Messages between dhanpir and MissAnthropy

By MissAnthropy on Apr 7, 2011 at 7:45 AM

It's my pleasure to meet you, dhanpir and I look forward to sharing lolz and trading collectibles (if you are interested). The fosters are so much fun. Right now we have a mom with 6 kittens who will be 3 weeks old this Sunday. They were just 1 week old when we took them in and we had never had babies that small before. They're kitten grubs! I took a few early pictures and will need to post them here. Have a wonderful day, new cheezfriend! :)

By dhanpir on Apr 6, 2011 at 10:51 PM

Hi! Always happy to make a new friend. I've got to admit that I'm impressed with your efforts on behalf of our furry friends -they are lucky to have you on their side. I hope the chihuahua finds a good home and that we may share many LOLs!