Messages between eyebrowqueen23 and cadecat97

By cadecat97 on Jan 17, 2010 at 9:17 AM

hey! wutsup? im SOOOO sorry i haven been on since last year! lol i feel so awkward saying that! but everyone in my family is doin a whole lot better! my uncle's back is almost completely healed, and no one is sick besides the usual cold. how about you?

By cadecat97 on Nov 11, 2009 at 5:35 AM

yea i did, and my aunt came from oklahoma, so i see them and others a lot. the baby and her mom recovered really well. but my uncle's still in pain. he tried to lift the baby and he couldnt...:*( he just loves the baby, and he loves playing with her, but with his back, he can't..:*(

By cadecat97 on Oct 29, 2009 at 5:10 PM

they're over it with no defects!!! im soo happy, and my uncle's back is much better! thanx 4 the prayers, i really appreciate it!

By cadecat97 on Oct 25, 2009 at 11:32 AM

he's been driving and doing a whole lot better, yer right it will take a very long time though

By cadecat97 on Oct 24, 2009 at 5:34 AM

sorta, i have to go to a bake sale 4 the band, but other than that i plan on sleeping and goin to the movies! ohmi gosh, i had pnenomia before, i really hope you get better! my baby niece is 1 and she has swine flu, as does her mom and grandma, and her grandpa broke his back in a car wreck... its sortof a bad siituation, but the baby's gettin over it.

By cadecat97 on Oct 22, 2009 at 5:12 PM

hey wutsup?