fredsmom's Favorites

Let's Learn A New Word

He can never remember if defrosting a gerbil takes longer or shorter than a hamster, so he has to keep a close eye on it.

A Poem By Echeg5

She Can Be SO Pushy!

Unclear of concept...


Mogs and mugs.

LOLcats: Points Deducted for Lazy Stitching!

Fruit Cocktail

oh hai

O hai - I is big kitteh now I is this many weeks today

gitz back i haz a fierce


Mai naem is Mimi la Montoya. Yoo tuk mai fishie. Prepeer tu becom fedder duster.

I told her not to go blonde,now look what happened !

They want to know if you want the "manny/pedi" for $65 or the Shiatsu for $45


Mom! Put down the smart phone! We need help!

Wunse a mom, always a mom.

i better eat them before they escape. i'm sure mom would not want fish to run wild about the house.

You're right - dey're habing gushy fud without us.

TYCTWD is not a productive day, btw

Labour Day? Hoomin, EBBRY day is Labour Day for us moms.

Hoo iz that Cheezburger purrson named "Unknown"?

Finally, my chance to rescue a fireman stuck in a tree!

Photobomb is for your own good. Oberwise, you only haz a toopid goggie in it.

Dey Make Red Lines, Too

Who should b wearing a sign around their neck - really. Isn't there a Scarlet Letter for this kind of thing? (mornin' of Sep 6/13)

Aih has a sad, mai gud frien venusdemilo is habin a bery bad time wid her knee, her is in a lot uv pain. Pwease keep her in yer pwayers Aih misses her nawt bein on ICHC and aih nao all her friens miss her

And he gave her a little smewch too!