Messages between horselover123 and Len314159

By Len314159 on Apr 24, 2011 at 10:50 AM

Hey, Cheez-pal, I haven't talked to you in a long time. How's things? How is school and horseback riding? How are your animals (I don't exactly remember what they are.....there's no info in your profile now. How is math class? What are you working on now? It's been a cool wet Spring in the Boston area. This past week was school vacation, so math tutoring was pretty slow. I have a few students that I usually see most weeks. Not too much exciting stuff up here. So, hope you are doing well. Drop me a line when you can. --Len

By Len314159 on Dec 23, 2010 at 10:14 AM

Hey, how are you? How's things in the garden state? Do you have snow down there. We have had a bit of snow in Boston just in the past few days. Is today the last day of classes before vacation? How are your classes going? How is your horseback riding? My math tutoring has pretty much stopped until after the vacation. Are you traveling for the holidays? Did you send Santa your Xmas list? Let me know how you're doing. TTYS!! --Len

By Len314159 on Dec 12, 2010 at 4:09 PM

Belated happy birthday to you!! I hope you had fun!! How are Bella and Eddie and Sunny? --Len

By Len314159 on Dec 5, 2010 at 9:02 AM

Hai!! Your ride on PJ sounded nice. The baby cows must have been really cute. I don't like hunting either. Maybe you should be wearing an orange vest when you ride if it's hunting season in NJ - seriously!! In New Hampshire and Vermont in November and December, you hear lots of gun shots and I always wonder if the people with the rifles know what the hell they are doing!!! The only things I kill are mosquitoes and ticks. So tell me the subject in school you dislike the LEAST - there's gotta be one. Take care, Len

By horselover123 on Dec 4, 2010 at 11:04 AM

ya i hate school but i'm stuck with it...LOL. anyway the horse game is really cool there are blogs and stuff too. look for Vetgirl, that's me! Anyway, i rode P.J., a really gentle gelding, and when i was on the trail, 2 baby cows walked out of the woods! i was like... "what?" it was so weird...Mrs. Farneski says they always get out...and the worst part was i could hear gun shots behind me on the trial. i hate hunting... :(

By Len314159 on Nov 29, 2010 at 9:18 PM

Yo-yo-yo cheez-pal!!! Nice to hear from you. Glad to hear you are busy. I'll take a look at your game, though I am not into horses like you are - I just like to give them carrots and apple slices and pet them. That's great that you found a place to ride, and its also your best friend's mother. How are all your animals? Bella, Eddie, Sunny, and of course your all time favorite - Nibbles the G.P. How are you and Nibbles getting along? So what's wrong with school? What's the subject you like the most? What's your second favorite subject? What are you doing in math and science? And social studies? Remember - if you need any math help anytime at all, just let me know, OK? You take care. I hope Tuesday at school is a great and interesting day for you. Your pal, Len

By horselover123 on Nov 29, 2010 at 1:55 PM

heyo! sorry i haznt been on n a little while, but i discovered this cool game... you should really try it. you get your own horses...and theres blogs and a chat room. by the way, scools boring and stupid as usual...! oh and i finally found a riding place. it's my friends house and her mom teaches me. she's in the same grade as me, and she's my BFF!

By Len314159 on Oct 21, 2010 at 8:02 AM

Hey cheez-pal, how are you? How is school going? Do you like your classes and teachers? Which class do you like the most? I hope you have friends in your classes. How is your 4-H project going? Are you having fun? I'm doing math tutoring, I have 5 students right now. Some weeks I see one or two more kids; some weeks, one or two less. Trying to get more students. Anything else fun going on with you? My offer of math help is still available. If you have any questions about classwork or homework or whatever, just send me a message, anytime. Keep in touch. --Len

By Len314159 on Sep 22, 2010 at 11:28 AM

Hey, how are you? What's going on? How's school? Do you like your classes and teachers? Any favorites? And how's lunch at school? How about 4H - has that started yet? I just have a couple of students to tutor. Trying to get more. Keep in touch, OK? I was in NJ a couple of weeks ago. TTYS?

By Len314159 on Sep 13, 2010 at 8:40 PM

......correction to last message - my cousin who does horseback riding is a junior in high school , not college.

By Len314159 on Sep 13, 2010 at 8:38 PM

Hey, how are you doing? How has school been? How are your classes? Are the teachers good? What's your most favorite class? What's your least favorite class? How is lunch in school? How are your various animals? Anything happening with horses? I just got back from the state of NJ, visiting relatives in Springfield. One of my cousins is really into horseback riding. She's a junior in college. I was on the NJ Turnpike - yea!! It was pretty hot on a couple of days down there. Cooler back in Massachusetts. I don't have many students to tutor yet, but I'm hopeful. So, keep me posted. ttys! --Len

By Len314159 on Sep 7, 2010 at 8:43 AM

Hey, no problem....hope you have a great first day at school. Let me know how you like your teachers and the different subjects. TTYL.

By horselover123 on Sep 7, 2010 at 4:09 AM

school starts today. i'm sorry about the short message, but i was tired that day.

By Len314159 on Sep 5, 2010 at 3:26 PM

"No" - that's it? That's the entire message? I sent you a longer message before the one asking about 4-H........

By horselover123 on Sep 5, 2010 at 1:41 PM


By Len314159 on Sep 5, 2010 at 12:47 PM

Has your 4-H work started yet?

By Len314159 on Sep 5, 2010 at 12:45 PM

Hey, how are you doing? What's been happening? Has school started? Or does it start this coming week? How are Bella and Eddie and Sunny? And I can't forget to ask about Maddie and her lovely g.p. Nibbles - how are they doing? Is it cooler there? It cooled off here, sort of, on Friday and more on Saturday. We got just glanced by the hurricane. Are you reading anything good. I got a great book recommendation from "horse5". It's a little scary but good. Maybe you read it already. Well, keep me posted on how you are doing. ttys!

By Len314159 on Aug 31, 2010 at 9:32 AM

Hey, what's going on? How are you doing? I can't remember - does your school start this week or next week after Labor Day? Keep cool!! ttyl

By Len314159 on Aug 30, 2010 at 10:15 AM

I like your new profile header. I changed mine too! When does your 4-H activity start? Have you had to read any books for school over the summer? Or have you read some books just for fun? At your age, I used to read just science fiction stories and comic books. My reading got more diverse as I got older.

By Len314159 on Aug 30, 2010 at 8:14 AM

I didn't know about the new profile headers. I didn't see any little note from the cheez-techs about it. Thanks for letting me know!

By horselover123 on Aug 30, 2010 at 6:55 AM

hey, did you know that there are new profile headers? just changed mine. ;)

By horselover123 on Aug 30, 2010 at 6:22 AM

ya, it's cool. sis' doesn't have many pics to caption. she usually comes in my account and uses those.

By Len314159 on Aug 29, 2010 at 2:07 PM

Hey!! 4-H sounds great. Of course I've heard of the organization, but I never knew exactly what is involved when you are in 4-H. I think taking care of a horse will be a great experience for you. And I bet the horse will like you. I hope something will click with one of the riding stables. I'll check your sister's LOLs and pics again to see if there are any I can favorite or make a LOL from. Take care!!

By horselover123 on Aug 29, 2010 at 11:57 AM

signed up for 4-h. it's this thing where you get to care for a horse... it's really cool. they have this 4-h fair every year in augest. you get to care for the horse there and show it... it's free... but you can't ride the horses so i need to find a riding stable.

By Len314159 on Aug 27, 2010 at 3:25 PM

Hey what's going on in your corner of the world? It was warm today in New England. I'm guessing your state was even warmer. What have you been up to? Anything new? I haven't looked at yours or your sister's LOLs today, but I will. Are you reading anything interesting? You take care, OK? -- Len

By Len314159 on Aug 26, 2010 at 2:58 PM

Your sister friended me. I sent her a message and I favored some of her LOLs. I also made a LOL out of two more of your pics. I'm glad you and horses5 are friends now. Viva New Jersey! TTYS!!

By Len314159 on Aug 26, 2010 at 2:58 PM

Your sister friended me. I sent her a message and I favored some of her LOLs. I also made a LOL out of two more of your pics. I'm glad you and horses5 are friends now. Viva New Jersey! TTYS!!

By horselover123 on Aug 26, 2010 at 12:58 PM

ya... helped her make her new account today. ;) be nice to her... she's a little... how do you say... shy, in a way. caption some more of my pictures! and she loaded one with eddie in it. (the dog)

By Len314159 on Aug 26, 2010 at 12:55 PM

I sent a friend request to your sister. She has some funny LOLs.

By horselover123 on Aug 26, 2010 at 9:35 AM

ya, he had a photo shoot today. look on my dashboard and look for cheesemouse as a new friend. she's my little sister. she wants more friends... so thanks. caption some more of the pictures i downloaded! including the stinky guinea pig! ;)