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By luvmy8catz on Jan 28, 2013 at 6:40 PM

It is good to hear from you after such a long spell, didn't know where you had got off to. Most of the babies are doing well, two of them have been having some problems. Don't stay away so long next time ;) luvmy8catz

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By Sandrainia5kittehs on Oct 24, 2012 at 1:24 AM

Glad to meet cho been so wild here nawt abul to type for months, had to have right shoulder rebuilt frome bones out.Pleased to see you on CB. How is home findings and getting kittehs back going?? Was in same situatin few yrs back, lost most of kitties and 2 goggies when I had to move from AZ to KY to live with my daughter. After move now ex hubby walked out on me once he found out that since I couldn't work any more he would have to. Turned out good, as friend of past 10 yrs swooped in and rescued me and cats I had left and stole us away to his home in PA. After 3 yr fight I finally got my disability to go through. Keep Chin up and bestest of good luck wishes.

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By luvmy8catz on Sep 6, 2012 at 7:33 AM

Gud Mawnin, Go to my dashboard, click on my stuff, then my LOL"s and they are among all the rest I made. Iffin I didn't hab so mant cats I could make one of each but that would take fureber..... Hugs, Millie

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By MsAnna on Sep 5, 2012 at 8:24 PM

Ohai! Glad you are enjoying your time with us cheezpeeps. I look forward to spending time here,relaxing,laughing & remembering that 'life is too important to be taken seriously'! I really need to get to bed soon. Since the place I work was closed for Labor Day,I had to go in at 5am yesterday (UGH!!) & I think it's starting to catch up with me! Don't handle 10+ hours as well as I used to,but so it goes. Enough kvetching. I'll be glad to get back to my routine & so will the kitties. They just KNEW they were going to STARVE 'cause their 'din-din' was a little late. Oh the DRAMA!!! :) Hugs & hedbonks =^^=

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By luvmy8catz on Sep 5, 2012 at 7:48 PM

Aih'm nawt to good at it either. On most of the lol's I make with my kittehs, I put their name on it. Hab a Gweat nite an a better tamorro. Many hugs, Millie

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By MsAnna on Aug 22, 2012 at 5:08 PM

Ohai dere neu cheexfren! Pleezd 2 meet u! =^^=

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By luvmy8catz on Aug 19, 2012 at 11:20 PM

Ohai dere, gwad ta heer frum yew, shore hab bin a long tyme. Eberyfing fine on dis end, most of teh lol's I made last week are mai fur babies. i usually put dere name on da ones that are mine. Lookin foward to conversatin wif yew moar. Hugs, Millie

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By laughingcats on Aug 16, 2012 at 5:00 PM

ai am happy tu heer frum yoo! glad yu liked teh recipe, adn ai laffed at it tu. lots of people sent me gud wishes fer my burfday, adn now yu're one ov dem!

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By CatBurgh on Aug 16, 2012 at 7:10 AM

Ohai, lgcw!!! Fanks for teh uppydates on hao yore doing. Aiz glad yore gettin yore kitteh fix, adn aiz shoor teh kittehs lub getting teh atenshuns frum you. Ai hoaps sumday you will haz sum ob yore babbehs bak hoam wif you. As fore my Smudge, he am going strong! It habs been 18 monfs since a vet told me he was abowt to pass ober teh rainbow brij. We must be doin sumfin rite, caws when she saw him a fyoo days ago, she said, "wow! he looks good!" Adn all ob his blood tests got teh gudgud results. We are thankful fore ebry purr adn ebry rub against owr ankuls adn ebry happeh littul chirp. Luv yew bak, Catwoman. *schmoo* CB

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By laughingcats on Apr 29, 2012 at 7:48 PM

ohai, lgcw19! ai lyked teh last propaganda lol you faveorited, so ai thot ai would say tell you that and say hello! hope you are doing well and all is good for you. *happy to see you*

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By CatBurgh on Mar 16, 2012 at 10:19 AM

Ohai, lgcw19! Aiz glad you had a chanss to czech in. Fings heer are fine, adn ai hoaps dey are fine wif you too. Aiz heddin owt into dis warm sunshinee day tu get some yard werks dun. *schmoo*

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By laughingcats on Mar 16, 2012 at 9:37 AM

ohai backatcha, lgcatwoman19!! ai waz wundering why ai hadn't heard frum you for a while ~ now ai know! hope you are doing well, and have a good week!

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By laughingcats on Jan 22, 2012 at 5:23 PM

ohai, lgcatwoman19! ai wuz thinking ov yu nd didn't know if yu ar trying tu get yur collectimals filled up oar nawt. if yu ar, yu have a couple ov gud resources az yur frends. MsKittykittyPusspussMeow haz halped me a LOT tu fill up empty spots in my sets, nd all yu have tu do iz tu ask her. just look at her collectibles and ask her fur one or two each day, and she will help you. also, ai notised you ar frends with Mugglemary. when yu look at your frends page, each person has a little list below their name. go to their frends page, and look to see who they have as frends, and scroll through the collectibles of each person. one person that is a frend of Mugglemary is sumone called Goldfish, who has lots of collectibles still. send a frend request tu him, and ask him for stuff, too. you can also ask Mugglemary tu relay stuff. since we can only send one item a day to any one person, you can ask Goldfish to send you something, and to send something else you need to Mugglemary, who can then send it on to you. that way you can fill up more quickly. if you want to send a gift to someone, you click on the item that you have multiples of, and buttons pop up. the one that looks like a wrapped gift is what you click on. a screen with all your frends names will pop up, and you click on the name of the frend you want to give the gift to. sorry to write such a long post, but ai want to halp you if ai can!

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By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Jan 15, 2012 at 2:51 PM

Ohai n hugs tu yu lgcw!! Yep, teh collektabols aer over n lots ov peeps aer bery unhappy bowt dat - me included!! :( I doant know ifn tehy wil bring tehm bak - maybe tehy will because so menny people aer kikkin up a fuss!! Adn yes, ai luv tu trade tehm wif mai frends too - its a luvly way tu stay in touch. I have lots ov spaers - pleeze feel free tu hav a look at mine n let me know which wuns yu need. To send yur spares to frends yu clik on teh little gift box beside teh extra wuns yu have n tehn a pop up skreen appears n yu can choose hoo tu send it to on yur frend's list. Millie is reely gud fankees - butt she has lost 2 collars now n ai don't how she is doing it!! She does look pretty under taht umbrella eh!! I hope yu are doing fine Lesly n gud lukk wif yur collectabols!! xoxoxo Ms Meow :)

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By Foxkatt on Jan 10, 2012 at 9:26 PM

Hai ya new cheez fwend. Tankies fur extending da froofie Paw O' friendship. It's lovely to meet ya an I'm honored to be one of yourz new fwends. WELCOME!!! Foxkatt

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By MsKittykittyPusspussMeow on Jan 7, 2012 at 6:40 AM

Ohai sweet lgcw19 adn a bery happy n healthy new yeer tu yu too!! Heer's tu lots ov larfs in Cheezland!! I've been away fer a week and not near a computer so forgive me fer being late wif mai messag to yu!! Mai frend hoo lost her bebbeh, Solomon, iz Foxkatt, adn ai am sure she wud lub tu be yur cheezfrend too Lesley. Ai fink teh LOL yu iz finking off fer mai kitteh, Millie, iz dis wun ... Lots ov luv n hugs, Ms Meow! xoxox

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By laughingcats on Jan 3, 2012 at 9:14 AM

wif mai wurk schedule, ai ektually gotted a 3 day weekend!! yay! ai yam starting neu yeer awf gud. hoep yur yeer goze grate, tu! *schmoos*

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By CatBurgh on Jan 3, 2012 at 5:46 AM

Ohai, lgcw! Whew! Fings heer are finely settling down. Smudge has had a cupla gudgud days, adn we'z getting into owr noo rooteen. Teh eve ob teh gnu yeer was quiet but fun. We gotted bak hoam befoar teh ball dropt adn watched it on teh teevee. Teh bestest was on teh noo yeer day, wen about a dozen frends caym ober in teh afternoon adn we all talked adn ate adn talked and ate and ate sum moar. Berry nise. Ai hoaps teh noo yeer am gudgudgud to you. {{{Lesley adn Tiny}}}

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By laughingcats on Dec 31, 2011 at 10:29 PM

me nd mai furbabies want yu tu hav a most wonnerful Mew Year, nd ai hope taht yor desires am acheeved nd yur jois ar menny. *hedbonks*

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By CatBurgh on Dec 30, 2011 at 6:33 PM

Ohai! adn fanks for teh hugs. Ai thot it wood be easier to get Smudge's diabetes back unner control. We has to watch him closely ober teh weekend, becaws his vet am owt of reech until Munday. For nao, we gibs moar insulin if he eets good, adn less if he am picky abowt his fuds. So much to lurn! He puts up wif awl of it adn keeps on purring. :-)

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