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By QueenOfFerelden13 on Jun 2, 2012 at 7:47 AM

Not so fond of hipsters I see? xD That's okay neither am I. I have read the pilot version. (I has the box set :3) It would have been more dramatic but it would also be a lot moar confusing for the other readers. Aww I loved Derpy's voice better before they should have kept it the way it was, so cuute! :3

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By QueenOfFerelden13 on Jun 1, 2012 at 8:19 PM

Thank you! :D I haven't playeed that yet but wanting to. My favorite manga has to be Death Note! Anime? All anime!! :3 I don't mind questions. Oh gosh my favorite pony is probably... Derpy Hooves. :D

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By AnnieMaus on May 31, 2012 at 11:11 AM

Favorite things? Well, since that is a super-broad topic, we'll be talking ages, so well-played, sir. Fave food: Brother's homemade curry, pizza, or Chipotle burritos Fave drinks: Thai iced tea, orange juice, or Coke zero Fave music: Gah~ Too many answers! Right now I'm working my way through video games soundtracks and speed metal Fave TV shows: Futurama, Game of Thrones, Archer, Metalocalypse, and Doctor Who Let's start with that.

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By AnnieMaus on May 29, 2012 at 6:53 AM

Nice to meet you Seth, I'd enjoy conversing with you at your earliest convenience.

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By insectpins on May 28, 2012 at 2:34 AM


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By exoknight on May 17, 2012 at 5:01 AM

Yeah, lol :3

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By exoknight on May 12, 2012 at 6:53 PM

Meh, I'll find a way

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By exoknight on May 11, 2012 at 11:53 AM

My camera sux so I cant even take good pix

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By exoknight on May 10, 2012 at 2:08 PM

I like browsing through but never had the time (or scanners) to upload my art.

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By exoknight on May 10, 2012 at 4:51 AM

Too busy favoriting everything XD

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By Siidney-Storm on May 7, 2012 at 9:23 PM

Uhh, yeah. I'm pretty chill with that.

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By exoknight on May 7, 2012 at 12:14 PM

Yeah, I do.

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By exoknight on May 7, 2012 at 5:14 AM

Anything really... I can't put my finger on a specific series. Mostly Seinen and shonen...

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By exoknight on May 4, 2012 at 12:26 PM

Great :D And you?

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By TastesLikeTangerines on Apr 16, 2012 at 2:51 PM

Sure! Thats awesome. I have a friend who draw Anime style toons. shes amazing. Check her out --> She can look at someone and draw them in like 1/2 chibi &1/2 animal in under 10mins. Freakin wild dude. Instead of an e-mail do u have a FB? I keep in touch w/ a lot of friends back home through that thing so I'm on it a lot. Oh Yeah I love being a MT. No ones ever like "Massage? Thats lame." LoL Its just nice to be able to have lots of different ways I can branch off of it instead of doing the same thing. Thats my favorite part about it. I LOVE the heat. Even humidity since I was practically raised rite by the everglades. I've lived in Maine for 6months of winter. That was freakin nuts. I'm so small framed any weather under like 60 just cripples me. Ur rite. I try to listen to a bit of everything though I find that I typically don't have much of a taste for country music unless I'm like shit faced. I really love 90's Alt & Grunge, Jam Bands, Techno, Dance, House, Drum & Bass (Not so much into DubStep. It CAN be good but good DubStep is like the same as Shitty Drum & Bass). Rammstein is probably the most "metal" I go on my own unless I'm chillin w/ my friends who all digg the 'Rwar!!!!! I'm Angry! RWAR! HEART!!!!" and stuff like that. LoL! I went to MayHem Fest in 2010 with them. I had a Blue & Purple MoHawk w/ a Chelsy(bangs in front w/ long sides). It was fun. Than I shaved all my hair off and am growing it back. Hence y I'm rockin that "Beiber-Do" in my pic. :D My FAVORITE band ever since 8th grade would have to be Mindless Self Indulgence. I love them very much. U should really check 'em out if u've never heard of 'em. People either love them or hate them. Travel is awesome. My Bestie is more like u in she loves places outside the country and shes a Jet Setter. Shes been to SooOoooOO many places and always brings me back something kool. I love places in the country. I've driven across the country about 4 times now. I hate flying. I like to see small roadside shit, Its really neat. Sometimes my Cat Yami even comes with me. CA is Ok. Most ppl out here are fucking nuts though. They all either wanna be super famous or the next scar face w/ no real grasp on anything else. If u already have the $$$$ A is awesome. FL is mostly criminals and old people. LoL! But its slower paced and I've never lived somewhere not of the coast.

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By TastesLikeTangerines on Apr 14, 2012 at 11:46 PM

You know its funny u brought that up b/c I just watched the first episode of My little Pony on Youtube last night. I've never seen the show so I've been kinda like Bronies? Huh? So I'll be checking that out on and off to b/c I want to understand all the memes and things. Pinkie Pie made me LoL! Its kool to see all the things ppl makes 1st and than see the show. I don't remember what Wario world it was but they were all so fun. I'm in a good place rite now. Just being patient is all thats hard. I'm actually a nationally certified Massage Therapist so finding work wouldn't be too hard I feel b/c I took that time out to take the test and the rite schooling but I'm out in CA where I would rather be back in FL rite now. I'm waiting to get out there for a hot sec to check out jobs and future rommies in the next few months. CA is just too much for me. I have been enjoying the much need time w/ my pops out here though. Thats been the most important part. I was gone 4 awhile. Good luck with the jobs. When I look for regular work I go to That site has hooked me up w/ some kool jobs. My favorite was K-Mart. I miss interviews. ::le Sigh:: But I'll be able to get back out their soon enough. :D Just makes me more excited. So what music are you into? Whats it like living in Iowa?

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By TastesLikeTangerines on Apr 14, 2012 at 1:33 PM

Oh Yeah. When I was still in high school I had LOTS of Anime gear. I have a little backpack of the cat head from Trigun. The 1 in all the episodes and I have a Rurouni Kenshin shirt the same style as my Trigun 1. Solid Red w/ just black outline. I'll have to find 'em & snap some pix for here so u can see. OMG its terrible. I get so excited sometimes w/ games and I SCREAM and curse like a wild turrets person or something. Than it becomes personal and I can't do anything else till its done. LoL! I would say I'm a pretty good spotter. All my friends are so big into video games so Its just become a thing. I like watching other stuff to like this game called BioShock. WOW! That was awesome to check out. No. I don't have a PSN account. I don't have the PS3 anymore. Just the N64 and the Wii. I do miss the PS3 though. What is LBP? :) Yep the last game I used to play for my Game Boy was Wario World. HaHa! Way too much fun! I haven't played smash bros in awhile but I remember I used to always used Link. I digg the sword and yep ur rite its Kirby-The Crystal Shards. So cute and fun and fluffy. The perfect bad day game. Oh my gosh! Dragon knights is AWESOME! Ugh! its been so long since I read it but its like 3 guys w/ dragon AND element powers fighting evil and what-not. Its all fantasy style and its so funny and crazi and I just remember getting so into it. I need to find this box so bad. I miss going to a Borders when I was younger and being 1 of the kids who sits on the floor reading the 1st book of everything finding out what I was gonna be into next. How old are you j/w. In ur pic u look a bit younger so that might be why we know different things but that good b/c u can never know enough anime. :D No its really nice to get on here and talk to ppl. I'm at a point rite now where I have a lot of free time and I was really hoping to make friends on here b/c I think everyone is so funny.

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By TastesLikeTangerines on Apr 14, 2012 at 2:27 AM

Oh Wow! Love it! Vash is so awesome. I have a Trigun shirt that has helped me make friends. LoL! I love that Anime. Now I know what I'm gonna have to watch again once I finish G-Gundam. Thank You. :D I'm not good at 1st person shooters either. I get to excited. But I LOVE watching ppl play when they get really into it. I'm a super good extra pair of eyes. :D I was REALLY into Kingdom Hearts when they were making them for the PlayStation b/c I haven't played a handheld game since I had one of those game boys that was see through yellow. LMAO! Other than that its random.. Little Big Planet, Wario Ware Smooth Moves for the Wii is too much fun, and I just play what games I still have for my N64 a lot (and yes that does include super smash bros. I need to play that sometime soon. Been stuck on a Mario Kart Kick.) I get down on some Pokemon snap, Yoshi story, Kirby, Ms. Pac Man, conkers bad fur day & majors's mask (I used to have ocarina of time but an old b/f of my moms threw a bunch of games I had away including that, 007, banjo kazooie, tetrisphere, mischief makers, mario party 2&3, and some others.). I recently acquired Pokemon Stadium. I never played that when I was younger so that will be fun. Ur damn rite about that box of manga. I have soooooo many its insane. My favorite Manga is Dragon Knights. I remember I got all 24 I think it was and I never got to read the last 1 b/c I was doing a bunch of stuff. So I can't wait to re-read 'em all. Both of those Animes are on YouTube. I would suggest Burst Angel 1st b/c its a lot shorter. 20 something compared to like 49 w/ g-gundam. :D

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By TastesLikeTangerines on Apr 14, 2012 at 12:13 AM

Oh don't worry about it. Not a lot of people I've met have seen g-gundam. Its all on youtube if u ever get bored. I think my favorite Anime show would have to be Burst Angel b/c of all the badass female characters. I enjoy Rurouni Kenshin. Takes me back to watching Anime on TV when it was regularly on. I like samurai champloo, CowBoy Bebop, Trigun, s-cry-ed, ghost in shell, ect. All the good stuff. :D I've yet to go to a cosplay though. I have a big box of manga somewhere around here I need to find so bad. Don't worry about talking to much. I'm a woman so that would be the last thing I complain about. HA! What kinda games do ya digg?

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By TastesLikeTangerines on Apr 13, 2012 at 11:45 PM

Hi Seth! *waves* I'm Anna. N2m here. Just Re watching G-Gundam. I love getting back into an Anime u haven't watched in a long time. I Like ur Bio thing to. Very short & sweet. :D What kinda Anime do u like?

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