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By ToolBee on Dec 11, 2011 at 4:10 PM

*bzz* Why, fank you! You sure you're not interseted in the present?! :O

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By scoobysoo on Dec 10, 2011 at 3:10 PM

Isn't it "amazing" how theraputic captioning a pic can sometimes be? When you're "wound-up", it can be like standing on the top of mountain and screaming! You let it out, Girl! Today's been pretty quiet here, but, we both have to work tomorrow so we gotta turn in soon. REALLY don't wanna! xxx

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By kitteholympics on Dec 10, 2011 at 3:04 PM

Ohai, der, chubbs! Thanx 4 ur message, and for yr kind words about the lolz. We appreciate it very much! Ai'z sorry your little 1 haz a sik. I hope he will be feeling much bettur very soon! *hugs* to both of you, with best wishes for good health. ~ Tweetur

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By scoobysoo on Dec 10, 2011 at 1:33 PM

Loved your "Party Invite"! Hehe! How's Caturday treating you? xxx

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By DrTinyCatz on Dec 10, 2011 at 10:14 AM

From Sylviag. Welcome to DrTinyCatz nu fren. I am very sorry for the delay in accepting u but have been busy and I also manage 1KSO in addition to my own Sylviag profile. I always look at what peeps who fren request fave and make and how wonderful you have collections for rescues and adoptions, fighting animal abuse and the Monday Candles so you are definitely a good fit to TC :) It is a great profile to celebrate cheezfrens and their animal companions and also a pemanent place for memorials for those who have passed. Please feel free to browse around and if u make any LOLs that fit any of the categories in TC's faves, please send me the URL. TC Hugz

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By Carlisle on Dec 10, 2011 at 7:05 AM

O hai - Thanks for favoriting my Christmas LOL! Carlisle - (Christmas formal wear)

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By scoobysoo on Dec 9, 2011 at 4:59 PM

I hear ya! So true! I admit I've been saving for a few months for his prezzie, and Mum and Dad have chipped in too - so it's really from all of us. But I know he'll love it! He moans about me being "hard to shop for" when all I want is some Hello Kitty hair clips, and a kitteh candle holder which costs 6 euros! Like you, I just want to chill and hang out with my folks. We live downstairs from them and we're always "up and down" but we don't spend a lot of "time" with them. So it'll be great just to watch some tacky Xmas movies and play some board games. xxx

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By scoobysoo on Dec 9, 2011 at 4:30 PM

Glad to hear Jason's on the mend! At least that's one less stress for you! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you when it comes to custody - but for now, you're right to focus on YOU. Not much happening here. Went with my folks and bought BF's Xmas prezzie, tho! That means I can now start to "look forward" to Xmas, a little! *hugs* and sweet dreams to you. xxx

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By scoobysoo on Dec 9, 2011 at 2:23 PM

Thanks for your kind words, hon. I'm so sorry to hear that Jason's been unwell! I can understand you've been running yourself ragged! I hope he's on the mend. It sounds like he's staying close by, so that you can see him often? It's great that you were given time to look after him. I can imagine you would have gone nuts, otherwise! Hoping you're both having a better day. *hugs* to both of you (but no "germy" kisses, thanks!) :D xxx (oh,well - maybe just a few!)

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By kitteholympics on Dec 7, 2011 at 5:30 PM

PS: FYI, here are sum lolz u mite enjoy. Der iz 1 medlol to giv tanx to teh spektaturz, an anudder 1 to giv moar fanks to teh partissypants ob teh gamez! :)

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By kitteholympics on Dec 7, 2011 at 5:22 PM

hello, der, chubbs! hao r u doin, 2day? Iz tweetur, agin. tanxyoo 4 lettin us knoe dat u herd ob teh kitteh olympics an dat u liekd dis ideer; dat's niec 2 knoez! :D we will sertenly keep u updaytid on any upcomin ebentz. *hugz* an u taek kair ob urself, too! :) cheers :D

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By scoobysoo on Dec 7, 2011 at 11:51 AM

Hi Ian! Just popping by to let you know that I haven't "disappeared". Just had a rough couple of days, and my "funny" is a little lost at the moment. Long story short - we attended the funeral of a work colleague today. Bad enough, but it's been the third in four months. The second of an under 25 year old. So unfair. But, I'm not here to bring you down - I just wanted to explain why I've not been around. Hopefully, tomorrow I'll be in a little better form. I hope you're still keeping well. How goes your program? xxx

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By elizabuff on Dec 5, 2011 at 11:12 PM

Yeah, unemployment stinks especially around the holidays...but hey, at least I'm not alone in this...and I have a roof over my head and a husband who takes very good care of me :)

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By allcatsloved on Dec 5, 2011 at 8:49 PM

lol! True! We've been having nice Xmases since the loud ones have been going someplace else. The only people really interested in me is my parents. haha And life goes on! I guess I was the only one all bah humbug about the chaos. Mom and dad didn't like it, but they'd never say anything. :D xxoo

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By elizabuff on Dec 5, 2011 at 7:42 PM

Lovely to meet you as well :) I am fine, other than being unemployed (as so many are these days). Hope you are well, too!

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By ToolBee on Dec 5, 2011 at 7:38 PM

O hai, chubbs! I won't sting unless "asked" for... ;) I would bee moar worried bout mah kittehs klawz!!!

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By allcatsloved on Dec 5, 2011 at 7:07 PM

Heh heh! Fruitcake! Yeah, I think Xmas is really for kids. At least the fun and excitement part. Its funny how all it takes is just a couple of people to kinda ruin the Xmas spirit. I just had a couple of in-law people that, not that they were specifically bad acting, but that they took over and it became their Xmas. I don't think I could get but a "Hi ya" in to my nephews, and that was the extent of it. It was the only time of year I really ever saw them much or got a chance to talk to them. Young people!! :p :DDD

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By scoobysoo on Dec 5, 2011 at 2:56 PM

That's a great thing you did, there. And it's good to hear that the shelter cares enough to do background checks. It's too sad that some of them are just keen to rehome the kittehs, without knowing "what kind" of home they are being sent to. There are some real horror stories out there! I've heard about that "papa-cat" behavior before, from a few friends. The old boy just pops by to check up on little ones from time to time. Even when he's never been seen before - there's no mistaking him! I think it's amazing! It's good to actually "see" you on! Out of curiosity, what time is it where you are? It'd be nice to get a handle on the time zones, and "cheeztime" isn't true for everyone - it's 23.55 here right now. xxx

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By scoobysoo on Dec 5, 2011 at 2:25 PM

It's good to hear that you're still making time for "you". That's too important! Thanks for your stories about Luke. I LOLed when I read about him litter training the other kittehs! That's too sweet! He sounds very special. I think I can find something just for him! Thanks for checking out my other candles, too. Each one is special. I'd love to hear about your other kittehs now. Do you take in a lot of strays? I "wish" I could. But the food and vets bills for our one "little angel" is quite enough at the moment. I donate some food to our local shelter each month, and I'm afraid that's as much as we can manage at the moment. I'd adopt them all if I could! Hope you've had another good day! *hugs* xxx

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By allcatsloved on Dec 4, 2011 at 7:25 PM

Hee hee! I understand. The days of "A Christmas Carol" type Xmas is long gone. I like simple affairs. Go to my mom and dad's for a couple of hours, then go home and rest. For a few years there was a lot of chaos and loudness because of some family members that (tank Gawd) aren't coming around anymore. We almost didn't know what to do with ourselves, it was so quiet! lol! I just hope it's not too cold or snowy. :-))) Fuzzy rubs..xxoo

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