Messages between djrcreative and Superawesomecooldudemanguy

By Superawesomecooldudemanguy on Apr 20, 2013 at 7:22 AM

Can I ask you for a favor? I usually don't do this unless it is an emergency. What I'm asking for?: Eidos Montreal decided to replace the epic Stephen Russell as the voice of Garrett in the upcoming game Theif 4 with Romano Orzari from Assassin's Creed. As a Taffer(Thief fanatic) I can't allow that to happen now that they decided to make the fourth game we've been waiting on for over 10 years almost. This is what they want to replace: All I ask of you is to sign this following petition and ask a friend or two(or as many as possible, all the better) if they could do so as well: Thank you for your time.