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By marathongrrl on Apr 3, 2011 at 10:26 PM

O! Thank you so much for the sofa! Now my set is complete!

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By socalgal262 on Apr 3, 2011 at 10:24 PM

Hi new cheezfren! Heer is the any key marathongrrl promizzed u.

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By marathongrrl on Apr 3, 2011 at 2:49 PM

Opps, will get xtra any key 2morrow.

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By marathongrrl on Apr 3, 2011 at 2:47 PM

Hai emvark! Hao iz u? I wil sen u a any key. Plees to kindlee sen mee a scratched sofa? Kthxbai!

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By robinrescues on Mar 24, 2011 at 10:37 AM

Ohai emvark! I hope all is going well with you. ~ Here we have adopted two new kitties into our family. Belle is a 6 year old female tortie, who gets along pretty well with other cats but is quite shy with people. She's been good with me, but is still shy with my hubby Rob. Pepperoni (aka Peppers, Good Boy) is a 15 year old orange tabby in stage 1 kidney failure. He is a bit stronger personality with the other cats here, but he's very friendly and snuggly with people. So in some ways, they are opposites of each other. So far it's gone pretty well with everyone getting along, and I'm hoping this will all work out. ~ I got an extra today from the new 'Bad Kitteh' set, so I sent you over a Scratched Sofa. It may not look to nice, but it's very comfortable. :) Could you spare your extra Human Heart for me? Thanks a bunch! ~ Take care, MelB

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By minerva99 on Mar 23, 2011 at 10:20 AM

ohai, emvark!! finished with my exam and in the middle of spring break where i finally have managed to catch up with my sleep and get over a bout of the flu. how are things with you?

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By eccarnahan on Mar 22, 2011 at 3:02 AM

Oh, my! Sour Puss & minion!! LMAO! That was just too clever! Good job! =^..^=

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By jcmccauley on Mar 21, 2011 at 8:59 PM

Thank you so much for the congrats! =^..^=

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By zackcat on Mar 18, 2011 at 9:07 AM

Hai again emvark, Thank you very much for the Happy Pie! It's awesome of you. I will keep it in mind to send you any extra new collectible or, as you say, "pay it forward". I have worked a deal for the reindeer antlers so you dan't have to worry about that. Thanks again!!!

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By robinrescues on Mar 17, 2011 at 6:19 PM

Ohai emvark! I'm just stopping by to wish you a Happy St. Patrick's Day! ~ and I love the "Shufflin' off to Buffalo" LOL. I'm originally from that area! ~ Take care, MelB

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By zackcat on Mar 17, 2011 at 9:32 AM

I was wondering if it would be possible to trade you for the Happy Pie or the Reindeer Antlers? I know I don't have anything that you need but maybe I could give you a couple of trading collectibles for each of them?

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By eccarnahan on Mar 17, 2011 at 2:03 AM

So glad you like my unraveled sweater. It was one of my first lolz and truthfully, I didn't think it was one of my better ones. It just tickles me that my stuff is finding its way to the voting pages more and more. Hopefully that means I'm on my way to a FP! keep your fingers crossed! Thanks again! Erin =^..^=

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By zackcat on Mar 16, 2011 at 9:42 PM

Ohai emvark! Thanx for the floofy paw of friendship. It's good to be included in your circle of friends. I'm not much for the lolspeak, I have enough problems with English. I don't think I have any collecribles to trade to you; you seem to be very well set. Anyway, thanx again, see you around the cheez-site!

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By eccarnahan on Mar 15, 2011 at 3:25 AM

Shufflin' off to buffalo!! Oh, I LOVE it! So clever! =^..^=

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By renadee on Mar 13, 2011 at 7:10 AM

Fank u for da congratz! Ets awl bowt da fun an tawkin tu ur frens! Ef u spen ur tiemz wurryin bowt gettin FP's, ur nawt habben tu much fun. Dat's wat ai fink, aniwaiz! Ai keepz sayin iz gon go bak an resubmit da wuns dat didn maek et tu da VP, but ai neber seemz tu habs da tiem! Happee Sunnydai! Hugs and Lub, Rena

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By renadee on Mar 12, 2011 at 4:51 PM

Da werd es congratumalashuns for ur HawtDawg FP! Hugs, Rena

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By robinrescues on Mar 11, 2011 at 10:15 AM

LOL that should have said * "have fun with it" .... geez, I'm glad it's Friday, I need a weekend break. ~ Take care, MelB

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By robinrescues on Mar 11, 2011 at 10:13 AM

:nods: Our tax refund was only $154 this year - pfft! Not really much to get excited about, but at least I'm grateful we got some money back instead of owing money. That's just getting tossed in with the home upgrade and repair fund we keep. Once spring gets here I'm looking at a few improvements to our new home - I want to get a new front door with an attached storm door, heat tape along the roof edge, and track lighting in the kitchen. I'm used to having a storm door, so I really want to have one again so I can answer the door and chat without worrying that one of the kitties will get outside. The lighting in the kitchen is OK, but not really good, so I really want to get track lighting so I can see better when I'm cooking. That should make out home a lot more comfy. :) ~ and let's complete your IW collection shall we? I'm sending you over a Human Heart, have fund with it *giggles* if you could spare me one of your extra Cardboard Boxes, I'd appreciate it. ~ Have a great day, MelB

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By robinrescues on Mar 10, 2011 at 10:52 PM

Thanks so much for the Flowers, I'm glad you liked the Chainsaw. :) and thanks for being so great to trade with. :) ~ I'm getting a pathetic amount back from my taxes, but at least I'm getting something back and I don't owe anything. YAY! hope you are getting a refund as well. :) Take care ~MelB

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By robinrescues on Mar 10, 2011 at 8:46 PM

Ohai emvark! I just got an extra Chainsaw & noticed you were missing it, so I'm sending it over. Be careful with it, it can get ouchy! ~ If you didn't have plans for it, I would love to have one of your extra flowers. ~ I just finished up my taxes on TurboTax last weekend, what a pain that was. I hope all is going well with completing yours. Take care, ~MelB

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