Messages between hello2kitteh and MJKittyMom

By MJKittyMom on Jan 30, 2014 at 9:08 PM

Oh thank you! That's my Romeo. No, not on Facebook. Was on twice and dropped out. Sorry.

By MJKittyMom on Jan 7, 2012 at 6:35 AM

When you get your calendar, make sure to look on Feb. 28th. That's my Roxie!! (Seriously, she made the 2012 calendar!!)

By MJKittyMom on Dec 19, 2011 at 4:35 PM

Thank you! I sure appreciate that!! Merry Christmas!!!

By MJKittyMom on Dec 19, 2011 at 9:32 AM

By MJKittyMom on Nov 27, 2011 at 2:30 PM

having a good, restful day today. thanks 4 all the well wishes! hugs!

By MJKittyMom on Nov 25, 2011 at 3:25 PM

Thanks so much. I appreciate that!! Still in pain.... long recovery time, but I'll get through it! At least I can type, though can't overdo it. Thanks for writing!

By MJKittyMom on Oct 30, 2011 at 5:22 PM

By MJKittyMom on Oct 29, 2011 at 3:46 PM

Hi, My surgery isn't until the 8th, so it's still another 10 days away. But you still can think of me next week if you want to, LOL!! I tore my rotator cuff by moving and lifting a heavy desk. I should have known better. You tend to think you have the same muscles/joints/bones that you remember you had in younger days. Just doesn't work that way!! I'm fine when I am at rest. But it I start doing things, then I have problems. I can lift my arm straight up, but it's the sideway motion that causes pain. You just don't realize all the motions you use! Just getting dressed or opening the car door is painful. As far as Dave, my former fiancee, well, it was a long time ago. It never would have worked. I'm just not cut-out to be a farm girl. I sure do love animals though! But farming is not always 'animal friendly' as I'm sure you know! I'm just happy I was able to get back with my hubby again. Sometimes you have to go through bad things to appreciate the good! So it was all for a reason. I have a pretty good life now. Sounds like you do too!!! Hugs!

By MJKittyMom on Oct 20, 2011 at 7:43 PM

Wow, you really have been busy!! I was engaged to a Belgian horse farmer many years ago. It didn't work out, and we split. Then only 3 days after the wedding date we had chose, he was killed on the farm. Was doing a discing job with his horses, and for whatever reason, he fell off the tractor and the horses went over him. (He was alone at the time) Severed a main artery to his heart. Was a horrible experience for me at the time, but it would have never worked for us. I have a super hubby now, who I've been married to for almost 20 years. You asked how I am now? Well, I'm having Rotator Cuff Surgery on Nov. 8th, so having appointment after appointment in preparation. Blood work, EKG, etc. It will be a LONG recovery time! I had it done in my other shoulder in 2004, and it took 10 months for a full recovery. I have a cat that likes to drape over my bad shoulder too. HELP!!!!

By MJKittyMom on Oct 18, 2011 at 6:11 AM

Wow, that must have been quite a job!!!!!! Are you moving to town?

By MJKittyMom on Oct 8, 2011 at 5:19 PM

Hi!! Thanks so much for the collectible!! Hugs, Mary Jo

By MJKittyMom on Sep 3, 2011 at 4:57 PM

See comments below photo of Sylvia. :-)

By MJKittyMom on Jul 23, 2011 at 6:30 PM

Hi! Thanks for the LOL cat. He's such a cutie!! Yes, it's been very hot here. Went to the fair with a friend, and the sweat was just rolling down my back. I just have 2 jobs tomorrow, then the day is pretty uneventful. I'm looking forward to that!! Have a great Sunday!!

By MJKittyMom on Jul 17, 2011 at 5:38 PM

Thank you for the keyboard cat. Now when my keyboard dies, I will have a replacement, LOL!! Let me know if I have anything YOU need... although I usually share mine when I get more than one. Have a great week!!

By MJKittyMom on Jul 9, 2011 at 1:34 PM

Thanks for telling me that! Guess I'm in a good mood today, as I just made a bunch of 'em. Did you see the waving kitties? I liked that one. Each one looked like they were really playing the part. I have to be in a certain mood to make LOL's. Wow, you must have a green thumb! I like the looks and smell of flowers, but not the work! We have some outside that come up every year, 3 different kinds of Lillies. One set dies, then they are replaced with a different color. Kind of fun to watch this time of year. The previous owners planted them. Don't work TOO hard! -MJ

By MJKittyMom on Jul 3, 2011 at 1:24 PM

Hi, yes, busy pet sitting. Had 3 cat jobs this morning, took a break and went shopping in a bigger city with hubby, now tonight I have two dog jobs. Tomorrow I have NINE jobs!! I'll sleep good tomorrow night!! Thanks for the compliments on my job. It can be challenging sometimes! I give diabetic cats insulin shots too! Never thought I could do it, especially since I would pass out at the sight of a needle when I was young! Things sure change when you get older! I still don't like needles for myself, but can handle them a little better now. Guess you haven't my posts lately. I have one client who is in Germany and she asked me to care for her two cats for 19 days. She also asked me to feed a stray outside. So to make a long story short, she decided to show up with Pops and 5 babies!! They are still pretty little. My client, who I can e-mail while gone, didn't know a thing about it! Boy does she have her work cut out for her when she gets home, finding homes for everybody!! Have a great day! Oh.... yes, have been getting the collectibles, just not the ones I need!!

By MJKittyMom on Jun 15, 2011 at 5:07 PM

Hi, sounds like you had a fun vacation. I'm kind of feeling for an old friend who lost her 30 year old son. Feel so bad for her! Not much else going on here. Busy pet sitting! Hope you have a wonderful summer!

By MJKittyMom on May 21, 2011 at 8:10 AM

Awww, you're sweet! Hope you have a great weekend too! I've notices all the collectibles you've been sending me too. Thanks so much!

By MJKittyMom on May 7, 2011 at 10:38 AM

Thank you! Hubby is taking me to Granite City Restaurant for Sunday brunch, then we're going to see a movie after that. Should be a fun day. Thank you for the Birthday wishes! Have a great weekend!

By MJKittyMom on May 3, 2011 at 3:11 PM

Oh I had a lot of fun during my sale. Our neighbors decided to have a sale that same day too, and it was a community sale so it was a lot of fun! I made over $200, and my husband made close to $100 with just videos and books. It was a good sale!

By MJKittyMom on Apr 30, 2011 at 4:56 AM

Thanks for the congrats. Was a real surprise considering I created that only 3 nights ago! Can't stay on.... garage sale day #2 today. Hope it goes well, extremely WINDY today! Ugh!! Have a good one!!

By MJKittyMom on Apr 28, 2011 at 7:51 AM

Sounds like you are doing the right thing with Casey! What a pretty coat! It's cold today, but is supposed to hit 65 tomorrow! I can't wait. Saturday it's supposed to rain. Hopefully in the afternoon, because more stop by in the AM's. Have a great weekend!!

By MJKittyMom on Apr 27, 2011 at 8:14 PM

I added to your comments after the LOL, but I think I'm on page two!!

By MJKittyMom on Apr 25, 2011 at 8:30 AM

Thanks for the nice message. You were married at about the same age I was. I was a year younger. Were you married before? Do you have children? Our 'cats' are our kids. Have to tell you that I won't be on much this week... I actually have a few days off, and will be getting ready for a garage sale this weekend. We have a community sale going on, so I am going to be a part of it. Wasn't going to, but Hubby wants me to, and it will be nice out for a change, so why not?? Stay warm!!

By MJKittyMom on Apr 24, 2011 at 1:41 PM

Wow, when you send a message, you send a message!!!! I was just out walking a very old Cocker Spaniel. So different than what we've been talking about!! He only 'goes' when he is walked. And he'll only eat his dinner when you sit at the table next to him. LOL!! So you are a farmwife, huh? I came close once. So happy it didn't work out, but not happy HOW it worked out. We decided it wasn't going to work and split up. Three days after our planned wedding 'date', he was killed in a farm accident. Was working with horses, doing a discing job, working alone, and for whatever reason he fell off the tractor and the horses ran over him with that heavy piece of machinery. Was very hard at the time, but since then I was reunited with an old boyfriend, and we've been happily married for over 19 years. You must be very young if you've only been married 2 years. Unless this is a 2nd marriage or you married late. I married when I was 36. Hope you have a great Easter!!

By MJKittyMom on Apr 23, 2011 at 5:37 PM

Hi, Boo huh? We have some good friends that have a Boo dog. She's a White Westie. It's great that you have trained your dog so well. I'm always happy when I know someone's dog has gone through the obedience classes. But to do it on your own is saying something!! One of my clients has a very intelligent English Pointer. It's almost like you described. He will balance a treat on his nose and you can walk around and just leave him like that. He won't touch it till you tell him okay! it's so cute. Yes, I got my Ko-Ko as a kitten. He was only about 6 weeks old when I got him. He was the purrfect cat! Now they won't let them go till they are 10-11 weeks old. I wonder why. I don't think Romeo was weaned early enough. He still has to constantly 'knead'. Then again, it didn't help when he came here to meet Roxie who was about a year old. He tried suckling on her for the longest time. They both were fixed, but it still happened, and she didn't seem to mind! Now they are both pals. Tell me more about YOU!

By MJKittyMom on Apr 22, 2011 at 7:40 PM

Will try to write tomorrow. Very busy day today. So tired!! Thanks for the nice messages!!

By MJKittyMom on Apr 20, 2011 at 8:21 PM

My brother has a Yellow Lab. But he hasn't been trained right, as he loves to jump on people. He's not a small dog either, so it isn't much fun. Did you ever see 'Marley and Me'? I'll bet if you did you cried at the end! To me it's worth watching, it was such a good movie!! Since it was a true story, you have to figure it's going to be a sad ending. I like the way your cat adopted you. When I found my previous cat Ko-Ko, I got him at a pet store. He crawled up my arm with his sharp claws! But he was so sweet, and so pretty, I just had to take him. He ended up being the best cat I ever had. All was safe, as long as he was in my arms. I have a picture of us when I tried to go outside with him while it was raining. He had a paw on each side of my neck, and his head up against mine as if to say, "Mom, PLEASE go back inside, I'm SCARED!!" Too cute. He was just like my furry baby. I lost him in 2006 and still miss him terribly. Guess I should dig out that video so you can see him!

By MJKittyMom on Apr 19, 2011 at 5:28 PM

Wow, sound like you have some neat kittehs!! Thanks for sharing your stories with me. Very interesting!! You asked if Roxie talks? She doesn't talk much, pretty much when she is frustrated, like if something is up high and she can't reach it, or if she wants her dinner. Then it is so darned cute!! Have you ever heard the way a Cheetah meows? It's just a real quick 'mew'!! That is what Roxie sounds like. I love it when she talks, she's got such a sweet voice. She is designed like a Cheetah too, where she has really strong shoulder bones, so she does look like a wildcat when she walks. She and Romeo are a difference of night and day. When they play, Romeo dives right in. Roxie likes to watch from afar, then stalk. I like to wiggle my finger under a throw rug we have. She will stalk that, then jump on top like a bunny rabbit. So funny!!!!

By MJKittyMom on Apr 18, 2011 at 8:50 PM

I know what you mean. My previous Siamese made it to 17. I still miss him. We used to do the Blue Danube together! I would sing, do-do-do-do doot... And he would answer in his low voice, "mow-mow, mow-mow. It was so cute!! Well, he didn't hit every note, but he did pretty good!! I have a video of it someplace. My Romeo, the Siamese I have now, has a voice like no other!! It's high and crackily!! When he starts chasing around with Roxie, then it gets low sometimes. Siamese are special, but I sure have grown attached to my Bengal too. She's a sweetheart! Take care, it's fun chatting with you!!