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By AngelAndz on Nov 16, 2012 at 3:11 PM

I've always wondered about this myself ;) Hugz Andie

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By elizabuff on Nov 15, 2012 at 5:44 PM

Funerals are rough. I hope it wasn't someone very close to you because I know how hard that is. You stay strong, too, my master-friend. - buff

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By elizabuff on Nov 15, 2012 at 8:16 AM

Wow! What a kind message to start my day!! Thank you so very much. Had a rotten night and your words are a tonic :) I told JerryG and he says MROW (thanks). I came from a pretty rotten family situation and lucked into what I have now so I am extra thankful for that. I'm also lousy at keeping my emotions hidden these days so everything comes blurting out - good and bad. Hey, it is what it is, right? Hope you are well today! - elizabuff

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By lilapache on Nov 12, 2012 at 10:14 PM

Hey there Sweets... How ya been doin' ??? Been goin' through major changes in my world... Just been tryin' ta hang in there like a hair in a biscut... Sorry it's been so long since I've talked with ya... hope all in going well in your world... How's school been a goin' ??? what's yalls wheather like ??? we have a freeze warning tonight... supposed to get down to 28 tonight... BUURRRRRRR ... I'm not ready for winter... Sendin' ya Blessings of Peace & Love to you & you'rs... Keep 'Em wiff a Smile... ;.) ~ Lil' Apache ~

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By AngelAndz on Nov 9, 2012 at 3:00 AM

Eberyone needs one ob these ;) Hugz Andie

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By Ruesiken on Nov 3, 2012 at 9:17 PM

Thanks a bunch! Now that I've realized how meaningless it really is, I suppose it's time to get on with my life XD

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By allgo19 on Oct 30, 2012 at 10:21 PM


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By Ruesiken on Oct 27, 2012 at 10:58 PM

Great, just trying to play cheezburger at their own game. Sadly after doing the research, it seems that your stuff only makes it to the voter page if you're popular XP

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By Ruesiken on Oct 27, 2012 at 10:47 PM

sorry, meant to say thanks for adding as a friend instead of the favoriting lolz XD

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By Ruesiken on Oct 27, 2012 at 10:46 PM

Hey there! thanks so much for favoriting one of my lolz. In an effort to make the home page, lets help each other out by giving the other thumbs up on their works of art. :)

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By lilapache on Oct 18, 2012 at 11:05 PM

No offense takin' Hun... ;.) And bingo... I'm 43,be 44 in March... & I'm both amazed & proud to have survived this ol' world this long... I'm a very proud mother of one... A very Handsome, smart, & funny 24 yr. old Son... I am also an extremely Proud "Granny" of the most adorable Grandson in the world... 3 yrs. old... ;.) They are truly my heart !!! As I have told you... we are a very close family... We all live very close to each other... And see each other on a daily basis... Matter of fact they were all just over for dinner tonight... My Mama just lives one road over as well & We all live out in the backwoods sticks... It just don't get no "Mo Better" than that... ;.) That's why I think it's so cool your tight with your Mum... Cause lemme tell ya Hun... FAMILY... That's what it's all about!!! Of course we all have a Spiritual family as well as blood kin... Thanks for the kind words bout my name... I use it, cause that's what I am... a Lil' Apache... Hope your day was a good one & I hope you have a great Friday as well... Whoo Hooo it's Fri. again already !!! Course last weekend didn't end till Wed. for me... Okay... quick question... & don't laugh... What in the world does S T A H P mean??? I've seen it on several LOL's lately & don't have a clue... Have a good one & Keep 'em wiff a Smile...... ;.)

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By lilapache on Oct 18, 2012 at 6:42 AM

Master ~ For some reason I just thought you were a girl from the get go... You are a girl, right??? Not that it would matter, other than I'd feel like an idiot for assuming you were... We got a BIG storm last night... The thunder was actually rattling the windows... Thanks for your kind words... I think your pretty amazing your self... I have only been on a computer for a little over a year... I didn't know ANY tech. untill I stumbled across this job opportunity... And the awesome thing is all my trainin' & certifications are paid for... It's costin'me nothin'... Okay... So, now I'm gonna ask you somethin' just for shits & giggles... How old do you think I am ??? Keep 'em wiff a Smile... ;.) ~ Dawn ~

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By lilapache on Oct 17, 2012 at 9:34 PM

Master ~ Hey girl... What's shakin' down under ??? The cabin is up toward the Smokey Mts. So the view was awesome !!! Lots of rollin' hills,and the trees were soo beautiful !!! Some of them were so bright when the sun hit them just right they almost looked like they were on fire... We pretty much just hung out... Did some hiking... My Mama actually started the travel agency about 7 yrs. ago, when she retired... I've been doin' it for about 3 yrs. now... The data entry will actually be doin' transcription... I'll be typing in the computer by listenin' to recordings of things the state needs in the computer... I'm not quite sure yet what I'll actually be puttin' in... October Fest sounds like fun to me... ;.) I think it's awesome you and your Mum are so close... I have a very close family too... I Love that... Glad your havin' a good week... ;.) Keep 'em wiff a Smile.......

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By lilapache on Oct 17, 2012 at 2:53 PM

Hey there Master... I had a great weekend !!! It just ended today... ;.) I went camping with some friends that have a cabin... Since I had all my work caught up I decided to stay for a couple extra days... It's sooo beautiful right now... all the leaves are beginin' to peak... The weather has been down right beautiful as well... I work from home, so I get to take mini vacations from time to time... I run a travel agency... I'm also taking classes to get state certified to do data entry from home... Once I get that rollin' I'll probably quit doin' the travel agency thing... With the economy the way it is, it's been pretty slow rollin' here lately... Plus I can do the data entry from anywhere... So I'm lookin' forward to doin' some travelin' of my own... that's still about a year down the road though... Hope your havin' a great week... Keep 'em wiff a Smile... ;.)

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By lilapache on Oct 12, 2012 at 4:18 PM

Right back at ya... No fair... you get Fri. befrore me !!! I'm gonna be away for the weekend... no computer there... I'll answer your last message when I get back home... Just wanted to stop by and tell ta to have a wonderful weekend !!! Keep 'em wiff a smile... ;.)

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By lilapache on Oct 11, 2012 at 8:08 PM

All's well... Only a couple of hours till Friday... Whoo... Wooo....... Been an extremely loooong week... So what do yall do on a typical weekend ???

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By lilapache on Oct 10, 2012 at 10:17 PM

Hey there Master...How's your world spinnin' tonight ??? Or Day??? It's 12:17 a.m. here... Well... What ever it is for you I hope your havin' a great one... LOL ... I'm as confused as a baby in a toppless bar aint I....... Keep 'em wiff a Smile... ;.)

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By lilapache on Oct 8, 2012 at 9:08 PM

Well... Like I said the first time I left ya a message... Welcome to my Cheez FAMILY... You may be in Australia... But as far as I'm concerned as Human Beings we are all bound together in one family... And I truly believe we are to Love one another...

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By lilapache on Oct 8, 2012 at 8:54 PM

It is beautiful!!! here in Tn. we have a lot of trees, so when they start changing colors it is absolutely breath taking !!! It's not really that cold... Think it got in the mid to high 40's today But when you consider it was in the 80's last week... It sure felt cold... It'll warm up again... This cold snap is what we needed to get them leaves to changing color... So, do yall have different seasons there ???

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By lilapache on Oct 8, 2012 at 8:46 PM

That is soo sweet, you using that for your avatar... I truly hope it brought you some peace & comfort...

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