The latest from kittyloverlolz

kittyloverlolz kittyloverlolz left a message for -Alphonse_Elric-

lol. well u on? im soooooo bored right now. its winter break and im basically all alone with a giant ... [more]

kittyloverlolz kittyloverlolz favorited a lol

Classic: Yo Dawg

Classic: Yo Dawg
kittyloverlolz kittyloverlolz favorited a lol

LOLcat TAKEOVER! The Dougie. I will teach you it.

LOLcat TAKEOVER! The Dougie. I will teach you it.
kittyloverlolz kittyloverlolz favorited a lol

I don't know how to thank you for taking me home. I think I'll just purr, sit and sleep next to you whenever you need me...

I don't know how to thank you for taking me home. I think I'll just purr, sit and sleep next to you whenever you need me...
kittyloverlolz kittyloverlolz left a message for iizacrazykid

hey my new bud! wats up?

kittyloverlolz kittyloverlolz and iizacrazykid are now Cheezburger friends
kittyloverlolz kittyloverlolz favorited a lol

During Mouse Prohibition, kittehs had "squeakeasies."

During Mouse Prohibition, kittehs had "squeakeasies."
kittyloverlolz kittyloverlolz left a message for -Alphonse_Elric-

omg! you have sesshomaru for your pic! i like it! did i insper you? XD

kittyloverlolz kittyloverlolz favorited a lol

Teh Seben Dedly LOLCats

Teh Seben Dedly LOLCats
kittyloverlolz kittyloverlolz and Dogluver17 are now Cheezburger friends
kittyloverlolz kittyloverlolz favorited a lol

he loves his job!

he loves his job!
kittyloverlolz kittyloverlolz favorited a lol

Tupper loved Josie enough to let her sing "You Are My Sunshine" in her own unique key. Over and over and over and over again.

Tupper loved Josie enough to let her sing "You Are My Sunshine" in her own unique key. Over and over and over and over again.
kittyloverlolz kittyloverlolz favorited a lol

Cyoot Kittehs of the Day: Yin-Yang Cuties

Cyoot Kittehs of the Day: Yin-Yang Cuties
kittyloverlolz kittyloverlolz favorited a lol


kittyloverlolz kittyloverlolz favorited a lol

Take the left one everything ends and you believe whatever you want to...

Take the left one everything ends and you believe whatever you want to...


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5 of 5 messages
By badkittyct on Jan 4, 2011 at 2:39 AM
“I'm such a dimwit at times! Just saw your early birthday wish and Christmas... [more]

By iizacrazykid on Dec 30, 2010 at 12:52 PM
“watching inu-kun X3”

By Touta_Matsuda on Dec 21, 2010 at 7:03 AM
“hey how are you sorry i cant be on much now but i miss this place all my fr... [more]

By -Alphonse_Elric- on Dec 18, 2010 at 10:25 AM
“that sounds awesome...i like chocolate...”

By agentpoof11d6 on Dec 18, 2010 at 8:18 AM
“Hayyyyy nuffin much u?”