Messages between elizabuff and master-follower

By master-follower on Jan 6, 2016 at 8:45 PM

Happy New Year elizabuff!!

By elizabuff on Nov 24, 2012 at 9:06 PM

Hi dear MF. We're okay - missing Jerry (poor Lolly keeps looking for him) a lot but knowing he's not hurting or lost anymore. It's gonna take some time, but soon we will get another rescue who needs love and a home - Jerry would like that. Hope you are well

By elizabuff on Nov 22, 2012 at 10:09 PM

Jerry is just fading away. We're taking him to the vet tomorrow and let him go peacefully. He can't see, he can't walk, he won't eat or drink. He's done. So hard to say goodbye to such a wonderful friend who has been a part of my life for so long. I am thankful I had the chance to know him,

By elizabuff on Nov 21, 2012 at 11:39 PM

I never will leave his side. He's now curled up next to my tummy and I can feel his every breath. Lolly is sleeping fitfully about 6 feet away and comes to check on him every 15 or 20 minutes. It's very touching. Such wise little beings they are. Bless you for listening.

By elizabuff on Nov 21, 2012 at 11:06 PM

Breathing is shallower and he mews off and on but calms down if I whisper to him softly. This is so hard but it's also an honor - does that sound weird? I just feel privileged that he's allowing me this time with him. It's just so hard to imagine my life without him. But I know he will always be in my heart and soul watching over me.

By elizabuff on Nov 21, 2012 at 9:51 PM

Thank you. He and Ceiling Cat will have a grand time together, I think. As for being proud? I am so proud of JerryG and his will to survive and love and live. He's my hero.

By elizabuff on Nov 21, 2012 at 9:42 PM

He's right next to me and we will stay together as long as he wants. Thanks, dear MF, for looking out for us.

By elizabuff on Nov 21, 2012 at 8:13 PM

Not good. Just had two more convulsions in the last hour. All we can do we are doing (I spoke to his vet a few minutes ago). Thank you so for asking.

By elizabuff on Nov 21, 2012 at 5:40 PM

It's so nice to know you'll be around tonight for us. I can't thank you enough!

By elizabuff on Nov 21, 2012 at 4:25 PM

Thanks, master. Jerry had a big seizure about an hour ago and now appears to be paralyzed. He's not in pain, thankfully. He's snuggling with me in my lap. Breathing is very shallow. I don't think he'll make it through tonight, but who knows with this guy. As long as he's not hurting or scared, I will be okay. Hugs.

By elizabuff on Nov 15, 2012 at 5:44 PM

Funerals are rough. I hope it wasn't someone very close to you because I know how hard that is. You stay strong, too, my master-friend. - buff

By elizabuff on Nov 15, 2012 at 8:16 AM

Wow! What a kind message to start my day!! Thank you so very much. Had a rotten night and your words are a tonic :) I told JerryG and he says MROW (thanks). I came from a pretty rotten family situation and lucked into what I have now so I am extra thankful for that. I'm also lousy at keeping my emotions hidden these days so everything comes blurting out - good and bad. Hey, it is what it is, right? Hope you are well today! - elizabuff

By elizabuff on Oct 8, 2012 at 1:34 AM

We are both doing okay, thanks! Jerry is hanging in there and so am I other than an achy back. WE know Jerry hasn't got long so we spoil him every day and give him as much love as we can. Every extra day we get is a gift, at this point. Thank you so much for asking about us!

By elizabuff on Sep 20, 2012 at 6:10 PM

Thanks so much. My husband is not ready to put Jerry down, so we're in limbo mode. I hate seeing Jerry crash into things because he's apparently blind. I hate hearing him yowl because he's scared and confused. His walk is so wobbly, BUT, he still uses the litter box, if I take him to it...he drinks a little water now and then and eats a little food sometimes and the rest of the time he sleeps. I just give him as much affection as he will allow. Sometimes he knows me and sometimes he doesn't. We're giving him something called Bach's Rescue Remedy for Pets which is a holistic remedy made of flowers and herbs which is supposed to lower his stress - sometimes it seems to help and sometimes it doesn't. Sorry for going on and on...I just hate the idea that he is so freaked. I'm going to make some LOLs because Jerry's sleeping now. LOLs usually help me relax - seeing them and making them. Have a good night, my kind new friend.

By elizabuff on Sep 20, 2012 at 2:09 AM

Thank you do much for messaging me and for your kind offer! This means a lot to me - truly!!

By elizabuff on May 28, 2012 at 4:13 AM

You're most welcome! Enjoy!