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By JeffMurdoch on Apr 1, 2012 at 10:23 AM

-=O.O=- BOOK CLUB BULLETIN -=O.O=- (That’s supposed to be a cat with reading glasses btw.) Hello everyone! I’ll try to make this short. +++ 1) Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!! There are 35 official members and close to 200 submissions so far… Your enthusiasm and all the wonderful literary lols are just overwhelming - in the best sense of the word. I didn’t expect anything like this when I decided to go public with the book club. Please understand that I can’t tell every single purrson just how much I love their submissions. There are so many, and they’re all so great and so inspired and so funny… YOU ROCK!!! +++ 2) Membership cards: I’ve finished most of the membership cards today. I’m glad to hear that everyone seems to like theirs so far :-) You can see ALL the members and their cards here >>> <<< If you haven’t gotten your purrsonal card yet, you’ll probably find it there. That site will be updated too, but of course the main action is still taking place on the book club site (address printed on the bottom of all the cards)! +++ 3) This “Beta” trainwreck is so horrible, it all but scared me away from ICHC :-( The Book Club is my purrsonal escape, my happy place. I don’t do anything BUT the book club at the moment. I don’t even check the frontpages anymore, cause it’s just so frustrating. So plz to furgive me if I don’t send FP congrats anymoar. +++ 4) About the literary lols: PLZ TO KEEP EM COMING!!! The site is updated at least daily. Greets ~ JeffCat

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By Sylviag on Apr 1, 2012 at 1:38 AM

Hai Rob. As u can see, insomnia iz me tonight. Hopefully not for too much longer. Wassup? Took Bryan's Mom out to her favorite Mexican restaurant today and then we went out and bought a new washer and dryer (old washer borked and not worth fixing. The lunch was by far the cheaper :) Do aussies get into Mexican food at all? I pciture some really wonderful Asian food there. lub an hugz

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By chech1965 on Mar 30, 2012 at 5:15 PM

Don't Look Back...... BAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OMG...that's so perfect! **hedbonks**

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By cataff on Mar 30, 2012 at 4:25 PM

Glad your Saturday is off to a good start. Ours may start with some rain showers, but things should improve as the day goes along. I hope your entire weekend will be nice and that you will thoroughly enjoy it.

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By cataff on Mar 30, 2012 at 3:12 PM

It's great to meet you too, janeandkitty. Thanks for accepting the invite. Hope you are having a good start to the weekend. G'day.

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By Sylviag on Mar 29, 2012 at 6:46 PM

Hot off the press, inttervew with JeffCat :) I think they still do casts depending on the type of break. I had a soft boot thank goodness.

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By Sylviag on Mar 29, 2012 at 6:00 PM

Hiya Rob, I am just loving ur literary LOLs. Loving everyone's. It is so wonderful when peeps take a theme and roll with it :) The young 'un got home from the hospital this morning and doing well. But I must admit I was pretty freaked yesterday when Cody told us he was on the way to the hospital and Taylor was going in for surgery! They put pins in his arm and expect it to heal 100% given his age. But he will have to have his arm in a sling for 6 weeks and then they will take out the pins. Will be in time for summerfufn so that's good. A lot of peeps having probs with the site today - could be they're working on fixes. Got ur emayo and will answer tomorrow.

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By beckysdad on Mar 29, 2012 at 5:29 PM

A pearler...I like that and if history is any indication, I'll probably steal it and add it to the things I like to say!

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By beckysdad on Mar 29, 2012 at 6:47 AM

Thanks for the note, Robyn. I won the lottery when I was born into the family that I was. We've got our warts but the love is never in doubt. I hope you have an awesome day.

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By Sylviag on Mar 29, 2012 at 2:15 AM

Hai Rob, I'm just getting ready to toddle off to bed. I chose purple. The lierry kardz are so cool :)

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By JeffMurdoch on Mar 28, 2012 at 3:52 PM

BOOK CLUB BULLETIN +++ I write to you because you're a member of teh Book Club if I'm not mistaken. +++ Anyway - here's the deal >>> <<< Plz to lemme kno as soon as possible, k? Thanks muchly and Good Nite for today! ~ Jeff

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By Sylviag on Mar 28, 2012 at 7:54 AM

Ah, yes the ninja sneak attack :) I actually can use some of those to pass on to frens who are collecting little momentos. If someone had decided to collect scratched couches they would have hundreds in no time LOL Just send me everything and I have a place to get rid of the unwanted ones 13 Apr. Sent u emayo this am. lub an hugz

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By Sylviag on Mar 27, 2012 at 9:39 PM

Hiya. Was oing some collectie bidness. Hope I didn't miss u. Yes, me and a whole lot of peeps made a big sigh of relief :) I saw it and gonna answer tomorrow.

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By JeffMurdoch on Mar 27, 2012 at 4:27 PM

Aha! Thx a lot for the explanation. And yes, this does in fact easify things for me! (Easify isn't really a word, is it?) Anyway, I'll encourage peeps to use that feature for the book club! It's much more elegant than collecting links on my dash. I just has to click on the link I get in the e-meow and voila! :-) Good night for today! Greets ~ Jeff

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By JeffMurdoch on Mar 27, 2012 at 9:05 AM

Ohai thar! I has a question: How did u "suggest" ur Churchill lol (hilarious by the way!) for the book club? I wasn't aware of that feature, plz to explain, kthx. Greets ~ Jeff

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By Sylviag on Mar 27, 2012 at 2:02 AM

Gud Wun. This literary riff is a fun change. Was putting together the gkids Easter bags today (they're coming up Thus) and there just happened to be 1 choky egg left. Guess where it is now :)

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By Sylviag on Mar 27, 2012 at 1:59 AM

Sent u an emayo that will astoundle and amazle u :)

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By Sylviag on Mar 27, 2012 at 1:15 AM

Me either or they uploaded 7-8 tmes :) It's really the only game in town like it. They have the option to stay and adapt or leave. New peeps coming on board all the time. I've been seeing some new names on the VP that have a pretty good funny bone. Thx fr the faves. I have hardy done any LOLs in the past week and some popping ut nw - hopefully not lie a bad zit LOL lub an hugz

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By Sylviag on Mar 27, 2012 at 12:11 AM

We don't have a workaround for that yet and there may not be one. I've asked DollyDally. Katkabob started a Beta Tips My Site to help peeps out. All features will be coming back except the direct comment to LOLS which will require an outside link. I never used that really. The change to the new web platform plus other issue resulted in some real serious bugs they are working on fixing. A new voting system will also be put in place and accordin to Ben a new DB. Although that will come later. Lots of peeps vociferously not liking it and threatening to leave. But I'm pretty adaptable and so am working with i as nothing I see in the changes are so bad as to make me quit ICHCt. I can still make and fave LOLs and chat with my frens so am good with it. I have to go back in there. Was in briefly and sent u something and to thx u. Try to get i n there every day but sometimes forget.

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By Sylviag on Mar 26, 2012 at 10:49 PM

Hai, glad JeffCat's Book Club intrigued u enuff to come back :) lub and hugz

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