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By djrcreative on Feb 16, 2012 at 1:06 PM

Thanks for the friend accept. :)

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By alymitchell on Dec 6, 2011 at 6:32 PM

Thanks so much for accepting my friend invitation! ~Aly

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By fbastage on Nov 24, 2011 at 11:12 AM

:) hi there. how are you? I'm wondering if I can have the extra retired "karot" collectible you have on page 6.

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By MajikKittehz on Jun 11, 2011 at 1:34 AM

Hello MajikKittehz friends. This is Tookat who has been dragged kicking and screaming into taking over the admin of the page Mamagwyn and I put together to celebrate all things kitten...and especially the 9 kittens my hunny Lesso has and whom he declares are majik as all get out, and who refuse to grow up. Gwyn as another channel was often visited by our 9 furbabies and even her husband Rich has gotten in the habit of yelling "kittens!" when something goes missing or awry at their house. I apologize for the group pasted message, but there were so many friend requests, and so many old friends who need to know I have taken over. Please feel free to make kitten lols, especially majik ones and submit them to us (as far as I am concerned Gwyn isn't gone) and the bratpak will have more pull here now that I am more or less in charge. Sometimes messages and comments will be handled by the kitkids or Les. Look for majik kitten lols in the faves as well as in "my stuff" because others have made some wonderful lols for us...and I am too damn lazy to sign in and out of accounts....and so was Gwyn. Transcended Gwyn sends her love to everyone and hopes no one will be wierded out by this becoming a much more channeled profile.

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By ROBERT0900 on Feb 25, 2011 at 4:15 AM

Hello Cheezfriend:) Do you want to make a trade? I need your extra karot Collectible.please send it to me and in return i give you the gift coal

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By allcatsloved on Jan 29, 2011 at 2:47 PM

Hi lila390! Glad to meet you. I love your avatar pic. I've got an art card, which is a miniature painting, of just that little cat that was painted by a Russian artist. It's one of my favorites!

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By steffie76 on Jul 3, 2010 at 12:49 AM


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