Messages between horselover123 and JeffMurdoch

By JeffMurdoch on Dec 31, 2010 at 11:19 AM

Ohai! This is my 1st turn of teh year on ICHC. Thx u for being my cheezfriend & thx for all teh LOLs! Lemme wish u all the best for 2011 - Happy Nu Year! >>> <<< Greets & Hugs ~ Jefferson

By JeffMurdoch on Nov 29, 2010 at 12:15 PM

Hi there! This morning I read the news, and I too was shocked to discover that Leslie Nielsen has passed on. The Naked Gun movies, The Naked Pistol series and most of his other tv and cinema appearances are on my all time favorite list. +++ This man has brought so much joy, laughter and unbridled silliness into the world... It's such a shame that he too was subject to the fate of mere mortal men. +++ But he will live on, and I'm sure that his life's work will be duly appreciated! Without him, our sense of humor wouldn't be what it is today. +++ Melancholy greets from a sad JeffMurdoch +++ P.S. My dear cheezfriend "kingjasper" made a kind of farewell lol for our hero. Of course, it's not a "lol" at all, but I'm sure he would have understood & appreciated it.

By JeffMurdoch on Nov 9, 2010 at 2:10 PM

Ohai thar cheezfriend! This is the >>> MONTY PYTHON THEME WEEKEND <<< conclusion LOL (plz to read teh comments plz!!!): +++ (invitation LOL, see comments for all the submissions: +++ Greets, Arthur Lemming, speshul investigator, B.D.A.

By JeffMurdoch on Oct 25, 2010 at 1:06 PM

O hai cheezfriend! Jambuzz & JeffMurdoch is inviting U to a frenzy of British humour. It's... ... ... MONTY PYTHON THEME PARTY - 30/31 OCTOBER! >>> <<< You know there's a little Brit trapped inside you, and this is YOUR chance to let him(rawr!)/her(meow!)/it(wut?) out. +++ Just make a Python related LOL and post the link in the comments to this invitation or send it to jambuzz or JeffMurdoch. +++ The submissions with the highest cheezscore & the most favouritings will be awarded a speshul price. And no cheating plz! +++ Yours sincerely, Arthur Lemming (British Dental Association) +++ Ur birf dayz 1 day after mine!!!