Messages between eyebrowqueen23 and RenaissanceWoman

By RenaissanceWoman on Dec 23, 2009 at 3:09 PM

Merry Happy and Happy Merry!

By RenaissanceWoman on Dec 5, 2009 at 1:08 PM

Y fank u fer aksin! Aiz fyn. Aiz hopez ur fyn 2! (I am buttoning down for the first severe snowstorm of the season, however. We got a few inches of snow in mid-October, but it melted. Tonight, however, we're supposed to get walloped for real. I've got plenty of cat food on hand, so the kittehs will be happy if we get snowed in. There'd be no way I could duck out on them and not give them a warm lap for snoozing on!) I forget where you are--is bad weather headed your way too? This storm, according the the local forecasters, is HUGE.

By RenaissanceWoman on Nov 27, 2009 at 7:56 AM

"make everyone else clean up lol!!" That was the plan, and it worked! I hope you and yours had a wonderful day and that you're recovering from tryptophan overlaod nicely!

By RenaissanceWoman on Nov 25, 2009 at 3:54 PM

My week is going too fast, actually--woke up Monday with a sinus infection (how did THAT happen?), but my pulmonologist didn't make me go see him first--after I described the symptoms, he called in an antibiotic prescription for me. And it's working, but it's wiping me out, which is bad, 'cause I'm supposed to be cooking for the family tomorrow. Nontheless, I'm having a grand time--I love this time of year--the smells coming out of the kitchen practically put me in orbit. Not to mention the kittehs, who are only too eager to "help." I hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm going to go wash my hair and bake the pies tonight. Thinking of you!

By RenaissanceWoman on Nov 24, 2009 at 8:17 AM

By RenaissanceWoman on Sep 12, 2009 at 1:42 PM

"Hai!" yourself!

By RenaissanceWoman on Sep 2, 2009 at 5:55 PM

lol! i wuz told my bunnehs were 2 girls, akshully dey r 2 boys...good ting too!! cuz buns like to multiply!!! Do you remember an old Bugs Bunny cartoon where he's running an adding machine and saying, "Look, Doc! I'm mulitplyin'! I'm multiplyin'!"? My Lucy's fur is as silky as a bunny's--Linus's would be considered so if I didn't have Lucy's to compare it to . . . My two are really big chickens, too--remind me some time to tell you the story of the March afternoon when Linus got out . . .

By RenaissanceWoman on Sep 2, 2009 at 5:52 PM

he's the dumb, disoriented, unbalanced and completely lovable one...piper is the smart preppy princess :) Sounds like you have your own version of Pinky and the Brain (which, for my money, was one of the great TV cartoons of all time . . . and I grew up watching Rocky and Bullwinkle).

By RenaissanceWoman on Sep 2, 2009 at 5:17 PM

Postscript: Lucy doesn't talk a lot, but when she does, it's at full volume; her purr sounds like a Dodge Hemi with no muffler; she's touchy about being cuddly--except when SHE decides it's time to cuddle, of course. Not to mention her "Groucho Marx" mustache.

By RenaissanceWoman on Sep 2, 2009 at 5:15 PM

BTW, when I first adopted them, I was told they were 2 girls--and I didn't check (the Humane Society people know what they're doing, right?)--well, about 3 weeks later, the one with the soft purr, the tiny meow, the pink nose, and the "loves to cuddle" personality started waving its butt in my face, and that's when I realized "that is NOT a girl." Hence the renaming as Linus and Lucy . . . 'cause they pretend to fight like the Van Pelts every chance they get. But they curl up together all the time when no one is looking.

By RenaissanceWoman on Sep 2, 2009 at 5:11 PM

That's Lucy, my green-eyed girl. Linus usually is the front-and-center one, but for some reason, he didn't feel the need to be "king of the world" this time.

By RenaissanceWoman on Sep 2, 2009 at 8:35 AM

Iz onerd 2 b ur Cheezfrend! Linus n Lucy n Iz thkz u fer da rekwest!