Messages between jimmy.phoenix and BuddyDitzmores_mom

By BuddyDitzmores_mom on Jul 10, 2009 at 5:59 PM

Ohai pinnygig! A hoaps yew has had a happitayl birfday... ai noes yew was nawt sew happi tew sea it kumin up... Fangs fur da schmoo. Ai hoapes dat teh elebentee munnies ai giveded yew fur da behbeh otters gushifuds was suffishent an will halp da behbeh otters grow up big and stwong. *schmoo* pinny gig! caio fur nao!

By BuddyDitzmores_mom on Jan 1, 2009 at 4:31 PM

Yew beh da funs, GP! Neber means tew beh mean or reallee "torment"... just tew laffs a lot, and yew seems tew play alawng jus fyn! An ai hab neber been tew TTI, butt if ai eber dew, Birmingham beh wunna da plases ai plans tew bisit. Grate peeps there! :)

By jimmy.phoenix on Jan 1, 2009 at 4:21 PM

no, is otay - aifinkso teh cheezfrends liek tu torment meh sumthymes! yesh yesh ai libes in Birmingham is nyce plaice, akshully

By BuddyDitzmores_mom on Jan 1, 2009 at 4:14 PM

Ai hopes mah teezin yew didnt feel "out of line"... I really do enjoy the banter and the funz! Ai see yew is in Birmingham? Ai had a frend dat ai tawlked tew in Birmingham, TTI altho we neber met IRL. We joaked about "one languaj dat dibides us", giben the idioms being sew different. *schmoos pinny gig*

By jimmy.phoenix on Jan 1, 2009 at 8:58 AM

Ohai! yesh yesh yesh aifinkso planting teh karats is a gud ideeya! Awltho, lcb wheel nawt be teh pleesed... but but but she is awlwais teh grumpee! ;-)

By BuddyDitzmores_mom on Jan 1, 2009 at 7:08 AM

Ohai GP! Fangs yew fur ax septin mah inbite tew beh Cheezfrens! An Happi Gnu Year! *schmoo* . Ai bean finking (danjerus fing foar meh tew dew) dat ai beh da willing tew gib yew sum ub mah karats, sew yew noes haz leekee iiz and wobbly chin win LCB appraises yew next. :) An wii cud plant karats, sew it nawt eber be an issoo again. :) Pleez tew let meh noes whatchu finx ub dis plan. . Haz a wondermaus day, pinny gig!