Messages between iluvchocolate and MsKittykittyPusspussMeow

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Jan 6, 2012 at 7:19 PM

Ohai n shcmooches n hedbonks tu yu too ilc!! Ai wuz bery eggsited tu heer frum yu adn to catch up on awl yur news!! 2 new gerbils - how exciting is that - sounds like you've given them a wonderful n healthy new home!! Please give Spike n Otto a big cuddlol frum me - I've never seen let alone played with one, but I bet they aer real cute!! Great to hear too taht Mike iz bak from his time away - no doubt you've both had lots to catch up on! All is well here too, thankfully! Millie n Mojo stil keep us amused with their love/hate antics! I think ov you often n wonder how you're going, I am a bit slack at tiems with staying in touch, but know that you are always in my thoughts (gawd, that sounds a bit like a Hallmark card!) Please give Mike and the kids, both hoomin n furry a big hug frum awl ov us down here in Oz! Heer's tu a happy n healthy 2012 Amy! Luv you like a littlol kid luvs chonklit!! xoxoxo Ms M.

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Aug 26, 2011 at 10:57 PM

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>beems ov gud lukk!! >>>>>>>>>>>!! xoxox

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Aug 26, 2011 at 10:54 PM

Ohai ilc! Yur messij almost haz mai eyz leeking coz yu iz herting but at teh saem time yu aer so so determeined tu do wot haz tu be dun - mai teers aer bofe happy n sad wuns. Yur strengf n determinayshun amazes me! N yu aer puttin so many positibe vibes bowt wot yu wants tu hab happen, dat ai iz SURE dat it wil1! N yu menshun diz werd wot starts wiffa 'M' - izzit teh kinda werd dat ens in 'arriage'?! coz dat wud be jus so lubly!!!! Mike sounds like a good man, n ai daon meen dat litely eever, they aer few n far between, n ai is prayin dat fings wil werk out jus perfektly fer teh 2 ov yu! Hab a grate weekend sweet ilc n pleez tu gib yurselb a big hug frum me n wun eech fer yur kidlets n a big 'hello' down the phone to Mike too!! oxoxoxxo

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Aug 20, 2011 at 7:17 PM

{{{{{iluvchocolate}}}}} Mai spidey senses must hab bean tingling coz ai hadda feeling sumfing wuz up n ai iz reel sorry dat ai dinnit act on tehm n git in touch wif yu sooner. *big hugs* Ai haz an amazed taht yu kin stil do yur studies so wel while yu aer feeling so sad n skeert tu leeb hoem - yu iz stil functioning wif yur deprest - naow dat iz nawt eezy tu do ilc! ai reely hoep yu n yur gorjis chonklit man kin werk it owt - yuze aer both so good fer eech other butt (l) at teh saem tiem, yu gotta use tuff love tu halp eech other too - so nawt an eezy thing to do! ai wish ai cud reech owt n give yu both a big hug. Ai hav bean gitting better ebry week or so now dat teh doc n ai werked owt wot lebel ov meddycayshin ai shud be on - ai hav coem to accept taht ai need tu taek teh tabbies ebry day n taht it iz nawt a sine ov weeknis tu do so - ai big fing for me ai kin tel yu! ai start bak as a swimming teecher soon so taht wil be gud too - both fer teh munnies n teh sense ov purpose it gibs me. Hab bean werkin in mai gardin lots too which halps me - Millie n Mojo lov it wen ai am owt there so iz a win win for us all!! remember this old chook frum down under luvs yu heeps n wants yu tu taek wun day atta tiem n tu be kind tu yurselb coz yu iz precious! xoxoxo

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Aug 20, 2011 at 5:31 PM

*runs in wiffa big happy smile n takklols ilc!* Ohai mai sweet chocolate luver - iz sew gudgudgud tu sea yu heer!! iz yu gud, hoaw aer teh studees goin, wotchu bean doing, ai mist ya heeps, hoaw aer teh kidlets, haz yu bean behavin yurself n if yes, WHY!! Schmooches n hedbonks n purrs n eer skritches...... xoxoxoxooox

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Jun 12, 2011 at 7:17 PM

Ohai sweet ilc!! Como esta mai flamenco amigo?! Yu kin speek Spanish n Yiddish - yu iz bery multi lingual aifinkso! we lubs teeching our Chinese frends teh finer poynts ov Ingrish - liek wot iz a 'chik flik'!! ai hoeps teh wevver iz nawt tuu hot fer you all! Iz bery cold (wel, fer us iz cold!) heer larst few dayz butt teh sun shien iz lubly!! Millie iz getting her face on a few LOL's at teh momint - ai hazza blushie prowd ov mai gerl!! Pleez say 'Ohai' tu yur lubly family frum us down heer in Oz! PS ai am plannin on buying a Stargate orf Ebay sew ai kin trabel n meets ebrywun - LOL!! ai wish!! lots ov luv!! xoxo

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Jun 5, 2011 at 10:17 PM

*unkrinks mai nek!* Tres bien mai petite chocolate amie (mai graed 10 Fronch)!! As long as yu doan practice teh spanish inquisition on me!! LOL!! *gibs ilc a gold stikker fer her bueno Spanish!!* ai lernt wot bery littlol Spanish ai noes frum wutching ... 'Passions' - a bery weerd, sik but bery bery funny Merican soapie!! *hugs* xoxoxo!!

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on May 5, 2011 at 9:49 PM

*smaks self in hed, reel hard!* ohai agin ilc! hmmm, ai aint no doktor, butt arfta poring mai sookyhart out to yu, ai dun sum finking bowt how ai be so crazy laytely n gess wot!! ai put 2 n 2 tugevver n caem up wif elebenty!! wel, noe, butt ai fink dis ol chook is going thru the 'chanj' - teh pausing of the men - teh dredded hawt flushes etc!! wil go see mai gorjus dok nekst week, butt rekkun dat is wot him wil say - he iz truly lubbaly n halps heeps wif mai depression, ai'd gib him wun tuu ifn ai cud!! (smaks mai hed agin!). ennyhoo, jus hadda let yu noe bowt mai bwaynwayve - tehy doan happin tuu orfen let me tel yu!! wil let yu noe moer nekst week - sai a prayer tu teh Goddess ov Choklit n Menopause fer me pleeze ilc!! hey, noaw there is a grate idea - choklit cures fer menopause, ai mite be ontu sumfink there!! oxxoo

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on May 5, 2011 at 7:58 PM

Ohai sweet ilc!! ai iz sorree fer taekin so long to git bak to you butt ai seem to be heddin intu a nuvver blue funk at teh momint - why? f@#$d if ai noe coz mai lief iz a blest wun butt mai hed gits a bit crazy ebery now n then!! damn leeky eyz wont stop leekin! *snifs* gots tu git mai fat ar se intu geer n gitta grip - how du you lift yurself up ilc wen sh it hits teh fan? ai aint tuched a choklit since liek, 3 dayz noaw, maebe dats teh prollum?!! sorree agin fer being a sad-sak butt fer sum reeson tawkin wif yu maeks me feel better!! ennyhoo ilc - ai lubbed yur story bowt teh ren fayr n yur danged car - as mai sister n ai wud say (we are a bit naughty mind yu!) - did you gib teh nice toe truk man a 'kwik wun' to sai fanks fer fiksin your car!!! LOL!! hoaw am teh nazi... um, teechers going - iz tehy being eggstra nice tu yu?! ifn yu be habing trubble gittin yur werk dun, kin yu tel em dat yur fer-bebbehs ate it awl1?! taek caer sweet ilc, gib dat hansum nite ov yurs a um, 'cuddil' frum me (slaps mai wrist!!) n tel yur kidlets to be nice tu their mum coz ifn they doan ai wil send a killer kangaroo tu jump on tehir beds!! xoxo Ms whacked Meow!!

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Apr 17, 2011 at 12:55 AM

*pownces wiffa happyniss ontu ilc* *tikkuls her wisskas n eers* *purrs n hedbonks galore!!* ohai ilc!! ai iz bak frum a holly day tu bisit mai fam fer 10 dayz - wuz lubly tu sea dem awl - n ai gots me a few eggstra pounds rownd mai tummy as a soobinear frum eetiing heeps ov yummy noms!! hoaw wuz yur hollydai ilc at teh Ren Fair - wuz a purrty mayden wot dun hadda git reskewed bai yur hansum chonklit man on a trusty wiet steed!?!! LOL!! haz yu started studyin yet - hoaws it going, ai bet yu iz lubbing it!!? Millie iz bringing me lots ov ded n liev meeces intu teh howse tu plai wif! hole ded mice ai kin handul, its the half-mice-wif-gizzards hangin owt ai struggul wif!! ai hoeps yu iz shining liek teh briet lite we awl shud be ilc! kiss yur kidlets, hug yur man & cuddul yur furbebbehs frum dis crazy ol dame frum down under!! xoxo Ms M.

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Mar 16, 2011 at 3:20 PM

boyz wil be boyz wen it coems tu luukin at teh eye candy aifinkso - tel yur boi dat dat iz wy dey haz teh mirrors at teh gyms sew we awl kin sneek a few gud pervs wifowt gittin cort!! hey ilc, yu iz bery mick any cul fer fiksin yur own car liek dat - way tu goe!! ai iz wif yu on dat wun tuu, ai haets tu pai gud munney fer sumfink ai kin du maiselb!! wil try tu rejoin yur websiet agin - ai musna clikafied teh riet button!! lots ov luv n hugs tu yu tuu ilc!! xoxox

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Mar 9, 2011 at 2:17 PM

Ohai sweet ilc!! ai haz chekt owt yur nue website - iz grate n gud on yu fer settin it up!! sew yur boi wants tu go tu teh jim wif hims mumma?! maebe he haz herd dat terhe wil be sum 'eye-candy' fer him tu luuk at wyul he struts hims stuf!! LOL!! xoxo Ms Meow

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Mar 7, 2011 at 7:52 PM

dang taht peksy tiknology fer nawt lettin yu gits teh rite signuls fer teh innawebs ilc!!! ai wud hab tu git orf mai butt n akshually do sumfing liek howsewerk ifn ai cudnt git tu plai on heer!! nawt long tu go noaw fer yur study tu start! ai iz bery eggsieted fer yu tu be startin sumfin new n challengin - maeks teh grey matter werk! n ai bet yur kiddie-winkuls aer keen tu sea tehir mum lerning stuf tuu - yu kin awl du yur skool werks tugevver!! taek caer ilc - n be caerful up n doawn dem pleh stayrs fer yur laundry! xoxox Ms Meow

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Mar 3, 2011 at 8:46 PM

*hedbonks n twerly-tayuls!* Ohai ilc - did yu noes dat teh shelf lief ov choklit iz wun yeer!? hoo in tehri rite myns leevs choklit sittin rownd fer dat long!? ai taek it az mai dooty tu kitteh-kind tu dee vour .. woops, eet choklit asap in caes it goes orf! Haz yu gots awl yur books n pincels n stuf reddy fer yur vet assist. progam yet!? tee hee, nawt long tu goe noaw!! {{{{{{ilc n her famb n her lubly choklit man n her fer bebbehs}}}}}}} ai mis yu on teh LOL's! xoxo Ms Meow

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Feb 22, 2011 at 4:21 AM

{{{hugs n beams}}} ohai ilc!! pleez fergibs me fer nawt riting bakk suuner, ai iz up aginst a dedlyon (?) fer mai assignment, so jus poppin in tu sai 'ohai'! ai wil chat heeps moer suun!! (didju heer dat 'poppin' sownd - wel, dat wuz mee gittin mai pinkie um, owt, soe ai kin git mai werk dun!! hoep dat wuznt tuu nawty fer yu!! xoxoxoxo Ms Meow

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Feb 18, 2011 at 12:53 AM

{{{ilc}}} mai hart iz hertin reedin yur payne ober teh noms ilc. ai cud sit heer adn be a nokshush self-riteshus payn in teh butt noe it awl adn sai awl those wanky fings bowt eet less moob moer. butt wen teh hunga comes frum insied ov us, it iz almoest impossabul tu satisfy. awl ai wants tu do iz reech fru the innaboobs adn hug yu soo tite so dat teh sad kitteh insied yu feels it tuu. pleez tu gib yurselb the big warm fuzzy hugs frum dis ol' ozzie sheila ilc!! xoxox

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Feb 17, 2011 at 3:02 PM

*climbs bak ontu mai 'pooter chayr arfta ROFLMAO!* *axsepts ilc's shamwow n kleens skreen* yu crak me up wif taht imij ov um err, Mike teh 'snaek-charmin' akt!! ai iz soe egsited fer yu going bak tu lernamafy sumfink nue - kin be teh skerry eh, butt yu wil be jus teh bestest at it!! xoxoox Ms Meow Millie n Mr Mojo wants tu noe ifn yu kin do howse cawls wen yu iz kwallyfied tu be therei purrsonal fizzishuns!!

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Feb 12, 2011 at 5:29 AM

*gits owt mai littlol ol laydee kitteh's anti snortee stuf remoober adn wipey wipes ilc's puter skreen awl cleen agin!* yu haz teh awlmoest lubly wevver teher noaw ilc - dat iz sutch gud news tu heer, jus rememmber dat wun fine day dont maek no summer, butt dat it iz otay tu frolik in teh semi-nood fru teh tulip feelds until summa ofisholee gits heer!! LOL! danged bills adn stuf adn cars wot need fixamafying - if sweet natchure wuz gold, yu'd be wun bery ritch kitteh ilc!! stay strong, hab fun in teh feelds adn may yur larder be oberflowin wif .... choklit!! xoxox Ms Meow - did ai eber tels yu bowt teh tiem ai got sprung in teh nudey bai a bisiting Jehova Witness man wun dai!!? naow dat wuz a funny storree!!

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Feb 9, 2011 at 4:30 PM

[[[[[ilc adn her lubly kind hart - oar shud ai cawls it yur 'strawberry-shaept soft-centre!?!?]]]]] lettucs sea, how iz we gunna maeks enuf munnies tu gits tu TTI fer dat cheezmeet?! finks, we bofe haz bery kleen armpits - maebe we cud be teh new armpit moduls fer teh ex-pholiatin compuny?!1! hmmm, maebe nawt, wel haow bowt we gits sponsirred bai a chonklit compuny tu taystee-test awl teh choccies in TTI?!! wot a job dat wud bee fer yu n mee!! ai hoeps yu iz feelin gud (hoo-eber 'gud' mae be!! - sorree ilc, awl dis warm wevver maeks me a bit 'friskee and cheeky!') taek caer, kisses fer yur 2 & 4 -legged famb adn ov corse fer yu tuuuuu!!!! xoxox Ms Meow, Armpit Cween, 1946

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Feb 5, 2011 at 6:40 PM

*wraps up sum nice sultry, warm, sunny-fied air* *gits teh caer-pixies tu flappity flap fly ober tu ilc's wif teh 'sunshien in a can pakij' - fly strayt pixies!!* *woops, fergots tu add in a nice 'hankee-pankee-tankee tawp adn a fully charjd armpit dee-foliator fingee!!* crikey, yu shore iz habing sum cold wevver up teher ilc - iz bery skerry wutchin it on teh teebee brrr!! stae saef sweet-as-chonklit ilc!! schmooch!

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Feb 3, 2011 at 3:50 AM

ai lubs yu ilc!! hoo wudda fort we'd be habing a chat abowt tweeza's adn harey legs adn ... uvver stufs liek dat on a site abowt kittehs!!?? ai hoeps yur littlol kiddie-winkols aer otay arfta teh passing ov Skitzo, adn yu adn Mike ov corse tuu! ai has had a soer sholda fer ajis adn arfta a trip tu teh horsepiddul tu hab it fikst ai kin now shave bofe mai armpits - woo hoo fer mii!! LOL!!!! keep on rokkin adn LOL'ing on ilc!! schmooches!!

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Jan 31, 2011 at 6:08 PM

Oh, deer deer darling littlol Skitzo, y did yu haz tu cros teh bridj, wuz yu sik oar sad oar sore?! Yu mummy adn daddy adn littlol bro adn sissy will miss yu so bery mutch. ai hoeps dat now yu be in teh meadow wif awl teh uvver kittehs adn hammies adn be running arownd liek a bebeh hammie agin. pleez tu sai ohai tu mai big bebbeh brown goggie - he wil lub yu heeps adn taek yu fer rieds on hims bakk!! xoxo Millie Hey there ilc, that is sure sad news, but extra sad that you adn Mike have tu help yur littlol girl thru this too - please remember tu set aside some time fer your own grieving too. my heart goes out to all of you. xoxo Ms Meow

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Jan 30, 2011 at 8:41 PM

^ ^ < O O > o ~^~ dis iz mii wiffa moosestash - yu noe haow it iz going fru teh chanj - stuf groes wear it neber used tu be!! xoxo Ms Meno-paws Meow!!!!!

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Jan 30, 2011 at 8:17 PM

{{{{{ilc}}}}} *wif a choklit on tawp!* ai noes wut yu meens ilc, sum dayz ai cud jus slap sumwun oar eet a choklit hawse oar hied unna teh bed fer teh hole weak! tank gudnis fer awl mai cheezypeepstar-frends, Mr Meow adn Millie - mai deer deer poor Mummycat had teh plehs soo soo bad she wud in teh hawsepiddul fer monfs at a tiem, tehy were bery skerry places wen ai wuz a kidlet - so ai truly unnastands teh pleh's adn how mutch tehy hert. plz taek caer deer sweet ilc! so, yu almoest has teh LOL dubblol in yur own town eh - she mus be a bery lubly kitteh tuu aifinkso!! xox Ms slitely wakked in teh hed Meow!!

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Jan 27, 2011 at 5:02 AM

*hedbonks adn snorglols* Ohai ilc!! ai reely hoeps yu be feeling supa-dupa gud tudai1! Sumtiems wen ai hazza cranky, Mr Meow cawls it 'SOL' - habing 'Sh@#t on teh Liver'!! Dats wen teh reel fiting starts!! xoxo Ms Meow teh cranky ol cow!!

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Jan 26, 2011 at 2:42 AM

Wif oar wifowt Mike um, 'assisting' yu!?? Noaw dat wud be a innaresting site fer yur nayburs tu see frue teh window - teh bakyum kleener, den yu, yur 'gerls', den Mike!! *sends ilc a big skweezy hug wif ob corse, choklit on tawp, frue teh inna-boobs (tee hee!) Happee howse werk ilc!! xoxo Ms Meow, teh nayburhood gossip!!

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Jan 26, 2011 at 2:07 AM

Part tue!! ...peeps dat ping yu orf!! xoxo Ms Hungree Meow

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Jan 26, 2011 at 2:06 AM

*haz a gigglol at teh thort ob ilc wrasslin wile trying tu put 'teh gerls' inna bra!! ai bean letting teh gerls swing free lately - tuu hard tu rownd 'em up adn tehn hog-tie em down!! wen ai wuz at skool wii used tu cawl bra's 'over shoulder boulder holders!!' ai iz sad tu heer dat yur Mr Choklit-Man be sikk wif teh flue - pleeze tu gib him a big skweezy hug frum mii adn ai'll send him sum heeling thorts! ai noes wut yu meens abowt spendin lots ob teim on LOL's n ICHC - ai git a bit obsessive bowt it adn hafta tiem maiself owt! ai woked up teh uvver niet adn mai nawt sekund thort wuz tu chek if enny wun had favoured my LOL's - noaw dat iz a bit tragic aifinkso!! ai lubs yur LOL's bai teh way ilc adn ai favrits tehm tu, so ai hoeps tehy gits onteh FP fer yu soon! ai kranky noaw, Mr Meow won't go owt adn bye mi sum chonklit adn icceeekreem - wil havetu rummage fru teh freeza fur sum prehistoric leftobers - wish mii lukk! Stay happee deer ilc adn keep flippin dat berd at peeps dat p

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Jan 22, 2011 at 9:13 PM

*hedbonk* 'tis a pleezure mai treezure!! Kapshun away!!! xoxoxooxoox

By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Jan 22, 2011 at 6:30 PM

Dang ai runned owt ob spayce on mai larst poest n ai rote sum lubly stuf dat ai carnt memmber naow! aifink ai wuz tawkin bowt being basikally krazee in teh hed adn how mush yur missage cheered mi up dis morning! yu noe, blah blah blah abowt teh sads butt how gud cheezland adn awl teh peeps aer fer teh soul!! ennyhoo mai deer chocolate luvver, pleeze taek caer, giv yur fer-bebbehs a cuddlol frum mai Millie Moo Moo adn ov corse a big skweezy hug fer yu adn yur boi-kitteh man!! xxoox Ms Meow teh slitely wakked owt butt doing okay!!