Messages between jlandis and Foxkatt

By Foxkatt on Dec 22, 2016 at 4:22 PM

Wishing all the best for mah peeps.

By Foxkatt on Jul 31, 2014 at 8:31 PM

CATT is BACK! Time to sillybrate!

By Foxkatt on Jul 22, 2014 at 2:01 PM

Fwend habbin' birfday.

By Foxkatt on Jun 2, 2014 at 1:35 PM An official help them site has been created for AnOldCowhand and his girl Ruby. Donations may be made at: He was asking about you today. :)

By Foxkatt on May 14, 2013 at 2:40 PM Thought you should know, our friend got himself hurt. Put his leg through his porch floor on Saturday. Has a Tibial Plateau Fracture and will need a plate and screws. Surgery is on Tuesday. I'm asking all his friends to rally and send love n' support. Pass the word, okay?

By Foxkatt on Oct 4, 2012 at 9:58 AM

Hiya darlin whiskered friend! Sure hope you are doing good. Lubs U lots!!! Thought you'd enjoy dis: We'ez celybraytin'

By Foxkatt on Aug 3, 2012 at 10:50 AM

Oh dear, Mr. Cow has been up to all kinds of fun lately.

By Foxkatt on Jul 9, 2012 at 3:15 PM

Jane! Oh my goodness, I just ed'd and read about you n' Boo. Honey, I can't tell you how my heart hurts for you. Our little ones are so precious and it's so sad when we lose one. You have my heartfelt sympathies dear friend. I can't even breathe through my nose right now cause I'm crying with you. Little Boo was lucky to have you for a momma and I KNOW that we'll get to see our sweet one's again someday! Many MANY hugs n' whisker tickles, Foxy

By Foxkatt on Jul 2, 2012 at 6:39 PM

Well hi sweetie! Goodness I've missed you. Glad to hear the lovies are doing well. I know what you mean about the heat. We've been getting it here too. Miserable! Me? I'm doing the usual. A little older now. Still getting ready to come to Cal. for a visit, only six weeks now. I've so excited. Oh, I sympathize over the computer stuff. Hope you get some sleepies n' feel better. Hugs n' smoochies, Foxy

By jlandis on Jul 1, 2012 at 4:53 PM

Hey, Foxy! Whatchu busy with now? The loveys are all good. This has been our warmest week, so they've been napping extra. (Me too.) I took a break from the puter fiddling, but I'll get back to it soon. It's working for now, and I know all the old stuff is safe. I just haven't been spending the time expanding and copying file by file. Hugs back, with loads of sleepy, whiskery smoochies!

By Foxkatt on Jun 30, 2012 at 8:22 PM

Hi dere lovey! Haven't heard from you for some time. Of course I haven't been very chatty myself lately. How are you doing? Did you ever get your puter woes fixed? How are all the little darlings? I've just been a busy lil fox as usual, LOL. No rest for the wicked I suppose. ;-) Hugs for you and your sweeties. Foxy

By Foxkatt on Jun 7, 2012 at 9:54 AM

Hiya lovie! Here's a party for Betsy.

By jlandis on Jun 4, 2012 at 2:13 PM

He's a sweetypuss! My neighbor visits him most every evening. I say visits *him* because even though she says hi to me first, she's already looking at him. Luckily he never runs short on kissies or cuddles, and is always ready to share!

By Foxkatt on Jun 4, 2012 at 7:35 AM

What an adorable lil rascal. I can see why you're in love!!!! Yes, I would imagine one MUST get lickin's and lubbin's from that sweet baby.

By jlandis on Jun 2, 2012 at 11:00 PM

Dis iz Jordi back when he'd fit in a mixing bowl (under a month old). Now that he's aging, he's not a whole lot bigger than that again. Nobuddy kumz around teh Jordi without 'spektin' to get likked and lubbed.

By jlandis on Jun 2, 2012 at 10:55 PM

Yep, I keeps him. When we're outta tears, he likes frekkuls too!

By Foxkatt on Jun 2, 2012 at 9:46 PM

Aaahh, golly! Dats da worst! I've had to do that several times in the past and it takes forebber! Awww...dat Jordi is the sweetest! Better keep dat Lovie. I hopes you get ebberything up n' running okay soon.

By jlandis on Jun 2, 2012 at 6:42 PM

BIG borked! Reinstalling Windows, old-disk-is-my-new-coffee-coaster borked. I had it limping yesterday, but had to start over today. I'm visiting while Windows updates catches up on this new Windows install. Jordi's been licking up a lotta tears!

By Foxkatt on Jun 2, 2012 at 5:39 PM

Oh noaz....NOT a puter bork! How horrible. Ahz hopes all is well now?

By jlandis on Jun 1, 2012 at 7:39 PM

My pooter borked bigtime. I hazza big frustrated, but will be back ASAP.

By Foxkatt on May 31, 2012 at 9:21 PM

Hiya mah sweet lil friend! How'r you doin' tonight? Have you been following the adventures of our mutual friend AOC n' Poohdence? Too funny!! Ahz been practicing unconciousness on da couch tonight. LOL. Sleepy ole Foxy. HUGS!

By Foxkatt on May 31, 2012 at 8:05 AM

Breaking News:

By Foxkatt on May 30, 2012 at 7:41 AM

That one was definitely GQ worthy. Oh dear though, hope you've recovered from da vapors my friend. Yes, he would be something to see before coffee...tee...hee.....! Your little Moose is awfully lucky he found such a caring lovie momma like you. We need many many more in this world that have such a kind heart for the little critters. They become our children don't they? I know I get extra attached to our little ones who have been rescued and after we nurse them back to health and give them a forebber home. They're hard to resist and I wish I had more room n' resources. That's why we've got 12+ right now and the barn kitty of my Dad 'n Law's just had a passle of kittens so we're feeding her now too. What would we do without all our sweet ones? You have a lovely lovie day my friend! Hugs, Foxy

By jlandis on May 29, 2012 at 8:58 PM

Ai tole him dey'll be sendin' dat wun direkly to GQ Magazine! Ai juss got up, an' dat's a fing wut kan gib a gurl teh vapurs, 'speshully befoar koffee! Thx so big foar helpin' sillybrayt teh Moose. Ai gibbed him a big naym tu gro intu, 'coz he needid teh challinj. It WURKED! LOL! Himz a big boi nao! Mos' awl mai loveys haz storees liek dat, so dat's wai ai'z so attatched tu 'em. We ushually gits akwainted ober teh wurst dayz ob dere lifes. So ai not gonna let 'em hab days liek dat eber agin. Take gud kare, Foxy!

By Foxkatt on May 29, 2012 at 12:54 PM

Hi dere my lovey friend! How's mah friend this fine afternoon? I come bearing good news. Keep an eye out fer da long awaited white dinner jacket pic of AOC. I habs it on gud authority dat he's got one ready to send today sometime. I wuz lucky enuf to get a peek an' whoo...hoo....we'z all gonna be swoonin' he's a regular James Bond in dat thing. LOL. ;-D

By Foxkatt on May 29, 2012 at 9:24 AM

Oh that's the BEST! When one of your babies makes it through something like that and is doing fine now. Yaaayyyy Moose! Yaaayyyyy Jane! You did good work dere my friend!

By jlandis on May 29, 2012 at 12:46 AM

You're really sweet, but I think Moose is just one determined li'l piggy! When he came here in the fall, he was a fragile, sick li'l bit. He was so dehydrated that his eyes were sunken, dried and crusty. You could see his bones. His claws were overgrown and curled. And he had a massive impaction I had to clear as soon as he was stable. What a rude way to get acquainted! So miserable. He didn't even want to drink, but after I got 4 ounces in him over the first 12 hours, he perked up enough to drink on his own. That was a scary day for both of us. Pigs eat good hay and fresh hay-based pellets throughout the day, and a handful of fresh veggies daily. I don't know what he'd been eating, because he was afraid of all those and wouldn't touch 'em. I held him like a baby on his back and pushed one little pellet at a time into his mouth. He spit 'em out as fast as I could put 'em in, but finally accidentally crunched one. Of course, then he spit it out the pieces. Eventually, he ate a few. But only if I fed him that way. It was days before he ate a bite on his own. He learned veggies by me hand-feeding tiny bites and smooching him on the head while he munched. We're about as bonded as I've ever been with a lovey, and that's really saying something. So BIG thanks for helping celebrate Moose! Have a terrific week, and take good care of you, lady!

By Foxkatt on May 28, 2012 at 9:22 PM

Whelp, I didn't get a chance to get out in anyone's garden today so no worries about getting sick over one. It decided to rain today which made it impossible for me. I've actually been rather worthless today. I'm so glad to hear about Moose. It's your kind patience that allows those little sweethearts to thrive like they do. I wonder too about our friend AOC, he truly doesn't see himself like we all do. You noticed his purty eyes too huh? Bet they sparkle when he laughs. That sweet Red Bob does love him totally but don't know if even she can convince him. We'll have to keep at it. He surely can't resist ALL of us, LOL. Yep I gotz my lil Frankie here all precious n' sweet at my feet.'s back to work tomorrow. You have a wonderful week too my friend! ;-D Deb

By jlandis on May 28, 2012 at 2:16 PM

Sounds like he lissuned to sumbody dat wuz berry jellies an' sed sumfing juss plane meen. Iz wun fing tu be humbull anna nudder fing tu be insultin' God foar sum ob Himz bestist wurk! Dem's teh smileyist eyez ai eber seen! Mebbe dey juss doan wurk tu gud an' himz kant see hao byootiful himz iz? Mebbe Red Bob'll konbins him! Kittehs pikk byootiful peebuls, u knoe. Kittehs r berry smart liek dat. Stae saef in dat heet, Foxy. No gardun's worf geddin' sikk ober. Ai bin playin' wif teh loveys. Moose is kummin' owta himz shell an' lernin' tu liek kudduls insted ob panikkin an' skwirmin. Ai doan knoe wut himz ol' lief wuz liek, but it din't inklood no kudduls, dat's foar shur. Iz kinda liek himz blossummin' intu a hoal piggy awl at wuns -- berry sweet! Ai bin pooshin him a liddul bit at a tiem foar munfs, but sumtiems it awl happunz at wuns in dere hedz. An' nao iz himz tiem! Dey teechuz us tu be payshunt, huh? Smoochiez tu yu and Frankie and teh kittehs, sweetie! Hab a gud week! :)

By Foxkatt on May 28, 2012 at 12:37 PM

That's too funny. I do know stubborn...ahz resembles that one, LOL. I've almost caught up on everyone else's gardens so may actually get to mine this afternoon. It's just been so sweltering hot n' muggy here. AOC did send me that latest batch of pic's and HUBBA... HUBBA! I know exactly what you meant about fastening my seat belt, LOL. How does a great guy like that get the notion that he's anything but incredibly handsome? It's criminal I tell ya! Don't know how to get it through his thick skull either. I liked your take on it too. We've gotten to know the sweet caring for lil critters man inside, so how could the outside be anything but beautiful to us? Sigh, in any case all we can do is keep telling the big guy. So how are YOU my sweet friend? Have you had a nice weekend? Getting to do anything fun? Petting your lovies? Many hugs, Foxy