Messages between inspiredbychaos and Templecat196

By inspiredbychaos on Oct 31, 2011 at 12:23 PM

Hope you had a wonderful weekend and a safe and spooky-fun Halloween! <3

By Templecat196 on Oct 28, 2011 at 10:01 AM

Hi ibc! thanks for the collectible! hope your having a good week! finally friday! have a great Halloween, and be safe! lubsanhugs!

By inspiredbychaos on Oct 6, 2011 at 2:34 PM

Thank you for the Piggy Bank! Here is a Walk of Fame star for ya. Hope you are having a great week Templecat!

By inspiredbychaos on Sep 7, 2011 at 1:17 PM

Hi Templecat! I'm liking Texas- the weather gets very warm in the summer (until this weekend we'd had weeks and weeks of mostly 100+ degree days) but it's hard to complain since it's very pretty here and TX has mild winters. School is great and I'm enjoying it despite the past week needing lots of study time- this week we've got midterms in 3 classes, one each evening after class is done for the day. That's wonderful that you were able to celebrate with your son over Labor Day! What branch of the military is he in? Did you have a good weekend together? My family is all very appreciative when I make things for them- I really love giving things to people that they can use and love. PS Thanks for the Fast Food Happy Cat!

By Templecat196 on Sep 1, 2011 at 9:00 AM

Hey backatcha inspired! how are you liking Texas? I went down there once at christmas time and really enjoyed the warm weather. Sounds like you are on course and heading in a positive direction! My week has been going well, my son is home on leave from Kuwait and we're all going to get together this weekend for a bonfire,brats and beer! (no champagne drinkers in this crowd) I used to have a blue and green shawl that my mom crocheted years ago, don't know what ever happened to it,used to wear it all the time. I hope your family realizes how lucky they are to get hand made things! Have a great weekend dear lady!

By inspiredbychaos on Aug 29, 2011 at 12:05 PM

Hey Templecat! How are you doing? How was your weekend? I'm doing well- I'm in Austin, TX now and am about a month into a 2-year full-time MBA program. I'm busy but very happy esp since my fiance is out here with me and exploring Austin in between classes and studying has been fun. I'm currently knitting a pair of pink stripey socks and recently finished a lacey summer shawl in a pretty purple and green yarn. Hope your Monday is treating you well! :)

By Templecat196 on Aug 27, 2011 at 7:04 PM

Hi inspiredbc, Thanks for the collectible! how are you? knitting anything cool lately? sending you wishes for an excellent weekend!lubnhugs;)

By inspiredbychaos on May 10, 2011 at 2:29 PM

I'm doing well over here. I actually spent the weekend before Mother's Day visiting my Mom in San Diego and celebrating a bit early. We went to the local Art Walk and went for a hike plus brunch the next day-- it was great! On actual Mother's Day I talked to my mom and grandmothers on the phone and I also saw Thor which was fun too. :) How was your Mother's Day? Hope you got pampered. ;) Have a great time visiting your folks in AR! Safe travels.

By Templecat196 on May 10, 2011 at 1:00 PM

Hi inspiredbychaos,I'm doing o.k. how bout yourself? Good Mothers' Day? mine was good,relaxing. Gonna leave town tonight,go to Eureka Springs,Ar see my folks,so excited it's been a couple of years since I've been there. I still have plenty of time before I go, so let me know how you are,if you have time to!

By inspiredbychaos on May 10, 2011 at 12:28 PM

O hai Templecat! How have you been?

By inspiredbychaos on Apr 22, 2011 at 3:33 PM

Yay! Happy to help. :) There are so many ways to celebrate Easter and spring in general... It sounds like you've got some great ideas! I was surprised that dying yarn last week using egg dye could get me feeling the Easter spirit-- felt like I was doing the adult knitting nerd version of coloring eggs! Have fun this weekend! Can't wait to hear what you end up doing! :)

By Templecat196 on Apr 22, 2011 at 10:42 AM

Hi inspiredbc, yeah,ya know that's a good idea! I should do something easterish just to feel like I'm still connected to the rest of the world,decorate eggs and have egg salad,buy some spring flowers,something...Thanks good friend!

By inspiredbychaos on Apr 22, 2011 at 10:25 AM

Aww yeah Easter is more fun with kids. I miss coloring eggs too! At least this year I did use Easter egg dye to color some yarn and that was a fun semi-Easter related activity. :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend Templecat!!

By Templecat196 on Apr 21, 2011 at 11:22 AM

Hi! well,there's probably something like it around here,I'll have to look, happy bunny day to you too! this holiday kinda sneaked up on me and I don't have any plans yet. I miss coloring eggs and hiding them,miss the kids being grandkids yet,darn it.

By inspiredbychaos on Apr 21, 2011 at 11:05 AM

Thanks! If you have BevMo out your way and feel like getting some champagne this weekend... they have some great Cavas if you are looking for a tasty but inexpensive champagne. Happy Bun Day Templecat! Any special plans for the weekend?

By Templecat196 on Apr 20, 2011 at 10:59 AM

Thank you, I've always liked yours too.Sounds like a great weekend I haven't had champagne since...well,it was probably at a wedding years ago.Might have to get some.

By inspiredbychaos on Apr 20, 2011 at 10:12 AM

Where's spring is an excellent question! Even here in LA- this weekend was gorgeous and warm and now we're back to a bit cooler and overcast... :P Knitting with others is definitely fun- I found a group through and we meet twice a month. It's great to find more people who share my interest! Source Code was fun- I enjoyed it, plus pairing it with a visit to a local champagne bar made for a very enjoyable evening! Some high class drinks and snacks, then an entertaining action movie- perfect outing! PS I like you new name!

By Templecat196 on Apr 18, 2011 at 12:00 PM

Hi inspiredbc, Nah,didn't go to the game.It's been so cold and windy this week,sucks,where's the sunshine?where's spring? My mom used to do some knitting,I bet it's a lot more fun to do it with other people,pretty cool that they would have so many occasions for you to meet. A champagne bar and a good movie sounds a lot more exciting,source code looked like a good flick,did you enjoy it? oh, I changed my name to Templecat196,and that was the most exciting thing to happen to me this weekend.

By inspiredbychaos on Apr 18, 2011 at 10:57 AM

Hope you had a great weekend! Did you end up going to the Royals game? Last time I went to a baseball game it was to see the Dodgers for Stitch N Pitch-- local knitting shops around the LA area got groups together and we all sat in a big bunch in the cheap seats and knit while we watched the game. It was so fun! I didn't have any big plans this weekend other than meeting up with my knitting group on Sunday- I ended up going to a champagne bar and seeing Source Code on Saturday so it was a fun weekend overall. :)

By Templecat196 on Apr 15, 2011 at 11:42 AM

Hi inspiredbc, Yeah, have a great weekend too! I'm thinking of maybe going to a Royals baseball game,if it don't rain.They are giving away Tshirts,which might be the best part of the game,as we are not very good any more. How about you?big plans?

By inspiredbychaos on Apr 15, 2011 at 10:49 AM

Yeah the entertainment industry in general has not been hit as hard by the recession. It's still affected us some, but not nearly as much as other industries! Guess even in tight times people need their diversions. :) Happy Friday lcbutler!!! Have a lovely weekend! Any plans or just planning to relax? :)

By Templecat196 on Apr 14, 2011 at 5:36 PM

Sounds like you got a damn good future ahead of you!It seems like the gaming industry doesn't have problems with the recession. no kid is gonna deny himself the newest version of their fav game,I know my wouldn't.

By inspiredbychaos on Apr 14, 2011 at 4:58 PM

Hey lcbutler! That's cool your son is interested in working on video games! I love being in the games industry for sure. My company hasn't worked on any of the Final Fantasy games but they are definitely impressive! My sister loves those games and I think she's gone to a concert similar to the one your son is going to in Chicago. :) I won't have the job after I move as I'm doing the full time MBA program, but I'm hoping to move into marketing for video games post-degree. There are a lot of different jobs within the industry- probably the hardest thing is getting started. It's a lot about networking, and then having the skills to do the job once you get in. I went to USC's film school for my undergrad and got into sound that way... when it came time to look for a job post-graduation I never though I'd end up in games, but I applied for a job here since it sounded intriguing and my boss knew someone I interned with... it's a small world in the entertainment industry (and the video game subset of that industry) for sure!

By Templecat196 on Apr 14, 2011 at 4:40 PM

Hi, ibc, no,just computer problems that seem to be o.k. now. I couldn't help but read your description of your job(hope you don't mind). It sounds very interesting,I know my son would love to have your job.Have you done any work on the Final Fantasy games?my son is going to Chicago to to hear the Chicago Symphany Orchestra. will you still have the job after you move?

By inspiredbychaos on Apr 14, 2011 at 4:22 PM

Hey no worries! I'm not always on every day either. :) Hope it was fun-busy that kept you away and not work-busy! Austin is similar to LA but it's a lot more humid. It gets a little bit colder in the winters too- about 10 degrees or so cooler than our lowest temps here. But overall the transition shouldn't be too bad. I am really excited to move! My fiance and I both love Austin as a city (plus his family is in Dallas- 3 hrs away) and we're ready to leave LA. I'm really psyched about going back to school- I'll be getting my MBA at UT Austin starting in August. It's going to be a lot of work to move that far but I'm thinking it'll be worth it. :)

By Templecat196 on Apr 14, 2011 at 10:15 AM

hi, sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday,I couldn't hardly get on the site.So moving to Texas huh,How different will that be climate wise from So.Cal? seems like a win/win situation.You won't be leaving a cold weather state for something warmer.Are you looking forward to it?

By inspiredbychaos on Apr 13, 2011 at 2:49 PM

Happy Wednesday!! Oddly enough I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to coffee- the smell is great but I can't really stand the taste much. Maybe it's because I got used to the smell by knitting with my friends at coffeehouses? :) Sweet tea is good stuff... I'm moving to Austin TX in July and am looking forward to being able to obtain sweet tea more easily!

By Templecat196 on Apr 13, 2011 at 9:04 AM

hah,yeah,I take alot of grief from the family cos' everyone else are coffee drinkers,I love the smell of coffee,but hate the taste. I've cut way back on pop now ,I drink sweet tea for the rest of the day.It is nice to have a restaurant close by,but it's buffet style and kinda bland.but they do have good egg roles and crab ragoon.

By inspiredbychaos on Apr 12, 2011 at 7:06 AM

Mmmmm Dr Pepper! :) That's good stuff. I know what you mean about caffeine- sometimes I'll wonder why I feel a bit wonky and then I'll be like oh I haven't had my tea today! I drink a lot of green tea and/or iced tea. :) That's awesome that you have a Japanese place right across the street from you... it must be hard to stay out of there!

By Templecat196 on Apr 11, 2011 at 1:12 PM

I never cared for breakfast foods,just am not hungry first thing in the morning,I occasionally have breakfast for dinner,but in the mornings I subsist on Dr,Pepper and cigarettes(terrible diet, i know but gotta have my caffene and nicotine or I'm just not right. I LOVE JAPANESE FOOD! A new restaurant just opened up across the street from us,and I fear I will keel over from too much MSG.