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By momchan on Feb 25, 2011 at 11:17 PM

Oh bless you darlin, intrude all you want. Like I was telling MelB, the moral support I get from my cheezfrends means the world to me. I'm in a better situation than your mom, my youngest (she's 21!) is still at home and has always been a big help. When she was 15, I had my left hip replaced, and she had to do all the cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping. And still made the school honor roll. My oldest lets me know what days she and her fiancee have off and they are both willing to drive Dad around. The dialysis clinic is one street over and 4 blocks down so it takes like 5 minutes to get there. (except last week with all the freakin' snow it took 20 MINUTES!!! cuz the streets weren't plowed at 7am) My sister (who lives 1 1/2 hours away) comes by once every two weeks & takes me out to dinner. My best friend took me and both my girls to the casino and treated us to the buffet ( she used her comps so it didn't cost her anything) while my future son-in-law took dad over to his house to watch football on the big screen tv. And I get to sleep in tomorrow, so I can stay up late playing on the computer, YAAAAY!!! Wow, I just reread this, and with all the things that have gone wrong lately, there is still a lot that has gone right! I am a firm believer in the power of prayer, and I thank you so much for your concern and prayers, and I will keep you in mine. It sounds like your life has more than it's share of ups and downs too, so if YOU ever need a shoulder......mine are not only dripdry, but one is stainless steel. {{{hugz&hedbonkz}}}

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By hazTweetur4eatmeburd on Feb 25, 2011 at 10:03 PM

hi again, dragonsbridge ~ thx 4 yr msg! no problem, abbreviate as u like! i've been on too long tonight, too, so time to go. at least i made lots of new lols tonight, so i guess that's good; i'm not always feeling so inspired! please check out my stuff page later if you are feeling up to it. have a good night & talk to you soon. peace :)

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By hazTweetur4eatmeburd on Feb 25, 2011 at 9:13 PM

ohai, dragonsbridge, nice 2 meet u! *ekstendz floofy paw uff frendship*

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By robinrescues on Feb 24, 2011 at 7:37 PM

Ohai again! I just got my collectibles tonight, and I saw you was missing a Ironic Mustache from your Hipster Kitty collection so I sent it over. If you don't mind, could you spare a Snowcats for me? Thanks in advance. ~MelB

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By robinrescues on Feb 24, 2011 at 6:50 PM

Ohai dragonsbridge! How are things going up in your lair? :) I hope it's going well with you. Here I am trying to keep warm. They say there is a big snowstorm coming either late tonight or sometime tomorrow, so that's got me a little worried. Rob is doing two double shifts tonight and tomorrow, so he works 3 PM to 11 PM - 1 hour unpaid break - Midnight to 7 AM, so I'll be home alone. If we get snowed in, I'm not going anywhere because I twisted my back today and I'm not shoveling or plowing. If we do get more snow right before the weekend, I worry about Pawcasso going over well if the driving is bad. I'm crossing my fingers that maybe the storm can hold off until Sunday. This morning at the chiropractor's I was saying that I don't mind getting four feet of snow, but I'd prefer it be spread out over two months or so, not getting all of it in less then two days. ~ I agree. Like you, we are also not far from a main road, so I would never feel comfortable with my cats outside here. I would never let my cats outside, too many things can happen to them. Car accidents, unleashed dogs, fights with cats who may be carrying feline AIDS or feline Leukemia, just plain mean people, etc. plus I would worry about them while they were gone. I had an indoor/outdoor foster cat for awhile, and it was really stressful to have him gone. He was raised outside, so I know he would never want to be a strictly indoor cat, but I still worried when he was gone. Buddy's story had a happy ending though, he got adopted by a girl I work with at the clinic. ~ I liked hearing about your gardening! I don't have much of a green thumb, but I try anyway. Rob's dad and stepmom live out on Lake Otisco, and they have a small herb garden behind their house. Prudence always gives me some of their catnip to take home whenever we visit, which is nice. Still, I would like to try to grow my own catnip outside this year here. I'm actually a little intimidated because the lady who lived here before us seemed to be quite the landscaper, so for now I think I'm going to start with just making small changes and see how it goes. I want to get my bird feeder up, as well as some of my garden statues. I don't think I can plan much of anything until the snow's gone though. Are Tulips your favorite flower? My favorite flower is Dracula Orchid, it's where I got the "Melanthia" part of my username from.

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By robinrescues on Feb 24, 2011 at 6:49 PM

PART 2: I had a giggle when you wrote that you don't like tea, because I love herbal tea! I literally have a whole cabinet of Celestial Seasonings teas, which I love to drink with Manuka Honey. The honey habit was my pal Linda's fault - she got me some when I had a cold to help with my sore throat and I've been drinking it in my tea ever since. It tastes so much better then the regular supermarket honey. ~ Its amazing to hear that you're living in a house that has been in your hunny's family over a century. Wow! What stories and memories there must be there. Our house isn't anything special, we just bought it because we liked the area and it was halfway between Kitty Corner and my best friend's house. It's a 3 bedroom tri-level split with an attached garage. The half-level stairs are fun for the kitties, especially Tomato and Holly, who think it's a racetrack :D ~ I sense a connection with you as well. :) It's funny how friendships work out, even here at ICHC ... I once friended someone who I had a lot in common with, and I thought would be a great pal. Turns out, she's always too busy to talk to me. It's always, 'I'll get back to you in a couple days because of X' then she never does, which is a shame - yet through her, I met someone else who has become a great friend to me. So it just goes to show me that you never know where your next new good friend is going to turn up. ~ I understand exactly what you mean when you say your physical world seems small, mine is as well. Because of my back problems, I face the same thing. Almost all my face2face friends are cat rescuers or involved in animal welfare, and I don't go out often because my back problems often cut things short. That's something I love about ICHC, it's really expanded my circle of friends to where I can talk with people all over the world. ~ I don't think you're rambling at all, I love hearing more about you and your world. You do a wonderful job of spreading happiness, I enjoy talking with you. My friend Jody said that about her Reiki practice - that you can't help others feel better without feeling better yourself. ~ Take care and be well. *sending much healing and lubs* ~MelB

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By bobena on Feb 23, 2011 at 7:17 AM

wow111fangQ so mushes for da dress. I lubs it!

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By Kwithie on Feb 22, 2011 at 1:54 PM

Ohai, dragonsbridgekitteh! Yu shudden haz to ask -- ai haz a big sowwy. wen ai gottid the staploler tihs moanin ai ment tu chekk an see if ennybunny needed eny ob my dooplikits. butt (blush) ai forgotted. So heer yu arr: wun purty red staploler foar dragonsbridge cummin rite up!

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By smokyzmom on Feb 18, 2011 at 2:50 PM

Hi DB, it's funny 'cuz I was gonna friend you after reading the post you sent MelB. I love your term, "my physical world is kinda small somedays".......I feel the same way sometimes, although I am blessed to have a job I truly love, I have MS(multiple sclerosis) and embrace every day I'm able to get to and complete my job. I never know when my health will force me to quit. And I'm not even as talented as you are in all those areas! I wish ICHC was a place, a wonderful physical location that all us like-minded people could share, it would not only be our love of dogs and cats that we'd find we had in common, but many other things too!! And we could learn from each other as well... Mom of Smokey(MoS)

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By robinrescues on Feb 17, 2011 at 8:58 PM

You're so very welcome, hun! I'm glad I could share a happy with you, as you did for me. ~ My kitties don't go outside here, but when spring comes I am looking forward to growing our own catnip out back with the flowerbed. It will be nice to have our own fresh grown catnip for the furry ones instead of the store bought kind. Blessings, MelB

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By robinrescues on Feb 17, 2011 at 8:36 PM

*sniffle* Thank you dear friend, what you wrote was really beautiful. You're right, I do believe that love is eternal, and unlike our physical bodies love can't ever die. You reminded me that when you hug with your heart and not your hands, nothing can separate you. I had lost sight of that through all the pain and sadness of Tigger's loss. Thank you for bringing that back to me. *furry hugs back atchu* ~ and hun, you're never intruding. There isn't a 'private message' feature here in CheezLand, so to me it's a lot like chatting in a big room of people. Sometimes when I'm chatting with a few friends, I might forget to mention something to someone that I did want to share with them. ~ Tigger's death actually started out as something I shared with only 3 of my close cheezpals, then almost immediately after I posted about it, I got several messages from other cheezfriends, who said they saw my message and were also offering their condolences. It was a really beautiful thing to feel such an outpouring of love and caring from so many friends. ~ Yes, I am feeling better in my heart today. Thank you for asking. :) Lately, I've been dealing with some other things that have made me sad besides Tigger's loss. It's just taken me some time to realize that in the end, I can't change other people, I can only change how I react to them. I'll have to work on putting up some thicker skin around some people, but hopefully even the awareness of what's going on and how it affects me will help me deal with it better. ~ Reading your messages brings your happy energy into my life, and I hope I can return the favor to you. But for now, I'll have to settle for sending you some Valentine's Flowers. I hope they will bring a smile to your face, as you have done for me. *much hugz & lubs 2 u* MelB

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By Rainbow_Dash_The_Awesome on Feb 16, 2011 at 8:11 PM

Can I trade you something for a Snowcats? Please, you do have six, after all.

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By momchan on Feb 13, 2011 at 5:57 PM

Ohai dragonsbridge! Fankees ur teh Rickroll, it wuz a berry nyse supereyez. Ai be keepinz mah iiize owt fur a eggstra stapler fur yew. Hope yu iz feelingz beddur.

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By robinrescues on Feb 9, 2011 at 11:21 AM

Ohai dragonsbridge! I'm just stopping by to say hi, and see how you're doing. ~ Here, I've been struggling with the sads, as I lost my 14 year old kitty Tigger to lung cancer. I'm just trying to hang in there and remember the good times we had, and know that we'll be together again someday. ~ Oh, and I did finally get the thermometer I had been looking for. Let me know if I have any extras you would like to trade for. kthaxbi! *hugs* MelB

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By Kwithie on Feb 7, 2011 at 7:20 PM

dragonsbridge!! Fank q SEW MUTCH for teh kitteh bed-- yu haz kumpleting mai kullektion!! Oooh, ai duz teh happytail danse: danse... danse... prance... and twirlol!

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By robinrescues on Jan 22, 2011 at 5:41 PM

Ohai dragonsbridge - thanks for keeping an eye out for a thermometer for me. I'm sorry you've been struggling with being sick for so long, and I hope this finds you feeling better. I'm so glad we're CheezPals! Have a good Caturday. :)

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By robinrescues on Jan 17, 2011 at 3:32 PM

Ohai dragonsbridge! I hope this finds you doing well. Currently I'm searching for a Thermometer - it's the last retired collectible I need, and I would really like to finally complete my Dr. TinyCat collection so I can get back to enjoying the lolz instead of chasing down retired collectibles. If you come across anyone with an extra thermometer, could you please let me know or send them my way? I'd greatly appreciate it! kthaxbi!

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By robinrescues on Jan 6, 2011 at 9:12 PM

Ohai dragonsbridge. Sorry to hear you're feeling bad, hope you are back to good in no time!

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By Kwithie on Jan 5, 2011 at 7:51 AM

Plz donut werry baot gifting me back, ai lubz to shaerz wif mai frenz wen ai haz fingz to sharez. Butt if yu du gibbingz me sumfing, ai will beez happytail!

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By Kwithie on Jan 5, 2011 at 7:34 AM

Ohai, dragonsbridge! ai gibbingz yu a colektiblol -- eever a ninvizibl sammidge or a Kone of Shame, ai forgitz wich. (Sowwy.)

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