Messages between honeycakerabbit and DrGizmo

By DrGizmo on Mar 15, 2012 at 6:49 AM

Fankees :) :) if ai'm onnist, it's nawt mai furst choyse uf career, but it *is* a gud jawb wif gud promotion prospects adn an otay starting salary, adn ai jsut canut put mai lyf awn hold enny longur wayting fur an accydemic jawb! Noa we can get a gnu mortgij, moov tu a nyser playse, adn start tu fink abowt haffing bebbehs uf ower own :) aihopeso ebberyfing am going well wif yoo adn wisch yoo awl teh best uf lukk wif finishing awf yur own PeeAitchDee! {{{{{hunnybunny}}}}}

By honeycakerabbit on Mar 13, 2012 at 4:54 PM

Oh mai, dat is grate gnus! Congratulashuns!!!! Sry for teh layt reply. So happy to hear u can has a job u likes! University admin sounds grate -wishin u teh bestest of starts for teh gnu career an gnu life! I know u'd do a grate job at whutebber it wud b u were doin, but all teh moar ifn its whut u reely want! I'z still mullin over whuttodo aftur teh PhD -silly fing to do, since I'd bettur get to finishin it instead ;). {{{DrGizmo}}}

By DrGizmo on Mar 6, 2012 at 5:24 AM

Ohai hunnybunny! Yoo's nebber gess gottid offered two jobs yestyerday!!! Ai been serching serching serching fur munfs awn end, adn nuffing, adn noa two in wun day! I took a reely inturesting jawb in yooniversity admin, doing awl teh organising and admin fur running a bisiness programme adn ai starts in a cupple uf weeks! Oh, fianlly, a gnu start tu a gnu career adn teh rest uf mai lyf :) ai's sew glad tu heer yoo am happy adn ebberyfing am well in teh hunnybunnyfamblee :) *schmoooos*

By honeycakerabbit on Mar 5, 2012 at 11:46 AM

{{{{{{{DrGizmo}}}}}}}} Flai-bai hugging! I misses u a lot, butt I guess we am bof rather busy wiff RLS. Happy on mai side, tho, hope u am doin well!

By DrGizmo on Sep 22, 2011 at 5:12 AM

Ohai hunnybunny! Fank yoo sew berry muchly fur mai ossum fastfuds happycat! Hee am teh bestist! Ai haf sending yoo a nalarm clok - much less ufn ai'm afrayd, adn sumfing yoo proburblee donut need wif a bebbehbunny lol :) lawts uf lubs tu teh hole famblee! *schmoo*

By DrGizmo on Sep 8, 2011 at 4:27 AM

Oahi hunnybunny! Ai jsut wantid tu belaytidly fank yoo berry muchly fur teh kollektiblol yoo sendid wilst ai wus away! :D

By honeycakerabbit on Jul 21, 2011 at 4:49 AM

Ohai DrGizmo! Fanks for teh burfday wishes. An congratyoolayshuns on teh graduation! I has suuuch a prowd of u -an such an impressed! schmoooooz!

By DrGizmo on Jul 18, 2011 at 3:06 AM

Happee belaytid burfing day tu yooo, deer hunnybunny!

By DrGizmo on Aug 12, 2010 at 5:57 AM

wow, frum yur dedicashun ai fort yoo must bee neer teh end - ai is embarrised tu say dat it wus onlee teh feer uf haffing tu submit sune, ravur in elebenty munfs, dat mayd mee relly get down tu it...wif yur attichude, yoo is gunna finish in no tymes at awl! *dus a littlol cheerleeding dans fur honeybunny* GO GO GO!

By honeycakerabbit on Aug 12, 2010 at 12:36 AM

Fanku so much, DrGizmo! Akshoolee, I'z kwite far frum teh last stayjis of teh thesis... I'z riting papurs, not wun big thesis, an I'z only bizzy wiff teh notsekkund wun. Ifinkso I will try teh 5-minnit-reward-break when I has fownd mah payce agin. Butt I keep lukkin in ebbry so offen! Miss u! {{{DrGizmo}}}

By DrGizmo on Aug 5, 2010 at 11:42 AM

ohai, honeybunny! ai jsut wannid tu wish yoo luklukluk wif teh last stajis uf yur feesis. YOO CAN DOO IT! its a gud ideya tu aboid teh innerwebs ifn dey distractify yoo - ai maiself find dat 'micro-breaks' (5mins oar so) afta ebbery 30 mins oar sew of werk halp me tu keep going fur longur in teh day, butt (!) we awl haf brayniums dat werk in differint ways :) do wat is rite fur yoo adn ai will bee at teh front uf teh lyn tu gibs yoo a biig congrachulatory hug wen yoo has finisht! {{{honeybunny}}}

By DrGizmo on Mar 10, 2010 at 4:39 AM

Ai lubs tu du teh teechin tu! sum groops be bedder dan overs, fur shur, butt (!) ifn ai cud get a leckturin job wun dai adn du teechin/reserch fur teh rest uf mai lyk, ai wud hav teh huuuujist happitayl yu eber did see! ai onlee dus for howers per weekweekweek uf acshual teechin, but der is awlsew teh prep adn teh plannin adn teh werks owt as much mor dan for howers, dats fur shur! How be yur thesis coming alowng? Ai has such a sadd fur yu had ys has tu say gud-bai to Moritz, butt (!) it sownds lyk he wil be going tu a happi hoam adn dat is a bery beeg gift yur gibbing tu him {{hcr}}

By honeycakerabbit on Mar 9, 2010 at 5:51 AM

Ohai Gizmo! U sownds liek a berry bissy almost-dr! I lubs to do teh teeching, butt I noe nawt ebbrybuddy does -and I dusn't do a lot awf it, we dusn't has mennee students, so I kin (shud, akshoolee...) spend awl mah time doing mah thesis. *sigh* Abowt Moritz: Well, him will b gitting a gnu frend, two, akshoolee, butt for that him will go to a gnu home *sigh*. It's sad, but I live a long-distance marrij, and getting a gnu rabbit wud jest be stoopid. A berry nice colleeg sed she wud try whether her two wud liek him as a gnu frend. He will have a lot of room there to hop and jump, more than he has now, and I'm shure it's the best foar him. It's sad foar me, butt it's gonna b ok. We'll jest have to wait until teh spring finallee cums and Moritz sheds his winter fur, b'cause the gnu home is indoors. Hugs, hcr

By DrGizmo on Mar 3, 2010 at 1:06 PM

Ai did lyk teh storee, berry much indeed. ai had teh leekee eis, butt (!) it was a happee kynd uf sadniss, knowin dat der reely cud be such a happee playse dat awl owr furree companyuns can be happee after dey leve owr whirld. Ai has a sorry day Moritz has been sooper shy, butt (!) hope he carrys on gitting bedder. yu sed he wont be lonely fur lowng - will he be gitting a new frend? if sew, teh noo bunnee will be luky tu hab such a loving companyon as yu! Ai be doing bery well, fankoo - ai just haf lots uf teachin on top of mai part-tym job adn sum article dedlyns tu. eben tho ai've finishd teh theesis, ai still haf a millyun fings tu do?! mayks no sens tu meh! ai defend in may - eeep untill den! {{{hcr}}}

By honeycakerabbit on Mar 3, 2010 at 9:20 AM

Ohai Gizmo! Fanksalot for ur berryberry sweet messij! Iz glad u liked teh storee. Ifinkso Maxy b doin well nao. And Moritz is gitting better awlso. Him wus berry shy (even moar than ushal) lately, butt hims curiosness is cumin bak. I has a releeved. Hims nawt gonna b lonely foar berry lawng, jest has to deel wiff it for sum moar weeks. I hope uz doin well despite teh much wurk? Has u defended awlreddy? Ifn nawt, I keeps mah fingurs crossed foar u! {{{Gizmo}}}

By DrGizmo on Mar 3, 2010 at 8:38 AM

ohai, hcr! ai has been bizzybizzy in RL wif lots of pleh werk, sew ai didnt see yu tu say how bery, bery sorry ai wus tu here abowt yur beloved Maxy. wen ai red yur beeyutiful story ai had teh leekee eis, oyesh ai did! but it wus a lovely tribute tu hur adn she will live on in cheezland thru yur beeyutiful werds {{{hcr}}}

By honeycakerabbit on Nov 19, 2009 at 4:38 AM

aaaaawwwwwwwwwww!!! Teh bebbe BC! I lubs her! *titens CHRG*. Sum day I hopes I will b adoptified by a BC awlso. Sum day!

By DrGizmo on Nov 18, 2009 at 10:26 AM

lol! sorry ur alolmost maykin yu splort! titen yur CHRG adn check mai profyl - ai jsut added a pikchur uf teh bebbie bc :) she's a littlol scarded in dis pikchur butt (!) she's reely getting trusting adn frendly now, yippee! :)

By honeycakerabbit on Nov 18, 2009 at 10:09 AM

Ohai Gizmo! Fanks foar aksepting mah rekwest! Ur kittehs, them b very kyoot awlso! And u awlmost maded me splort by talking of teh baby BC. Mah weekness foar BCs, let me show u it! :) Will u upload sum pikshurs?

By DrGizmo on Nov 18, 2009 at 10:03 AM

hi honeycakerabbit! fankees fur adding meh as yur frend :) yur pics uf yur bunnies are bery kyoot aifinkso!