Messages between lion_rainbow and iluvchocolate

By iluvchocolate on Feb 4, 2011 at 4:53 PM

It am sir-tinlee lubblee moast ob teh thyme. Mai boi iz a bery hy-funkshuning awtistik, has ownlee has teh helps wif taykin noats in klasses an hims wurkload iz slytlee smawler. He tests owt at or abuv grade lebbel, an himz bery talinted at bildin wif Legos. He duznt du sportz, tu mutch noyse an aktibbity. We hassa majer prowd ob him, ennewayz.

By lion_rainbow on Feb 4, 2011 at 4:02 PM

Ohai ILC! Juz red ur answer on teh lol ob teh Patty Caek Kittehz. Ai was on a birfdai, speekin ob birfdaiz. Happee birfdai for ur son, 13 jeerz. Adn u happee 13 anniversary ob bein teh mom ob hims! Ai kno wut u meen, mai son is also 13 jeerz owld. Adn ai donut kno either wut happend wiff teh feet. Oberheer awlso 44 Yeurop size, elebentee ai gues wiff u. Hims a sportman, playin succer in a reel high (nashunal) lebbel, goes tu school in a special talented class. Adn since august hims went from 39 till nao 44. We has tu provide teh shoes bai ourselbes. Wun pair for teh normal field, wun for teh wet, muddy adn teh trainin/runninshoes. U cannot bai dem tu big, cuz dat won't wurk. Since august we bought tree times shoes, is 9 pair ob shoes...*mumblol, grumblol* Adn dose ar teh moments u realize is goin fast, nawt onwly in growin ob, butt(!) awlso wiff mai munnies, hee hee! Enniewees, is lubly habin kidz, isn't it? Bai bai, from heer awl teh wai tu u! Gudnite *schmoos*

By iluvchocolate on Feb 1, 2011 at 5:10 AM

Ohai L_R, fankees fur teh huggz. Weez doin ok. We am gunna miss Skitzo, him wuzza yooneek liddlol dood. Butt(!) we stil habz Nuts an Bonkers tu gib us teh happeez. Nawt tu menshun teh ratteez.

By lion_rainbow on Feb 1, 2011 at 2:48 AM

Ohai iluvchocolate! Ai was awai for a dai on cheezland, cuz mai pyooter was borked. So ai juz nao red bout ur litlol Skitzo dat hims cros teh bridj. :( Ais sawree for u adn ur famblee. {{{ilc, litlol gurl & mike}}}

By iluvchocolate on Jan 21, 2011 at 11:20 AM

*duz a happeedans dat LR is happee* *tripz ober inbizzibul byk* Oh, dere it am, LR! Kwik, gedda red ribbin tu tye awn teh handlolbarz sew yu kin fynz it eezy!

By lion_rainbow on Jan 21, 2011 at 3:04 AM

Fankeez ILC for mai new inbisublol bike! Ai reelly likes it, nawt shore bout teh colowr, cuz hims inbisublol. Adn aill has tu merembur were ai put it, otterwise ai donut fin its wenn ai need it! ;) Bai buy form teh Nebberlandz!

By lion_rainbow on Jan 8, 2011 at 2:39 PM

Ohai ILC, yesh, dat wuz wat ai was thinkin tu! Butt(!) nao we are! Haz mutsch fun wiff teh LOLkittehz, frohgs, donkeys, myules, mauwsies, ratz, goosses or watebber der koms along! :) Bai bai!

By iluvchocolate on Jan 8, 2011 at 2:28 PM

Ohai Lion_Rainbow! Fanks fur teh frenrekwest! Ai fawt we wuz awreddeh frenz...*sigh* mai memmerie am nawt sew gud ennemoar! Hugs and Schmooz!