Messages between kenkar and MayneKoonMaizey

By MayneKoonMaizey on Dec 21, 2011 at 7:44 AM

Ohai kiki!! Ai'm onna misshun in search ob sum ob teh old collektiblolz that gawt past mii while ai wuz in RLS-land. Duz yu hazza Roller Skate oar a Forever Alone Guy dat yu culd spare, pleeze adn prittee pleeze? :-) Fanks yu adn Happee Hollidaez!! {{{kiki}}}

By MayneKoonMaizey on Jul 21, 2011 at 8:28 AM

Oooh, lukkee sweetpea gawt tu goe tu teh spaaaahhh!! :-) We'll awl hafta hab a tawk wif hur adn tell hur dat it'z gud form tu leeb a note telling yu wehre shii'z going soe yu don't hazza whiree. *snerk* Srsly tho, ai hazza hyoog happee dat shii caym hoem...dat am a beri scary fing wehn kittehs goe awn walkabout. {{{kenkar}}} Aihopeso and yur fur babbehs are doing well adn staying cooooool! :-)

By MayneKoonMaizey on Jul 5, 2011 at 2:47 PM

Oh yesh, indeedee! Dem MayneKoonz iz teh beeg lub spungiz ob teh kitteh werld, aifinkso! Wich iz grayt untyl tehy'v had enuff lubs adn teh beeg bunneh-footed kikks ob deth start! *tee hee* How'z yur Ms. Sweetpea doin'? Haz shii desided tu stay closur tu hoem?