Messages between larscog and catsuberalles

By catsuberalles on Mar 20, 2017 at 12:36 PM

:snaps off a salute to a long AWOL cheezfriend: Hope you're doing well.

By catsuberalles on Sep 14, 2012 at 3:22 PM

Happy Birthday, my friend! I won't be here on your birthday, so I'm a little early with this:

By catsuberalles on Jun 3, 2012 at 2:53 AM


By catsuberalles on Jun 1, 2012 at 1:41 PM

Darnit, that message was for Mallard!

By catsuberalles on Jun 1, 2012 at 1:41 PM

ED on ED: I was thinking of you in my reply to Lars. re "don't even see vote totals anymore," that's one in a long list...I hate to be a wet blanket, but I'm getting really frustrated at the lack of progress. Since my return there's been one [very important] fix: the return of recaptioning. Still no "see all captions," comments are still AWOL and probably always will be, as you said voting is a mess, FP fonts remain too faint...never mind the long-lost FP search function. (How many for you now?) I'd been giving them a pass because of my impression that Ben/ICHC was forced into the change, but according to someone who met Ben at a recent event, that was not the case.

By catsuberalles on Jun 1, 2012 at 1:26 PM

You're welcome. Many share your puzzlement over FP selection. Maybe the site really is run by cats?

By catsuberalles on May 31, 2012 at 9:15 PM

huggable FP congrats! Great to see you there.

By catsuberalles on Jan 26, 2012 at 5:41 AM

Here you go: The correct[ed] info is in the comments. No peeking! lol Good day to one and lol, er one and all.

By catsuberalles on Jan 26, 2012 at 5:38 AM

Ha! @ "is you my mommy?" Ten points if you can correctly ID the author of that children's book. ("Are You My Mother?") I got it wrong in one of my lols, get you the link in a second.

By catsuberalles on Jan 9, 2012 at 7:57 AM

Thank goodness, lately I hold my breath at every med-story. Funny about the hair, how much it varies in newborns, eh? ** "And now for something completely different": the cat in my avatar belongs to a cheezfriend; got to visit yesterday. Hard to take a picture [yourself] when the cat is right up against you, hence the odd angle here: Yep, those are my legs getting their 15 minutes. Fortunately, Silvertoes [that's the cat's name] wasn't doing what it says in the caption! ** Keep the family _and_ the cats purring, TTYL.

By catsuberalles on Jan 8, 2012 at 8:19 AM

48 hours later...everybody perkier by now? ;)

By catsuberalles on Jan 5, 2012 at 5:38 AM

Good! Great news. Now get some rest, gramps. lol btw, sounds like your employer was very flexible, good for him/them.

By catsuberalles on Jan 4, 2012 at 6:25 AM

That is great news! One of the better medical updates we've had around here, thank goodness. Best wishes to all of you, all in good time. (Translation; don't let the hospital push them out the door prematurely.)

By catsuberalles on Jan 2, 2012 at 9:23 AM

PS ROFL @ "What does this accomplish again?" Those 1950s drills were a gas.

By catsuberalles on Jan 2, 2012 at 9:20 AM

Whoa...serious stuff, I'd be wearing a stack of worry hats myself. Your grandson sounds like he's got a clear path to recovery but I've never heard internal bleeding described as "minor." A doctor friend of mine advises relatives to be on top of their loved ones' medical care and never give up on their vigilance, solid advice. I pray this is but a bridge over troubled waters for you all.

By catsuberalles on Jan 1, 2012 at 9:20 PM

Late add: forgot to wish you well in 2012. Keep that good news coming! and none of the other kind. Mother & child doing well?

By catsuberalles on Jan 1, 2012 at 10:00 AM

ED Wow, WatagaSP is right! You grandson came in just under the tax wire, lol. Congrats! Break out the champage and chocolate cigars.

By catsuberalles on Nov 21, 2011 at 9:43 AM

Such is life... ;)

By catsuberalles on Nov 20, 2011 at 12:25 PM

Well, of course. OTOH sounds like the story of my life, lol. (Not _that_ drastic.)

By catsuberalles on Nov 19, 2011 at 9:17 PM

Sounds good. Nice to know it's not recruiter hype.

By catsuberalles on Nov 18, 2011 at 7:52 AM

Yep, we may have turned the corner. OK, thanks for saying that you "got me"; as the song says "Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood." btw, as long as we're giving percentages, what percentage of veterans would you say are in the same advantageous position you are/were? (Having directly translatable skills acquired in their military service.)

By catsuberalles on Nov 17, 2011 at 5:29 AM

Oops! I meant "earlier in the same sentence." Noticed while archiving...have a great Thursday.

By catsuberalles on Nov 17, 2011 at 5:22 AM

Well...likewise, there's a limit to what I can say about the person in question, but he does have genuine reasons for being insecure - reasons with which one can empathize while still thinking "yeah, but why does that have to be my problem?" So if he really has reached a comfort level maybe he's going to stay at a "humility level," to coin a phrase. Tolerable, IOW. re "no I did not claim vetern preference on my application" - oh no no no! When I asked "Did your military experience help you get the position?" what I meant was, did you have specific skills from your military career that related to your new job, and you answered that question a few sentences earlier. re "Hey! It's Saturday and I don't have to work, what the heck?" - hey, there really are people who do/have done that, it's not just a joke on cheezburger! lol.

By catsuberalles on Nov 16, 2011 at 8:30 AM

On an unrelated note: I started a profile to "collect" music lols (lols that _are_ music, not lols that _talk_about_ music.) I added your football player "Singing in the rain," though I mostly focus on mainstream rock n' roll. (Country & other genres as well.) If you'd like to send a friend request, it's the very imaginatively-named "MusicLols" profile at

By catsuberalles on Nov 16, 2011 at 7:53 AM

Remember the tagline from "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind"? It was "We are not alone." yourself, I haven't had to deal with many people like this guy, but as the meme here has it, "When I do..." This guy is the topper. As you say, he's in over his head for reasons that can't be related here. We've all tried to make life easier for him but it's been slow going. We *may* finally be reaching him, maybe he finally sees we genuinely want to be on his side and are not trying to sabotage him, if he'd only listen. IOW, the gulf between the results of his decisions and ours is becoming too painful to ignore. FWIW, this guy is not as much of a wise guy as the leader of your unit in Fallujah (to take credit). "Success has a thousand fathers and failure is an orphan," eh? lol. So you've got the "cold case" files? Did your military experience help you get the position? lol at "Working bankers hours for the first time in my life and I am pushing 50, not sure how to handle this lol." Well, of course you do! Family IRL, lols and cheez-family online. We're thrilled to have you. Personally, I'm gratified that I was able to "pick your brain." As before, I've saved your messages elsewhere; thank you very much for all. Good luck with your caseload, TTYL.

By catsuberalles on Nov 15, 2011 at 11:26 PM

ED your new situation - so that's why we get to see you again! That's great news. Re other topic, today marked an apparent milestone. Fixed a problem no one else was able to solve; guy was like the proverbial lion with the thorn removed from his paw. *shrug* So far so good...I thank you again for your counsel, hope my understanding (above) is correct.

By catsuberalles on Nov 15, 2011 at 7:04 AM

Oh - to clarify "mutely accepting protracted screaming tirades": it's impossible to reason with that person. After they've screamed themselves out it's possible to offer a quiet word or two and work with them for a short time. A few hours later they get remorseful and apologetic...and then the cycle repeats. I'm thinking, "Are you apologizing because you care or because I'm the only one handy to do the work I do? Shoot guy, there must be someone else." ...and then I make myself scarce and force him to find someone else, and the job gets done - sub-optimally. *shrug* My threshold of "pain" is decreasing.

By catsuberalles on Nov 15, 2011 at 6:57 AM

An impassioned _Thank You_ for your well-considered answer; I copied and saved, it's that important. Sounds like what we've come to appreciate about you, patient, logical, and level-headed. Somehow it seems I'm losing those traits as I grow older, to my detriment, so it's great to have someone like yourself set me straight now and then. I have tried being *very* patient with the person in question, including mutely accepting protracted screaming tirades (subject: solving problems they created, and solved to everyone's satisfaction but theirs), but my patience and tolerance has worn I'm practicing avoidance to the extent possible - not a direct "boss" so this is feasible - and bypassing them entirely. Of course, I recognize the very real possibility of that tactic blowing up... *sigh* Can't get any more specific here so I'll just say again I've save your message to re-read and reconsider as the situation develops. Thanks again.

By catsuberalles on Nov 14, 2011 at 6:16 AM

Hola! Que tal? Been nice seeing you here these last few days. Hey, let me ask you a serious question. Have you ever had a commanding officer who ran roughshod over the people in his command? (Above and beyond the usual training & maintaining discipline.) If yes, how did you handle it? This has a RL application...someone I'm dealing with who not only thinks he's still in the service, but believes he's got the right to be insufferable on that basis. ** btw, typo patrol; in your lol @ you're missing the 'e' in "feline." ** Best to you & yours, cua.

By catsuberalles on Sep 26, 2011 at 8:35 PM
