all thumbs because I cannot check out the pic. However, I did pml about your lol "rats, his heart is still beating." As for my future, I am gathering more info about my abilities to take to the next interview. I will dazzle them (I know there is a saying). Denise

By Sylviag on Jan 23, 2013 at 8:33 PM

Hai there :)

By Sylviag on Jan 19, 2013 at 11:06 PM

Sorry is late, got hung up on snoblol fite. Hope u had a very happy day.

By Sylviag on Jan 10, 2013 at 6:54 AM

Hi Denise, so very good to see u. I am sorry u did not get the job u wished but u just have to persevere and keep putting out those resumes. Each interview is a learning experience. It will happen. Yep, our kittehs always give us a happy. We added 2 more cats since we last chatted. MIL had to go into assisted living so we adopted her organe tabby, Mango and then over Thanksvigin someone handed off an itteh bitteh baby kat to us that was pest infested and malnourished. He now is one happy, healthy baby kat and it has been so much fun to have a kitten again. He is totally spolied :) Best wishes for the New Year and a new job. Hugz

By deniseaucoin on Jan 9, 2013 at 8:52 PM

Hey, Sylviag, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I trust your holidays were most excellent. Santa was good to me but he did not get me a job. Oh well. I am quite disappointed that I was turned down for the position of admin assistant at the place where I've wanted to work. Now I must do some serious soul searching. I'll be spending this week going over my portfolio and notes to gather more information/selling points for the next job interview, whenever that will be. I am still with the militia, but that is a paltry 4 hours per week. My 2 yr old male Siamese, Moccasin, keeps my spirits up by looking for his daily dose of loves, and acting silly. He is a suave villain, charming male, and arrogant cat...he even answers to the names of handsome and your royal highness. Have a great one and keep smiling. Denise

By Sylviag on Dec 12, 2012 at 2:09 AM

Hi, popping in to spread some Catmas cheer:) Hope u have u been able to find a job in ur field. Wishing u and ur loved ones peace and joy,

By Sylviag on Sep 6, 2012 at 9:32 PM

Hiya - has a happy to see u :) No needz to answer so u can enjoy some of ur limited time here. Hugz

By Sylviag on Aug 29, 2012 at 9:52 PM

Hai! So nice of u to pop in with ur wonderful greetings! U graduated from the OA program 16 Jun - did u treat urself to something wonderful as a reward? Have u been putting out resumes now for OA jobs?

By Sylviag on Jun 11, 2012 at 5:35 PM

Oh that is so wonderful! U've worked so hard and ai haz a prowd ob u. I take it the work term went well and I hope u enjoyed it also. Will u know be looking for a job in OA or have further education plans?

By Sylviag on May 21, 2012 at 5:48 AM

Hi! So sorry I missed u but nice to hear u are doing well in ur studies. Congrats on the impending graduation from the OA program! It has been a long haul for u. This last part is really good to work in an actual office environment to practice the skills u have learned. I am so proud of u! What are ur next plans?

By Sylviag on Mar 29, 2012 at 12:59 PM

How good to hear from u and glad u get a little free time every now and then to pop in here. LOL when forced to write about communication., the words fail, e? I am sure u did a fine job. Not much new in the Great Pacific NW except rain - plegghhh. son and gkinds were supposed to come visit today but youngest one borked arm and had to have surgry yeserday and have pins put in. He's toung so will heal fast but did put the kibosh on our plans :) Hugz

By Sylviag on Mar 19, 2012 at 5:02 PM

Hay fren, thanks for passing all those on when ur so busy, they will all find a good home. Do u get a Spring break? I'm sure u could do with some down time and it wold benice to see u. Hugz

By Sylviag on Mar 1, 2012 at 6:19 AM

Mornin and thx for the TP and baskets :) Hope u have a great day and ur world stays round :)

By Sylviag on Feb 29, 2012 at 12:00 AM

I should have asked whenu wec hatted earlier. I have a fren who is trying to fill the collecties of 17 profiles! She could use any of these. Whenever u have the time and however many u can do. U can send more than 1 to 1 person now. So u can send them all to me. Only if u can carve out a little time to do cuz I know u ar real busy. Thx so much. From top to bottom: Plentiful Turkey, Dracula Kitteh, Kitty Purry, Fench Fries, Cheesburger, Bottle Cap, Pancake Bunny, Security Camera, O RLY, NO WAI, Saber Tooth, Guitar Cat, Hip Hop Bunnny, 2 Laundry Baskets and as many Unroledl Toilet Paper as u care to send. Hugz

By Sylviag on Feb 28, 2012 at 9:11 AM

Hai there! so nice to hear from u. Sounds like u are doing great at school - good for u! Nothing too exciting here. Spent a week with the grandkids which was loads of fun - if a little bit poopdifying as they are so active physically and verbally :) I think we're past any possibility of snow here - good - do not like the stuff much. Have snow drops and crocus blooming so Spring is on it's way. Cheers till we chat again.

By Sylviag on Jan 27, 2012 at 5:58 PM

Hai, nice to see u and hang in there with college - u can do it :) I love making up words - it's a combo of wonderful anf fabulous LOL I am so ready for Spring and actually we really just started winter. I do like seasons but I think that we could shorten winte somewhat :) Have a great weekend.

By Sylviag on Jan 25, 2012 at 7:19 AM

Rats - was out of power for 5 days due to ice storm and just realized I missed ur birthday. Hope you had a wondermous one! Hugz

By Sylviag on Jan 3, 2012 at 9:34 PM

Make that Pacific - don't shing Google would recognize Pcigic!

By Sylviag on Jan 3, 2012 at 9:33 PM

Hiya, so nice to hear from u. I know u aar super busy. And a Happy New Year to u and ur loved ones. Glad to hear school is going well. Not much new here in the Great Pcigic NW. Just hanging out waiting for spring :)