Messages between jlandis and jadzia23

By jadzia23 on Jan 1, 2015 at 1:49 PM

Happy New Year!

By jadzia23 on Dec 22, 2014 at 9:16 PM

Have a very Merry Christmas :)

By jadzia23 on Dec 24, 2013 at 12:28 PM

I hope you and the little ones have a wonderful Christmas

By jadzia23 on Apr 4, 2013 at 8:44 PM

Happy Birthday :)

By jadzia23 on Dec 24, 2012 at 8:33 PM

Merry Christmas to you and all the little lovelies :)

By jadzia23 on Jul 8, 2012 at 8:06 PM

Having a little office buddy like Moose would surely make the day much better. Maybe he could even help me out with work. He would be especially helpful on Saturdays which tend to drag the most. How are you and the lovelies doing? Hope all is well. Have a great evening and Monday :)

By jlandis on Jul 8, 2012 at 8:49 AM

Thank you! I wish I could send Moose to visit your office and make you giggle at random times all day long. It's his best thing, and it sounds like you could use it there! Hope it's a much better week ahead.

By jadzia23 on Jul 7, 2012 at 8:37 PM

Congrats on your FP :) It's adorable. Hope you and your lovelies are having a nice weekend :)

By jadzia23 on Jul 5, 2012 at 8:29 PM

Congrats on your FP :) I had a nice day off. It just went by too fast. I also have to do a lot of extra stuff for this state, so it takes much longer now. It's been very frustrating. Awww....I'm so glad Moose has made even more progress. That's great. It's thanks to your hard work and patience. Oh wow, I didn't know chinchillas had so many hairs per follicle. Enjoy your evening and have a great Friday :)

By jlandis on Jul 5, 2012 at 2:58 PM

Awww, thank you -- and I hope you had a great day off! I hope it's cooled off for you. Your work sounds really hard. It's unrealistic to expect people to learn faster than they can learn. Moose sends you encouraging kissies. He's kissed three people now! He's less squirmy and more cuddly -- and for longer periods of time each week. And I can't remember the last time he panicked or hid under his hay, even when there's a stranger in the house. His fur was really thin when he arrived, and now that it's full, he's got a lot to shed. Mochi's hairs are really fine -- chinchillas have up to 50 hairs at each follicle, where we only have one. He never sheds one hair -- it's always a dozen or more clumped together. It soaks up water fast (that's why it sinks), and takes forever to dry. That's why they don't get baths in water -- just dust. Mochi's fine with that idea! Be gentle with yourself. Big hugs to you from all of us, with lots of teensy smoochies!

By jadzia23 on Jul 4, 2012 at 3:46 PM

Happy 4th of July :) Hope you and your lovelies are having a great day :)

By jadzia23 on Jul 1, 2012 at 8:15 PM

It was so sweet of Moose to help you make coffee. I wonder why Mochi's hair sinks to the bottom. I've had Coco and Ted flavored food and drinks too. They're both shedding a lot since it's been 100+ the last several days. I hope this week at work will be better. I had just started to get the hang of the states I was already doing, and then they give me the most difficult of all. It's actually a special program within the state, so that makes it even harder than just the state itself. I'll do my best and hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon. I'm glad you and your lovelies are alright. I hope it's not too hot in LA. I remember it can get quite warm there this time of year from all the times I visited. Has Moose been making more progress? Enjoy the rest of your evening and have a great Monday :)

By jlandis on Jul 1, 2012 at 4:34 PM

Moose just helped make the coffee. No hair floating on top this time! Piggy-flavored drinks are easier to spot, because their hair floats. Mochi's sinks, so sometimes you don't realize you had chinchilla-flavored coffee till you get to the bottom of the cup. What a long week at work you had! It sounds really stressful not to get a chance to master all the initial stuff before you have to take on new states too. One thing I know for sure though, is that the people who worry about it are the ones who will master it -- because you care about doing a great job! We're all okay here, and will keep you in prayer. Give yourself a break!

By jlandis on Jul 1, 2012 at 3:56 PM


By jadzia23 on Jul 1, 2012 at 3:01 PM

I see the penguin too. It's really cute :)

By jlandis on Jul 1, 2012 at 2:59 PM

You found Cookie before I sent you the URL! Please tell me you see the penguin too?

By jadzia23 on Jun 30, 2012 at 3:02 PM

Aww....the hearts are all so cute. I bet the penguin hammy was adorable. lol Moose flavored coffee sounds fun. Ted is shedding something awful now too. I think I'll wait til Ted is calmer to replace the shades. I'm doing well. I'm just exhausted after a tough week at work. Monday they told me they wanted to train me for a new state which is much more complicated than the others I know, and I had to come in at 6am for the week. Yesterday I was on my own with it for the first time and they gave me more than I could handle and I didn't finish and most likely made some mistakes. I felt really overwhelmed and stressed. And I'm extra worried because the guy who had been trained in this before, who was in my training class, got written up for doing a bad job at it. At least I got today off since I worked longer shifts during the week. And I get Wednesday off too. How are you and the lovelies? I hope all is well. Have a great Caturday :) Love and hugs from me, Ted, and Coco.

By jlandis on Jun 30, 2012 at 2:58 AM

Hey thx, lady! I have other hearts at . I had a hammy with a penguin on his butt once, but no hearts yet. Maybe in the next 400+! We're okay. It's starting to heat up a little so everyone's shedding a bit. Not everyone gets Moose-flavored coffee! Oh, that Ted -- you were so smart not to replace those shades yet! How are you? Work? Coco? Stuff in general? Big hugs, sweet lady!

By jadzia23 on Jun 26, 2012 at 8:02 PM

O hai Jane :) Congrats on your FP. The lil kitteh is adorable. I've never seen a marking like that. How are you and your lovelies doing? We're all doing good. Ted is really hyper right now and is trying to climb the shades every time I turn my back. Have a great evening and Wednesday :)

By jadzia23 on Jun 9, 2012 at 8:39 PM

The weekdays pass a little faster since it's only six hours. Today dragged a lot though. It'll just take me a while to get used to it. I'm so glad Moose is making such good progress. I bet the strawberry trick will help him more too. What are his favorite foods? My friend's pigs seem to like kale and baby corn best. One even tries to steal corn from the others, which causes a little piggie squabble. It's been a full week since my last blue screen so I have my fingers crossed things are better. I hope yours gets better soon. Hope you and your lovelies have a great Sundog :)

By jlandis on Jun 9, 2012 at 8:12 PM

Ouch, that has to be a big adjustment, especially a long Saturday! Do the days go by quicker now that you're done training? Moose is making strides nearly every day. He's still very afraid of biting fingers -- not trying to avoid it like he knows it's bad to bite, but frightened like hunkering down and turning his head away and hiding. He had his first strawberry today, but only nibbled at the tip of it. I cut a broad piece off the top of each one and held the leaves so that if he wanted more, he had to nibble closer to fingertips. He finally did it! That may help make fingers less scary, so we'll stick with it awhile. I know someone taught him that fear. :( We'll just have to unlearn it together. I'm glad your puter's behaving better. I'm still working on mine. <grrr> Big snuggles to your kids, and a really happy Sunday to you!

By jadzia23 on Jun 8, 2012 at 8:35 PM

We finished training last Friday so I started my regular shift Monday. It's been quite an adjustment. It's 2pm-8pm M-F and 8am-4pm Saturday. I've never really worked hours like this before, and I'm having a hard time with it. It's going to be odd dreading Caturday. cute and sweet of Moose to give you a kiss. He's making a lot of progress and that's great. The computer is okay for now, though I had a blue screen last Saturday. I know what to do now if it happens again. I suspect the problem is a new antivirus program I installed because the problem started shortly after that. At least the computer recovers after the crash. Is yours better now? Hugs to you and your little lovelies from me, Ted, and Coco.

By jlandis on Jun 7, 2012 at 11:46 PM

Ohai, sweetie! Have your hours been shifting around? That's got to be doubly rough. So now they're set? You've done a great job to keep Ted and Coco from stressing out over the changes! Are you still in training now? You wrote at just the right time. I was cuddling Moose a bit ago, and when I kissed his cheek, he reached up and licked mine! His first real kissy! He's nibbled at my chin and nose before and licks my hands and grooms my arm after I brush him, but this was his first kiss in response to simply being kissed. Is your 'pooter better yet? Big hugs to you and the li'l ones! Hope your Friday goes fast!

By jadzia23 on Jun 7, 2012 at 8:53 PM

O hai Jane :) How are you and your little lovelies? Hope you're all doing well. We're all doing well. I"m having some trouble adjusting to my new hours, but it'll be alright once I get used to it. Grooming has been going well lately too. Ted and Coco send hugs. Have a great evening and Friday :)

By jadzia23 on Jun 3, 2012 at 8:31 PM

I bet the little piggies would make good 'pooter repair helpers. I hope it's back up and running soon. How are all the little lovelies? Grooming has been going well the last few days and now that I start my regular shift I'll have more time to spend with them so hopefully that will settle things down for them. Have a great evening and Monday :)

By jlandis on Jun 2, 2012 at 11:07 PM

Yep, he makes anything better. I don't know why it never occured to me to get one of those piggies trained in 'pooter repairs. Even if he didn't learn much, Jordi would have licked and loved on the teacher so much they'd be on each other's speed dial! I'm sorry yours is pestering you too. Thanks for the good wishes!

By jadzia23 on Jun 2, 2012 at 8:51 PM

O hai Jane :) I ED'd bout your computer not working. I hope you're able to get it back up and running. I'm still having blue screen issues with mine, so I know the feeling well. I'm glad Jordi has been there to help you through it.

By jadzia23 on May 28, 2012 at 7:16 PM

Usually they lay down beside each other on the floor, but the camera is just too fascinating to ignore. I managed to get a short video after several tries a few weeks after we brought Ted home.

By jlandis on May 28, 2012 at 1:52 PM

Gorgeous!!! I could sit and watch them clean and calm one another for hours! What a wonderful pair you've helped them become! Thanks so much for posting them -- I die of kyoot!

By jadzia23 on May 28, 2012 at 12:39 PM

Oh yes, I'm sure they would love to learn the thunderpiggy. They'd all have a wonderful time making lotsa noise. Here's the best picture I could get. Neither of them would sit still so I had to hold him for the picture. I almost got a really good one but the camera wouldn't take the shot. Have a great day :)