Messages between meggypeggy and muriell

By muriell on Jul 6, 2011 at 4:35 AM

Thankin yew meggypeggy!!! *big cheesy grin ob happinesses*

By meggypeggy on Jul 5, 2011 at 7:00 PM

Great frontpager!

By meggypeggy on Feb 28, 2011 at 5:01 PM

Many congrats on your FP!

By meggypeggy on May 23, 2009 at 8:10 AM


By meggypeggy on May 22, 2009 at 2:04 PM

Congrats on the FP! *Happy dance*

By meggypeggy on Mar 24, 2009 at 8:26 AM

I have a truly enormous pile of washing up to do. My dishwasher died a few weeks ago and I can't afford to replace it. I'd forgotten how much I loathe washing up. Thanks for the link. I favourited.

By muriell on Mar 24, 2009 at 6:46 AM

Yeah, our byootimows sunshine has gone too. Oh well. wrt kitteh muddi prints - did you see hedda's housework lol? I do believe in taking these health warnings very seriowsli!!!

By muriell on Mar 22, 2009 at 7:02 AM

Ohai meggypeggy! Hoeps yew havin teh sunnies lyk we is todai! Yew has teh saem mum's dai as meh so ... from alla yer animyl companions, passed n present:

By muriell on Mar 10, 2009 at 11:12 AM

Apologies in advance if this is not your cup of catnip... I've started 2 new ichc flickr groups - one for Animal Rights and one for In Memoria - all ichc lols and notlols. You are formally invited to join if you're interested. You would have to be a member of flickr and contact me for a flickr invite. More info at these links: and Kthxbye!!

By muriell on Feb 11, 2009 at 5:53 PM

hav noo lolidee to tri - Eddis thot uv it. See dis lol an den goe to dis lol an contriboot tu stori... I tink it grate idee!!!!

By muriell on Jan 13, 2009 at 1:04 PM

Teh Grate Snoeblol Fite uv 2009 is ober. Dis iz a lol fur thos uv yew who partisi... partissep... tuk part Thx fur teh funz!! Al teh battul lolz can b fownd tween my cullecshun n peregrin's sets oan flickr. Ifn dere's a lol dat's missin n yew wanna see it in dere poot itz lynk here or let me or peregrin noe bout it. Yew can sertch fur yer lolz thru mai tagz n peregrin's setz on flickr. Keep yer eyez peelded fur eestur egg hunt in sprung n watur fite in summa (see grammyogg n bkey fur dat, ai goin intu hydin nao!). Dat's it!!! Sry ifn yer sik tu teh bakc teefies uf snoeblolz - ai'll shutt upp nao!! Kthxbye.

By muriell on Jan 6, 2009 at 6:52 AM

Pls tu pardun fur either uf: a) ai shooda told yew dis agus agoe, or b) dis iz teh elebenti billiunth tym ai told yew n yer sik uv it ... *clears throat* yew is cordiali invytd to humungous online snoeblol fite on Caturday 10th Jan 2009!!! From 0:00AM to 23:59PM lolland time - 24 hours of snoeblollin. Hostd bai Danoz. BYOB. Pretti pls to find ful info n escplanashuns at befoar askin me qwestyuns. Pass it oan!! Kthxbye!! *curtsie*

By muriell on Jan 5, 2009 at 4:56 AM

Did yew hear about teh snoeblol fite on Caturday at Danoz's? Sum info: n <- teh second one has explanashun n sum preparashun lol lynx in comments. Hope you'll come out an plai!!

By muriell on Dec 31, 2008 at 10:54 PM

Fur teh Scots tis bad luk te send New Year wishus til aftur teh bellz. But howdit getta b 6.30am??? Hav tastd too meni rainbowz in teh best possibl waiz. Had lubly musik sess wit mai fave frends - best wai tu see teh New Year in fur me. A' Ra Best fur ta noo yeer te all mai noo cheezfrends (pardon me dribblin).

By muriell on Dec 28, 2008 at 12:47 PM

Jest lettin a few peeps no i was rather tickled by lol done o wun o my kits, Liquorice Stick, - tis by newbie (I not newbie no moar - i been heer for 3 hole wekes!). Think nice wun to pass round?

By muriell on Dec 28, 2008 at 4:25 AM

Hopez u had grate Xmas yourselves - n aw ra very best fur da noo yeer!! Will say hi to Bantry fur ye! Sláinte!!

By muriell on Dec 27, 2008 at 8:15 AM

Chubbs! O course. Twas opposite Organico n is closed now :( I did like it but didn't get out much cos o' da business. Is your daughter still over here or did she go over wit you? Tis funny what a small world. Am workin today but has teh toofaches (luckily dentist open dis mornin or i'd be truly miserable) and can't concentrate so dippin into loland to cheer meself up.

By meggypeggy on Dec 27, 2008 at 8:02 AM

Sorry to take so long to get back to you. The cafe is/was Chubbs, but my daughter and I are both agreed that you look very familiar. Hope you had a good Christmas.

By muriell on Dec 22, 2008 at 11:40 AM

Think my shop must have opened after you left - tho I'd v done stalls in teh square round this time of year cos was doing internet environmental book thang - but I'm bound to know your daughter by sight if she worked in Organico - my lodger at the time, Czech woman called Sylva, worked there same time so she will know her - what's her name? If you don't mind me askin? Dunno Tim da plumber. Will ask around. Would imagine we've people in common if you were an Organico peep. How nice to have contact wit loller who knows Bantry!

By meggypeggy on Dec 22, 2008 at 6:03 AM

My husband was Tim (plumber). He's moved to Thailand now. I was last in Bantry in 2004. We used to frequent the wholefood cafe, and my daughter worked there for a time in 2006(7?), when Tim had a flat in Bantry. My Meggypeggy says hi back.

By muriell on Dec 22, 2008 at 4:54 AM

No way! I been in Bantry 6 yrs. Ran Book STEPs shop (the environmental bookshop) for last 3/4 - up by Bills paintshop up smaller road to an poste. Also do music session in Ma Murphy's n JJs n Tin Pub - you singer/musician? N teh kitteh rescue. So dere are many ways we coulda run across each other - wen were u last here? Dah small wurld of da interwebs... Say hi to Irish rescue cat from dah Irish rescue cats over here! N from me!

By meggypeggy on Dec 22, 2008 at 4:31 AM

Hello new friend. It's possible we may have met in real life. I know Bantry very well. My ex-husband lived in Kealkil, and one of my cats is an Irish rescue cat.

By muriell on Dec 22, 2008 at 2:11 AM

thx for frndsloop - - greetings! I spend too much tym on dis too! Nice ta meet sumwun from dis sidea tatlantic!