Messages between laughingcats and RainbowMaus

By RainbowMaus on Sep 19, 2018 at 5:51 PM

Arggg, talk like a pirate today!

By RainbowMaus on Aug 16, 2018 at 9:21 PM

ware is yu?

By RainbowMaus on Oct 7, 2016 at 4:52 PM

Ohai ladee ob the shining happee wuns!

By RainbowMaus on Jun 9, 2015 at 5:11 PM

So lovee, one of the songs on the playloop at work sings about "shining happy people..." I think of you every time.

By laughingcats on Jul 4, 2013 at 7:41 PM

ohai, swseetie! ai hazzent bin arown much, butt ai wanted tu let yoo know dat ai finks abowcha ebery dai. dere's a lady awn my route named Laura Maus ~ srsly. ai lubs yoo and hope tu see yoo sumtime - maybe in the fall? ai agree, dis summer woant werk owt fer me eever. hope tu see ya eventually, ef nawt sooner.

By RainbowMaus on Jun 23, 2013 at 8:22 PM

Iffen yu is lurkin, ai is sayin ohai!

By laughingcats on Jan 31, 2013 at 3:12 PM

sew dat's whut taht eery glow iz tuward teh weast. teh car fingie iz still in teh car ~ which Dave drove down tu Norf Carolina. ai's flyin down (yesh, in a ayrplane) adn we'll drive back tugevver.

By RainbowMaus on Jan 31, 2013 at 2:48 PM

Aw, hao cuds yu go go anudder cheezmeet WIFFOWT yur WW stuffs? Humm? An doan furget to mek shur yur agate peece still inna yur car! Meh own agate is nao inna Miss Maus, along wiffa fledermaus dat flaps an flyez awl abowt as ai dribe. Happee sigh, it meks meh happee... see mai big smyle?

By laughingcats on Jan 31, 2013 at 9:55 AM

yu bin talkin bowt mah frunt girly parts agin? OMG, whut a laff yoo juss gave me ~ ai needed taht. yeah, ai bin deeling wiff a lot ov discomfort frum my nerb, sew ai bin lurkin dis yeer sew far. ai hopes to be bakk moar when ai's feeling better. NC better nawt be pinching mah shinies ~ butt(!) yoo reminded me tu be shure tu pakk mah W-W made nekliss set!! ai wanna luk down adn say, "oooh, shiney!!" adn fink uv yoo, darlin. love ya lots.

By RainbowMaus on Jan 24, 2013 at 9:10 PM

Aw, fankees darlin! Ai hazza sowwy fur yur princed nerd. Ai will trades yu, fur wun dai onlee, dat fur mai skin prollems. Ai hadda go to teh ER cupple daze ago, den gotted hoem an yoozed a neu loshun dat made mai legs feel onna fyre. Wuz horrbul. Wuz also gud distrackshun, but still horrbul. Whut hab ai lerned? Ai willz tell yu. NEBBER NEBBER soak inna tub an exfolee-yate wiffa scrubby glub iffen yu duzzent wanna itchee til yu goes to ER an den scritches til it bleeds! An NEBBER NEBBER use a differnt loshun after dat cuz den yu habs legs on fyre wif no fyremens in site! Misses yu!

By laughingcats on Jan 24, 2013 at 8:49 PM

ai didn't know yoo wuz suffering a loss lyke taht ~ ai hazza hyooj sorry fer yu. himz wuz a most beautimus boy, adn ai know you'll miss him. *gentle hugs and leeky eyes fer mah frend*

By laughingcats on Jan 9, 2013 at 8:17 PM

ohai, sweetie!! ai hazzent bin gigglolling much lately ~ ai developed a pinched nerbe in my nekk adn left sholdur, sew ai am in sum payne, insted ob BEING a payne lyke ai ushully am. ai habent felt up tu lolling, but ai got teh funnies tunite, sew ai did cuppla jokes adn wanted tu stawp by adn say howdy. HOWDY!!! *hedbonks*

By RainbowMaus on Dec 28, 2012 at 9:39 PM

Poke, poke, poke. Ai pokes yu inna ribs til yu gigguls liek a Betty Rubble! Aw, see yu is sooo cooper-ay-tib dat yu starts teh gigglin afore teh furst poke! Ai jest wanted to say dat ai lubs yu and misses yu. Ai habben been awn at awl latelee on account ob mai new home has peeps dat lubs meh an insists dat ai spend time wif dem! Yay! Hope yur Holly Daze are gud!

By laughingcats on Nov 27, 2012 at 7:55 PM

oh, now yew dun it. ai gots leeky eis frum bein lyked AND lubbed. fanks. *blushes* thx fer dat. eben tho ai sprung a leke. *danses while waving tu teh weast*

By RainbowMaus on Nov 26, 2012 at 9:22 PM

Uh oh, darlin... aifinks yu habs a minunnerstanding heer... Yu sed yu is happy tu hab a frend whut lykes yu... ai may nawt be dat frend yu be lookin fur. Ai LUBS yu! Wahl, okay, a liddle honestee here... ai gotta admits dat... dat... aw hell, ai lykes yu too. (blush, an a shy toe-poke inna sand.) Ai lubs you an ai also lykes yu! Omigosh, yu is trooly blessed! An teh moar aifink abowt it, teh moar ai knows yu is relly an trooly blessed. Ai, Teh Maus, do solumlee sware dat ai duzzent jest up an bestow mai lubs AND mai lykes BOFF upon teh same purrson wiffowt berry good reezuns. Yeah, so mehbe ai is a bit fulla mehself, but it allus happens dat sumwun ai wishes gud tings fur allus gets dem. Soooo... yu beddur DUCK cuz dere's a hole hoopa gud wishes commin down awn yer haid, honee!!!

By laughingcats on Nov 26, 2012 at 8:10 PM

yaaay! ai thot ai bin gettin wayved at. gud tu know yoo am inna nu home adn hab sumwon tu gib carp tu adn now yew doan gotta worry abowt moovin kaws yu alreddy dun it!!! woohoo! ai bin overwhelmed heer adn appreshiat teh beems & waves ~ enny halp ai kin git iz halpful. *happy tu hab a frend whut lykes me!*

By RainbowMaus on Nov 24, 2012 at 12:44 AM

Ohai mai sillee darlin frend wiffa funnee giggle! Ai haz taken mah kitteh an mai lappytop an mai meds an mai brand neu Miss Maus an moobed in wif mai sisser. (It wuz a relly qwik kinda fing so ai habs nawt a lotta clothes, so ai runs arownd nekkid a lot nao, lol!) Ai haz been sendin to yu thru teh airwabes lots ob gud wishes an thots, an been wabin to teh weast at yu!

By RainbowMaus on Nov 18, 2012 at 12:37 AM

Oh, hear yu kin see mah baybee, Danté, wif a bunch ob peeces ob papur...

By RainbowMaus on Nov 17, 2012 at 11:32 AM

Tankled up? Omigosh, yu allus makes me laff! Yup, ai got a neu car, her is called Miss Maus. An nao ai is gonna take mai kitteh an Miss Maus an alla mai beads an toyz and moob in wif mai sisser! Sigh, ai gets to keep teh same fayce, an teh skin sore-eye-assis habs gibbed meh a neu bodee to luk at. It duzzent luk berry lubbly, lemme tell ya! Nao, iffen ai cud jest git a day off from werk ai cud akshully do some moobin! Ai hopes yu is well, ai ai wabin to teh weast at yu!

By laughingcats on Nov 17, 2012 at 7:49 AM

gud lort, ai getz tankled up in reel lyfe, adn yoo go owt adn hab all sorts ov stuff goin on! whut's dis abowt a nu car, adn noo home place? gotta noo face az well? ai gotta keep mah eyes on yew ebery sekkund!!! hope yer duin well adn all iz happytail fur ya. *dansdans*

By RainbowMaus on Oct 22, 2012 at 1:39 PM

Aw mai darlin lc, dat's berry funnee! Fank yu! Ai hopes yu is habbin sum wundermauses IRL.

By laughingcats on Oct 22, 2012 at 1:19 PM

saw dis, thot ov yu. teh fird wun iz wy ai thot uv yoo. course, it's bekawse dere's no raynbo.

By RainbowMaus on Oct 20, 2012 at 10:02 AM

Allus happee to share eerwurms wif yu!

By laughingcats on Oct 19, 2012 at 1:52 PM

thx fer teh Donovan eerwurm wiff yer latest lol!! teh lil bebbe kitten in teh frendship bracelet lol lukks EXAKLY lyke teh lil bebbe kitten ai gots libbin in mah bedroom rite now ~ SQUEEE!! ai haddent gone away completely, ai juss bin layin low. hope yur happy adn well. ai's eetin chonklit adn trying tu get bakk tu normal, whutebber dat iz. *hugs tu my buddy*

By RainbowMaus on Sep 26, 2012 at 10:01 PM

Ah darlin, mehbe nextest tiem yu cud gib meh sum hedbonks wiffowt takin a runnin start furst? Pleez?

By laughingcats on Sep 26, 2012 at 6:39 PM

yu am my favoritest maus inna werld, yoo know dat? *hugs & hedbonks*

By RainbowMaus on Sep 25, 2012 at 10:05 PM

Ohai darlin! Thot ai wud drop in an say "ohai." So... here ai am, droppin in to say ohai. Ai thot dere wuz mehbe sumtin else ai wanted to say to yu, but ai kan't remember it. Hm, yet anudder sign ob a defektiv remembery. Dam teh beevers torpeedoze. Ah hell, aifink dat lemmyade wuz spiked! It sed Sparks, but it shudda sed spikes. Yup, dat's it! Ai nebber tole yu, but mai kinda-boyfrend here has teh male version ob yur gigglol. Ai duzzent hear it berry often, but ai finks ob yu wen ai do. K'mon, gigglol a wee bit owt lowd liek a Betty Rubble, pleez? Ai misses yur sparklee spikee self!

By RainbowMaus on Sep 22, 2012 at 1:56 PM

Yu maded teh Maus cry, yu bad gurl! Oh stawp dat, ai is jest kiddin! Fankees fur teh lolz! No worreez fur yu, mai boifrend diddent eben gib meh a card! Mai sister an frends moar den made up fur it, tho! Wuzza moat wundermus several days! Lubs yu!

By laughingcats on Sep 20, 2012 at 4:37 PM this iz whut ai wudda sent ef ai had dun won awn yer akshual burfday.

By laughingcats on Sep 20, 2012 at 4:11 PM

also sendifying frownies at teh stoopy mechanikals whut won't let yoo show teh fotos!! *grrrrr*