Messages between meh.lovely.chubbs and hazTweetur4eatmeburd

By meh.lovely.chubbs on Jan 22, 2012 at 3:18 PM

hey, miss tweetur. i hope all is very well. i still have you and miss purr purr is my prayers, always and forever. anytime you want to talk, i'm just a message away, even if i don't log in often. take care, dear friend. :)

By hazTweetur4eatmeburd on Jan 15, 2012 at 12:39 PM

hello, der, dear frend! tanxyoo so much for yr lubly an kind messige. ai'z sorry, ai haz a slow gettin bakk to ebrybuddy. tanxyoo for unnerstandin an for bein such a niec frend. all teh wonnerful thots an wurds from cheezland haff halped so much. ai iz tryin to kechup wif replyin to ebrybuddy, nao. ai hoep u r doing well, an ai sendz u *foofy lubbin huggz an hedbonkz* to u an yr lil one, too. xoxoxoxo

By meh.lovely.chubbs on Jan 11, 2012 at 11:01 AM

dear, tweetur. i'm very sorry about ur loss. i've been there with my previous companions and i still wouldn't know what's it like to feel the grief and sorrow ur going through. at least understand that she has now crossed the rainbow bridge and is at peace with everything. the least ur kitty would want u to do is to be happy for her and to slowly move on. i will continue to pray for tweetur, no matter what. take care, dear friend and i will keep in touch. love always, ian.

By hazTweetur4eatmeburd on Jan 9, 2012 at 4:24 PM

1.9.2012 update: I'm so sorry I've been out of touch this past week. Little did we know it would be the last one of dear Miss Purr-Purr's life. Miss Purr-Purr remained an active, adventurous & brave kitteh to the end, enjoying her last days to the fullest. However, her poor body had had enough suffering; she had no strength left. Miss Purr-Purr passed over to the meadow peacefully on Sat. PM, 1.7.2012, @ home. The vet said Kitty "broke all the rules" for a pet who suffered as much as she did. Dear friends, I am so grateful to you all for your kind wishes, thoughts & prayers for Miss Purr-Purr. Your love worked wonders; Purr-Purr Kitty passed so peacefully, gracefully, in the same majestic way that she lived. I held her in my arms as she was put to sleep, & sat by her, stroking her head throughout her entire passing and afterward, telling her how much I love her and what a sweet, beautiful & wonderful kitty she is. Peace, love, & sincerest, deepest thanks to you. ~ Tweetur

By hazTweetur4eatmeburd on Dec 31, 2011 at 7:05 AM

Tanxyoo for teh lubly and niec wishiz, dear Chubbs! Ai hoap ur sinus infekshun goez away, liek, rite nao!!!!!!! Pweez feel bettur soon! Kthx! {{{Chubbs}}} wif wishez 2 U for a wonnermusly ossim an helthy, happy Nu Yeer! xoxoxoxoxoxo

By hazTweetur4eatmeburd on Dec 29, 2011 at 4:02 AM

PS: Tanxyoo for the funneh LOLrus - he lukks liek he iz enjoyin hiz fish caeks!

By hazTweetur4eatmeburd on Dec 29, 2011 at 4:00 AM

Ohai, der, dear chubbs! Ai hoap dis note finds you doing well, and I hope you had very happy holidays! Ai'z wishin you all teh best for teh New Year, too, in good health and happiness, and with blessings in all good things. I'm sorry ai haz a bery slow in responding to you. Dis was a bery bissy munf, an nawt eezy, an it only got moar difficult, aifinkso. Here r sum lolz dat tell moar of teh story about me an mah fambly. Sendin u lubz and *foofy hedbonkz*

By hazTweetur4eatmeburd on Dec 13, 2011 at 2:17 PM


By hazTweetur4eatmeburd on Dec 13, 2011 at 2:16 PM

By hazTweetur4eatmeburd on Dec 11, 2011 at 6:44 PM

ps: i mean "in person" through our individual profiles... o, u know what i meant! *lol* anyway... hope u r doing gr8 :)

By hazTweetur4eatmeburd on Dec 11, 2011 at 6:42 PM

ohai, der, dear chubbs! iz tweetur, here! tanxyoo for the FR - ai am glad we r friends not just through teh Kitteh Olympics, but in person, too. :) here are a few lolz that i hope you will enjoy. cheers & hope u r having a gr8 day! :)