Messages between floydfan04240 and lunarmommy

By floydfan04240 on Apr 2, 2010 at 9:02 PM

Oh I think I'd be kinda scared too...but it'd still be REALLY cool! I just wouldn't go outside till it was gone, lol.

By lunarmommy on Apr 1, 2010 at 3:42 PM

no sadly, they is not my pics, was in a email my mom sent me (supposedly a friend of a friend of hers) one of the pics was made into a LOL so I decided to put the rest up for people to see. i'd be too scared if a mountain lion came up onto my back porch!

By floydfan04240 on Mar 22, 2010 at 5:23 PM

OMG are those YOUR pics??? I am SO jealous! THAT would be SO awesome to have a mountain lion sitting on my deck!

By floydfan04240 on Nov 19, 2008 at 11:28 AM

K, I'm doin a survey of all my cheezfriends. What is the ONE lol on the whole site that cracked you up so much that you laughed non stop for more than five or ten minutes, and made your chest hurt from laughing? Please respond by copying the link, if you have it, because as we all know, sometimes lolz don't have a favoriting option. If that's the case, then just describe it to the best of your abilities.