Messages between inspiredbychaos and Kissankello

By Kissankello on May 17, 2012 at 8:37 AM

Hi Chaos So you are soon at work. So nice you got a job. Hope you get some vacation before school. Two years is a long time but its worth investing for future. Wow, that dog racing must be a happening ! And the more exciting with your friends dogs racing too. Our seasons are a blessing or a curse. Its lovely to see how the nature wakes up in spring. And if the nights are totally dark in autumn so its nice to sip some wine, nomming the chocolate, maybe reading or something. We had one week vacation, we went to movies, saw the film Battleship. At first i thought it could be just fighting but at the end it was quite touching. Last week we had a course at ship and visited Tallinn, Estonia. More candies and and chocolate. Good luck to your work. Im sure you get along very well. Have a lovely weekend and happy spring!

By inspiredbychaos on Apr 28, 2012 at 2:55 PM

Hey Kissankello! Glad you had such a lovely Easter. Visiting the candy factory sounds really fun too! That is cool that the birds are coming back to the cottage. Must be great to get such different seasons! We have very mild winters here so it doesn't snow much if at all. Where are you planning to travel next? I have just a week left of school and then on May 18 I go to Dallas (3 hrs away) for 10 weeks for my consulting internship. Crazy to think I'm nearly halfway done with my program at school! But it is only 2 years so it's pretty short to begin with. Today my fiance and I went to Buda (a small town 20 min away) for their annual Weiner Dog Races. It was so funny to see all the daschunds running in the little track they painted in the field! There are videos on YouTube if you are curious about it. One of our friends' families was racing their two dogs-- it was fun to see them. All in all they said there were 600 dogs at the festival and probably 200+ were racing! Hope you have been well!

By Kissankello on Apr 16, 2012 at 7:07 AM

Hi Chaos So nice to hear about you! Im always so slow to answer so You have absolutely no reason to be sorry about the delay. I understand school takes lots of time. Not to mention the wedding plannings, hope you dont get stress :) My easter was quite relaxing also, at saturday we went to a lovely small restaurant at sea coast. There is a buffet with extremely good food, several fish dishes for start, lamb as main course etc. And last weekend we visited a candy factory. Bought too much chocolate but i shared it with my colleagues. We also tied to check the cottage but there was too much snow. Wet, soft snow over my knees and sinking at every step to the bottom. So, next time the snow has melted and its much warmer. Some migratory birds have already arrived, swans and other waterfowl. Most small song birds arrive at May so soon we can soon hear them. Great travel destinations for future are keeping us alive. Hope you really really can visit Scandinavia. Have a great week and good luck for your studies!

By inspiredbychaos on Apr 5, 2012 at 5:37 AM

Hi Kissankello! So sorry for the delay in my response!!! School and such has kept me from checking my cheezburger account. Thanks for the kind birthday wishes and the great links. I also appreciate your advice about when to visit- very helpful! I'm excited to figure out when I can come- it won't be until I am done with school (in about a year) or later but it's always good to have some great travel destinations to look forward to. I am glad you tell me all about the nature aspects of Scandinavia because that is what I think it is harder for a guidebook to describe. Have the migratory birds returned? Do you have any special plans for Easter? We will probably just relax and do a brunch at a nearby restaurant with my sister and her boyfriend. Hope you are doing well, my friend!

By Kissankello on Apr 4, 2012 at 10:24 AM

Happy birthday, just noticed its very soon. Have a nice Easter !

By Kissankello on Feb 27, 2012 at 8:13 AM

Hi Chaos Awesome, you could visit Scandinavia and the places your ancestors lived. Here is a link to Northern Sweden Oh the fells and small lakes are so beautiful! But you must also visit Norway. Its somehow different So long coastline it sounds impossible, but fjords make it. Here is link to Norway too. Send them cause if you talk just with me you get an impression about pure nature, no cities and no culture -lol-. About the best time to visit, dont know since all seasons have good points. Winter is cold and quite dark but seeing northern lights (aurora borealis) gives you lucky life, at least Japanese people say so. Autumn is extremely beautiful with fall colors, not too cold, no more mosquitos. Summer is all life and light, in june the sun shines at night also. And spring is the time migratory birds return. I visited a travel exhibition with my husband. Its on of the greatest exhibitions here in Helsinki and we go there every year if possible. Then we had a snowshoe walk at weekend. It was quite nice, muscles are so strained. Hope you had great time. How are your studies? Have and awesome week!

By inspiredbychaos on Feb 3, 2012 at 7:54 AM

Hey Kissankello! That's amazing that the spritz recipe has been passed down for so many years! I really want to visit Scandinavia-- learning Swedish would be great too. My dad speaks a little Swedish (he took some courses in college) and he enjoyed reconnecting with his heritage that way. Swedish Lapland sounds lovely! I'll be sure to keep it in mind when I am able to come visit Scandinavia. What time of year is best to visit do you think? I also enjoyed the collectible system and sharing with others. Too bad they shut it down. Hope you are having a great weekend! Any special plans?

By Kissankello on Jan 18, 2012 at 9:39 AM

Hi Chaos Your Christmas and New Year sound so lovely. So nice to meet long-time friends and especially family. I think Christmas is a family feast. At least in Finland we spend it with family if at all possible. Yeah, its funny and somehow touching how the persons who left everything continued cooking their homelands food at the new home. I have no idea where the spritz-recipe originates but its at least one hundred years old. My mom had an ancient cookbook, maybe from her grandmother, very worn, no covers. For Christmas she cooked and baked cookies, cakes and pies after old recipes. Your heritage is Scandinavian, wow. Have you ever thought visiting Scandinavia or learning swedish? I think you would like Swedish Lapland. You can hike there with very light package since there are lots of small hotels and cottages for overnight. Thanks for the Fire extuinger pack, i somehow liked the collectible system. Nice to share them and help others :) Have a great week and weekend !

By inspiredbychaos on Jan 5, 2012 at 3:11 PM

PS Thanks also for the Flying Spaghetti Monster Wreath! :)

By inspiredbychaos on Jan 5, 2012 at 3:00 PM

Hey Kissankello! My Christmas was great. My mom was in town for a few days and it was fun to show her around Austin with my sister (who lives here). For New Year's three of my friends came to visit (one from Houston Texas and two from Los Angeles California). It was great to spend some time together with my long-time friends! It's fun that you also have spritz cookies in Finland-- my heritage is mainly Swedish and Norwegian, and I think the Spritz recipe my mom uses comes from the Swedish side of my family so it is interesting that spritz are eaten elsewhere in Scandinavia too. My mom uses a tool much like the funnel you describe. Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year! Sounds like your Christmas was a lot of fun just relaxing and eating good food. That is crazy about the power going out-- I can't believe so many families were without power right after Christmas! Glad it is all pretty much fixed now. Thanks for the Infinite Power! Here's a Fire Extinguisher Jet Pack for you. :) Have a wonderful weekend!

By Kissankello on Jan 3, 2012 at 10:13 AM

Happy new year Chaos! Hope your Christmas was fine. At least the food sounds delicious. I googled sugar cookies and spritz cookies and had a suprise. They must be international recipes, some of them look same as we finns have. Spritz cookies can be made with several ways, we had a funnel like tool the dough was pressed through. And at one danish movie they made them with a meat grinder like machine. We were lazy this Christmas, just eating well, reading and watching old movies. And we had some stormy walks outside. We had a some 200 000 families without electricity at Boxing day cause of the storm. Now is almost everything fixed but it wasnt nice holidays for families. Thanks for the snocat :) Have a great week!

By inspiredbychaos on Dec 22, 2011 at 2:05 PM

Hey Kissankello! Your holiday sounds lovely- I like turkey at Christmastime. Crabs and toast and salads also sounds delicious! My fiance's family also eats Indian food during the holidays for dinner on Christmas day. It's one of his favorite traditions even though it's not traditional. :) Karelian pies sound great! I like how you can put different things on top. As you guessed most of our holiday baking is sweet. My mom makes cupcakes that have a cheesecake-like filling that are one of my favorite things to eat. We also make sugar cookies with different frosting and decorations, and Spritz (a sugar-type cookie that's Norwegian and German i believe...). My family usually does our big dinner on Christmas Eve. Like you we are having turkey this year with mashed potatoes, stuffing, and cranberries. Thanks for the message about the rare collectibles and also for the Happy Hanukkat! I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!! Merry Christmas and have a lovely weekend!!!

By Kissankello on Dec 20, 2011 at 10:04 AM

Hi Chaos Ok, 60 persons doesnt sound like an auditorium overcrowded with students. Thanksgiving food sounds so yummy. At Christmas we share a turkey with my husbands brother. Turkey is for Christmas Eve, at Christmas we have some crabs with toast and different salads. At Boxing day we have more spicy food, Indian type. Its not very traditional but we like it that way. And i bake Karelian pies, finnish mince piess and gingerbreads. Karelian pies are made of rye dough and rice porridge. The dough is almost as thin as pizza base, filled with rice porridge and shaped in traditional way. Baked and greased with melted butter. Then they can be topped with almost anything. meat, fish, sausage, egg or vegs. I have heard that a guy who visited Finland and didnt like the food very much, fell in love with Karealian pies. But what do you like to bake or cook for Christmas? I think you have lots of sweet cakes and cookies. Have a great week and Merry Christmas!

By Kissankello on Dec 19, 2011 at 7:21 AM

Hi chaos Just spread the word, we get old and retired collectibles! Write you better latur. have a great day!

By inspiredbychaos on Dec 15, 2011 at 4:57 PM

Hi Kissankello! My graduating class is 267 but for the lectures we are split into 4 groups 60-some so it's a bit big but we can still have discussions and such. For Thankgiving we did have the traditional turkey with cranberries, mashed potatoes and gravy, pumpkin pie and such. I'm a big fan of Thanksgiving food! Your lamb sounds delicious! What sorts of Christmas treats are you baking this year? Are you doing anything special for the holidays?

By Kissankello on Dec 12, 2011 at 11:04 AM

Hi Chaos Oh dear, everything is big is US, a class of 267 persons, wow. How can the lecturers keep you active and interested in such a large group? So nice to hear you have got so many friends there. We can never have too many friends, i guess :) Yeah, the insects, they defined them as arhopalus rusticus. Nothing dangerous, only odd looking outdoor insects. The lamb was purrfect, luckily only piece of it :) You long weekend sounds lovely. Spending Thanksgiving with your in-laws sounds fine. Did you have the traditional turkey, happy pie etc? We have no stable long weekends here, Christmas depends on the calendar, can be only one extra day-off such as this year :( I try to bake something for Christmas, at least some cakes or cookies. Oh, thanks for the me gusta ghostbuster, you are always so kind. have a great week and enjoy the weeks bfore Christmas !

By inspiredbychaos on Dec 12, 2011 at 8:36 AM

Thanks for the Rage Trashman! Hope you had a great weekend, Kissankello!

By inspiredbychaos on Nov 28, 2011 at 7:48 AM

Hey Kissankello! Your out-of-office day sounds like a nice break for you and your coworkers. That is good that you can spend some time together outside of the office! I have been making lots of new friends here in Texas. My class has 267 people in it and I get along well with most of them, and there are a handful that I have become close with. The natural history museum exhibit sounds cool with all the kittehs and birds. That is cool you could ask them about the insects you and your spouse found. Did they help you figure out what they were? Hope you had a great weekend at home with the roasted lamb. :) We had a long weekend (Weds-Sun) since it was Thanksgiving here in the US. My fiance and I went to see his family in Dallas. It was good to spend time with them esp his parents as I like them very much. PS Thanks for the Derpatello!

By Kissankello on Nov 23, 2011 at 6:44 AM

Hi Chaos Thanks fro the humorless books, have been very busy reading them :) Congrats to your fiance passing the exam. Now you can freely choose between California and Texas. We had an out-of-office-day at work, all my colleagues went together at a hotel to plan our work. Had some very good food and relaxed instead of working. Nice to meet them outside the office for a long time. They are great. Hope you have got lots of new friends? We cant have too many friends i quess. I and my spouse visited a museum of natural history last weekend, there was an Africa theme, lots of beautiful kittehs (sadly not living ones) and birds. We got the tickets last summer as we took them some insects. We didnt know what they are and asked for help so they gave us tickets. Next weekend will be roasting lamb and enjoying home. Hope you have a purrfect week and weekend!

By inspiredbychaos on Nov 16, 2011 at 10:29 AM

Thank you for the Gonna Hate Kid and the Serious Cat! :) Here are some Humorless Books to bring some seriousness to your week. Hope you are having a great week!

By inspiredbychaos on Nov 12, 2011 at 9:14 AM

Hey Kissankello! I agree that there is plenty to worry about/plan besides thinking about the weather on our wedding day! It's nice to be in the time of year that we will be getting married next year-- we can better picture how it will be now that we are into proper fall weather. :) There is definitely something magical about old couples who really love each other. Both my maternal and paternal grandparents still really care about each other and it makes me so happy when I see them. So glad to hear you could see your cousin! Family and friends are very important and it's good to make time for them as you said. Helps keep life balanced and happy. :) Nepalese food sounds delicious!! I'll have to see if we have any Nepalese restaurants here. Last night my fiance and I went to a place that serves upscale Southern food to celebrate him passing the Texas bar exam (he is now a licensed lawyer in both California and Texas!). Hope you and your spouse are having a great weekend! PS Thanks for the Smell Like A Boss!

By Kissankello on Nov 9, 2011 at 9:47 AM

Hi Chaos Lovely you have a plan B if it rains, its an unique day and there is enough arranging even with fine weather. I think the old couples are sweet if they really like each others. There is something almost magical, maybe forty years together and still happy. You will be happy with your fiancee too, im sure. so nice to hear you have visited your sister, talking for hours sounds so nice entertainment! We visited my cousin whom i havent seen for months. Its strange that people are so busy nowadays, they dont have time for each others. Yet friends and family are something we really really need. We had some nepalese food and beer (not much:) ) Nepalese is almost like indian but maybe a little milder and more richful. Thanks for the fighting like a boss, sent you smell like a boss in return. Have a great week and weekend !

By inspiredbychaos on Oct 27, 2011 at 1:52 PM

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed checking out Barr Mansion. A place like that does work best in a sunny climate since so much of it is outdoors. If it does happen to rain on our big day, the ceremony will be in that big glass barn-type structure where the reception will be held. I love that you and your spouse look at the older couples as inspiration for the future-- it always makes me happy to see a couple that age still so devoted and in love as it gives me hope too. :) That's interesting about the old sailing boats-- sounds like a fun tourist activity. Glad to hear you spent the last warm days of the year in style with good food and gardening! Last weekend was mostly studying but I also spent some time visiting my sister. Even though she lives here, I hadn't seen her in about 6 weeks since she has been very busy at work. We meant to watch a movie at her home, but wound up talking for 4 hours instead. :) Hope you have a lovely weekend-- do you have any special plans?

By Kissankello on Oct 25, 2011 at 8:58 AM

Hi chaos I had to google this Barr Mansion, its lovely, really a perfect place for an important feast. And its in TX, where the weather is sunny. About the marriage, we always look at very old couples walking together and hand in hand. Just hope our future will be something like that :) The old sailing boats are mostly for tourist trips. Owners get some money to keep boats in condition and travellers are happy. We planted some flower bulbs at the cottage, stayed at hotel, had very good food and enjoyed the last warm days. It was so beautiful, sun was shining and the leaves were colourful. How was your weekend? Studying or fun ? Have a great week!

By inspiredbychaos on Oct 19, 2011 at 2:21 PM

Ah just saw your message! Thank you for your kind words- I'm really excited to get married! We'll be doing it outside at a place called Barr Mansion- it's a historic house with some very lovely gardens and they even grow many of the herbs and such onsite for their catering. I am very glad to hear that married life has been good to you both! The outdoor market sounds really cool with all the boats! I've never seen a market with tents and boats like that. Do the old wooden sailing ships still go out to sea or do they mostly stay in the harbor? Hope your week is going well! What do you have planned for the weekend?

By inspiredbychaos on Oct 19, 2011 at 1:30 PM

Thank you for the Dracula kitteh! Here is some survival liquid for you. Hope you are having a great week!

By Kissankello on Oct 19, 2011 at 9:10 AM

Hi Chaos Oooh, weddings -wipes a tear away- so happy for you :) :) You really have lots of time to plan - and plan again- .I have heard all weddings in USA are like princess weddings. It will be a very beautiful, After wedding you will feel very grown-up -lol- Hope i dindt scare you, if you enjoy being engaged it really doesnt change. At least we are very happy, in a little bit different way. Well the market we had was really an outdoor market, some salesmen came by boats and sold their products in boats, some had tents. And then we had old wooden sailing ships here at harbour. We visited one but didnt climb the mast, just too high. Happy you finally got rain, hope you get the soft, good rain also soon. Have a lovely week and weekend !

By inspiredbychaos on Oct 9, 2011 at 7:13 AM

Hey Kissankello! I liked Captain America ok- it was fun and had good action scenes but had some plot holes too. Funny how some movies release worldwide on the same day but most take a while to leave their home country. I'm enjoying being engaged as it sounds like you did- we got engaged last March and just set our wedding date for Oct 2012 (so I can help more with planning and not be overwhelmed with school). Thinking about the wedding is very exciting and I'm glad we have lots of time to plan. :) Oh and we finally got rain in TX this weekend!! It's been raining very hard-- I'm glad since we really needed the rain around here as you saw on the news. Your cottage sounds so lovely- eating fresh veggies when you go! The herring market must have been delicious and fun as well- it it an outdoor market? Glad to hear you have had some great autumn weather! How was your weekend?? Hope you have been well!

By Kissankello on Oct 4, 2011 at 8:49 AM

Hi Of course there is not totally dark at movies but quite dark to eat there. How did you like Captain America? Its here at movies also. Surprising cos the movies always come here later :( Sounds so cosy, i am married but still remember the time we were engaged :) Have you got rains? We had some news about heat and drought at TX, sounds really bad. My harvest at cottage was quite small cos we eat fresh vegs while spend time there. Today we were at herring market. Its every year at autumn, people come there to sell thei own products. All kind of fishes, special breads, apples etc. Its nice and the weather was warm, not hot, just soft wind. Hope your studies come along well. Have a happy week !

By inspiredbychaos on Sep 25, 2011 at 6:48 AM

Thank you for completing my set with the Catnarok Stone! :)