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By DoodliePoo on Dec 21, 2008 at 5:39 AM

Ohai, Merlinz! Yup, I bords mai Twink. Iz spensive (in fack, iz riddickullisly spensive cuz hassta pay twaynin 2) so I noms lotsa Ramen, libs in a icky nayberhud, and gitz mai shooz @ Payless. My mom n I goze 2 hossie shows in the summer and kumpeets all ober teh YooEss. Iz 2 bad I kant FedEx hossies. Juss gittin dem 2 showz iz spensive. I acks liek a rich kid wen I goze 2 shows and den slayves awai liek a peeonn teh ress uv teh tiem. Iz SO werf it tho, iz SO fun! Iz a drennalin rush! Teh hardess part iz leevin mai kittehs fer 5 daiz wen I goze to showz, I missez dem liek cwayzy. No hossie showz til Martch so I kin haz a hybernayt rite nao. Duz yoo hassta werk Cwissmus Eeb? Wut duz yoo doo on Cwissmus Dai? Hoeps yoo hazza warm todai! Luv, Poo!

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By DoodliePoo on Dec 20, 2008 at 5:40 AM

Ohai Merlinz! I kalld mai hossie twayner yesserdai affernoon, sed IZ 2 CODE! I noe wantsa maek Twink werk hard in teh code! Him 'greed, sed her kin stai in her warm stall wif all her blankies. I'z glad, will stai hoem and do lawndrees and bakyoomz teh karpets. Iz funnee hao relayshunships gitz startid soemtiems huh. I lieks yer storee bowt meetin yer huzzbin, hazza happie endin 4 ebrywun! Yay! I'z 46 yeerz ole, haz had sum gud relayshunships froo teh yeerz, so no reegretts. I feelz liek I'z 25, 'cept nao I hassa ware reedin gwasses! I gots sum gud nooze yesserdai, teh CEO calld & sayd Merry Cwissmus & I iz gibbin yoo moer dooties. Yay! Mai job haz a sayf, @ leest fer nao. I iz berry blessd. Onlee 5 moer dayz uv Cwissmus myoosic, Merlinz! Yay! Stayz warm! Luvs, Poo

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By DoodliePoo on Dec 19, 2008 at 4:25 AM

Ohai, Merlinz! Mebbee I'z finely gettin teh hang uv dis LOlstuffs! Yay! Fank yoo fer teh werds uv 'currigdement and advise! Yoo mentchunned teh uvver dai 'bowt self asteems and I iz teh saym wai, it tooks me a wile 2 figger owt dat I'z ok. I wud nebber go bak 2 bein in mai twunnies, I noe had enuff asteems. Iz better nao! Ware didjoo meetcher huzzbin? Iz him gittin teh noo tyrez 4 Cwissmus? I gotz a noo watter heeter a fyoo yeerz ago, wuz a berry whoamantic prezzint. I hoeps I doan fweez @ teh barn 2morrow, iz gunna be code! Hazza happie and a safe, k, Merlin? Luvs, Poo!

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By DoodliePoo on Dec 18, 2008 at 5:06 AM

Ohai, Merlinz! Wow, 12 yeerz uv bein merreed? Das wunnerful! I'z nebber bin merreed. Haz nebber fownd 1 hoo wud put up wif mai hoss-crazeeniss. Haznt ebber bovvered mee mush, I haz such a full n happee lief wif mai aminals. We had anudder skaree dai @ werks yesserday, 1 uv teh Biggiewiggies frum TX kaym in an layd off owr lass VP. A week B4 Cwissmus! I iz runnin owtta bossiz! Teh gud nooz iz dat teh Biggiewiggies needz me so I gess I iz juss traydin ole bossiz 4 noo wuns. Feelz liek a hosstil taykober. Berry skaree. I'z tryin 2 maek maisef as needed as possibul. 1 moer week uv Cwissmus myoosic, rite? Hoeps ebryfing iz gud in Sungwassland! Luvs, Poo

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By DoodliePoo on Dec 16, 2008 at 12:03 PM

Ohai Merlinz! Fanks 4 teh werds of 'kurridgmint! I'z maed a fyoo noo LOLz, soemtiems I finks mebbee I hazza weerd sentsa hyoomer and dat I'z teh onlee wun hoo gitz 'em! Owell, iz fun ennywaiz! Wed longjonz R reel handee deez daiz, and persunnilly, dere kinda sexy too, I finkso. Mai boifren hoo iz Sumtiems Mai Boifren and Sumtiems Not warez wed longjonz wen we goze 2 Bronko gaymz. Him maeks me kwayzee sumtiems but him luks gud in hiz longjonz! I'z SO glad yoo gotsa noo 'ployee, wut a reeleef! Yoo needsa brake sumtiems! Iz yoo reddy 4 Crissmus? Iz awl yer shoppin dun? Stay warm inf yoo can, Merlin. Luvs, Poo

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By DoodliePoo on Dec 15, 2008 at 5:23 AM

Ohai Merlinz! Hoepz yoo dint hasta slayve 2 mutch dis weekenn! I had sutcha happee dat yoo wuz on teh hoem payje! Iz minuss 8 degweez @ mai howse dis mornin. I wuz prowd of teh Mini yesserdai, I driveded 2 Parker ware mai Twink iz 2 gib mai hosseh twayner hiz Cwissmus prezzints, an teh Mini wuz a twooper. I stayd in rest uv teh dai, doin lawndrees an stuffs. Brr, I hoeps yoo an teh huzbin an teh kittehs has a warm. Yoo iz a inspa ... a inspuray ... yoo haz motorvayted mee, Merlinz! I'z gunna trie mai han @ maykin sum funnee lolz! Hoeps yoo gitza brake frum teh Cwissmus myoozik @ werks. Luvs, Poo

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By DoodliePoo on Dec 11, 2008 at 3:33 PM

O, MERLINZ! Yoo iz on teh FRUNT PAYGE! Yay fer mai fren Merlin! Congwats!

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By DoodliePoo on Dec 11, 2008 at 3:27 PM

Ohai, Merlin! Yoo maeds me laff bowt kittehs @ Cwissmustiem. Iz fun 2 putz bowz on dey heds, I finkso too, poor kittehs! I had 1 uv doze spoolfingz uv wibbonz and Elmo deesided lass Caturday dat it wuz a EBUL, MALLISHUS spool. Him finely killded it affter rowlin it awl rownd teh furnitchers an down teh starez. Wibbonz wuz ebrywares. "Noe need 2 fank mee, Mom," him sed. "Yoo iz saef nao." I'z werkin on sum hoemayd prezzints wif felt an fred an gloo an teh kittehs finks dats fun 2. Iz funnee wen teh felt gitz stuk 2 dere pawsez and dey tryze to shayks teh felt off! I bets yoo gitz REEL tierd uv teh Cwissmus moosic affer spendin awl dai @ werks! Duz yoo haftoo werks xtra wen yoo hazza noeshow 'ployee? I hoeps yoo duzznt hassta werk too mutch! Glad yoo hazza gud bakkup pursun! Hazza grate Fwiday, hoeps yoo sellz lossa gwassez! Luvs, Poo!

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By DoodliePoo on Dec 10, 2008 at 7:35 AM

O hai, Merlin! I'z bin werkin n werkin (and haz eben bin werkin @ hoemz). Fank yoo fer teh sweet werds bowt mai Toozer. Her hazza hard tiem but her duz stik up fer hersself wen it cumz down 2it! Howz Gizmo & Boss doin? Iz dey halpin yoo wif Krissmiss stuffs? Duz dey halp wif rappin teh prezzints? Duz dey liek to play wif teh ormannints? I gotz halperz heer @ mai howse, dere naymz iz Willie an Elmo. Dey iz speshully gud @ (un)tyin teh ribbinz! I dint gitz a twee lass weekenn cuz teh kittehs finks tweez iz toyz, but we gotz wun fer mai mom. Also vizzitted mai Ant Peg hoo haz 3 Birminz, her iz hao I finded owt bowt Birminz. Dey iz so KYOOT! Hoeps yoo iz doin gud! Luvs frum Poo!

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By DoodliePoo on Dec 6, 2008 at 5:59 AM

... and Elmo & Willie piks on her alla tiemz. Poor fing. But herz bin wif me froo lots n lots. I gotted her wen I ownlee had mai Doodlecat so her wuz mai #"2" kitteh and mai kitteh "too", wich iz ware I gotz "Toozer". I naymd her Dazzie cuz uv her yeller eyez so her hole naym iz Dazzie Toozer. I'z weerd too, I gesses...I'z glad noe snoes 2dai, I'z goin up in teh mowntins wif mai famiblie to fine a Krissmiss tree 2dai. Will be sunnee an ebrywun needs sungwasses! Hazza gud dai, Merlinz! Luvs frum Poo!

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By DoodliePoo on Dec 6, 2008 at 5:34 AM

O hai Merlinz! I noes wut yoo meens bowt bein sirprized bowt wich LOLz uvver peepels finks iz funnee, but I reelee lieks Timmeh Kitteh - so kyoot! My poor Toozer. Her iz mai ole gurl kitteh hoo I gotz frum a ole boifren long tiem ago. Teh boifren reskyood her frum a nayber hoo wuz in rehab all teh tiem and nebber hoem to taek kare of her kitteh. Teh boifren kep her fer 2 weeks and den sayd her wuz 2 needee so he wuz gunna taek her 2 teh shelter. I sayd NOES! NOES, I will tayks her! Her IZ needee and weerd but I mayd a prommis to taeks kare uv her. Herz 14 an arfrittick and weerd. I waeks up in teh nite and dere her iz juss starin @ mee. Her luks liek Elmo but bowt haff az big. Her iz last & leest on teh towtum powl here ...

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By DoodliePoo on Dec 5, 2008 at 1:59 PM

Merlinz! I LUVz Timmeh Kitteh! I LUVz it! Luv, Poo!

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By DoodliePoo on Dec 4, 2008 at 12:29 PM

O hai, Merlinz! Mini did gud in teh snoes 2dai! We hazza bowt 6 inchez ware I werks, neer I-Sebbenty and Habbanna ... I wuz wurryin dat I wudnt haz enny werks by Nobember, so yup, iz gud fer nao. I'z glad dat yoo gitz to stai hoem and taeks a brake wif teh kittehs n teh huzzbin. Perfeck dai 4 it! I'z taykin teh CEO 2 teh ayreport in a lil wile an den I kin reelaks. I'z not mutchuva dwinker but a glassa wyne sownz gud 2niet affer werks! Stayz warm, k? I'z envee ... I'z envii ... I'z jellus dat yoo iz hoem n warm! Hugz fer Giz and Boss. Luvs, Poo

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By DoodliePoo on Dec 4, 2008 at 4:46 AM

I fink its grate dat yer huzzbin hazza a ole Toyota truk, I wishez dat I hadz 1. Iz kinda riddikullis dat I finks I needz 3 carz wen iz juss me and 3 kittehs. I mite bie mai brudder's ole Ford truk. I duz gardinning in teh summer an iz nise to hazza truk to put lannskaypin stuffs in. Iz snoing in Lonkmont dis mornin? Iz Gizmo and Boss all snugglied in teh howse? I no wanna go owtsied 2dai, but iz lukky 2 hazza job, I finkso. My ole boss wuz in yesserdai vizzitin wif mai noo boss (teh CEO) and den my ole boss calld mee layter and sayd dat he finks I iz sayfe fer a few moer monfs. I'z SO glad. I sleepded liek a rok lass nite. Hugs fer teh kittehs, Merlin! Luvs, Poo

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By DoodliePoo on Dec 4, 2008 at 4:39 AM

Hiya Merlinz! Fanks fer teh werds of enkurridgmint! Iz Dai 2 uv teh Biggee Wiggees. I hasta pikkup teh CEO @ hiz hoetel agin dis mornin! Him finks teh Minee iz funnee. Maeks me wanna dropp inta 2nd and punch it (teh CEO iz a olde gie). Ha! We DO gotz lotz in commin, sownz liek yoo lieks carz 2! I gotted lotsa greef wen I botted mai Fiero cuz wuz a 84 but I luvd dat car. I botted teh Alfa 4 a fowsend buks wen I wuz down on mai luks an it wuz mai onlee wai uv gittin 2 werks. I got reel gud @ taykin teh buss. It wuz in teh shop moer den it wuz wif me. Finally botted a ole Toyota a fyoo yeerz layter (wuz uglee but deppendibble), but I finks I will alwyaz haf teh Alfa. It runz liek a champ nao and I taeks it owt inna summertiem and tryze to luk kyool ...

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By DoodliePoo on Dec 3, 2008 at 5:33 AM

O hai Merlinz! I had 2 werks layt yesserdai, wee haz teh Biggee Wiggees cummin 2dai. Normullee dis wud not bovver me cuz Biggee Wiggees izn't 'timidaytin, but we haz had sum layoffs laytly so iz scaree. My Fiero wuz a red '84 4banger 5 speed, wuz fun! I fink iz kyool dat we bofe hazza Fieroz! I luvz red carz. Teh Minnee iz a blast, it goze liek a goe kart! Iz red 2. I haz a red Alfa Romeo 2, haz had it fer twunny yeerz, iz a luv/hayt relayshunship cuz ai doan truss it as far as I can frow it even tho it runz gud. Shur luks purdy in mai garraje tho! Iz glad dat yoo haz sungwass suksesses laytly, hoeps dat bizness keeps pikkin up! Stai warm 2dai, k, Merlin? Luvs, Poo!

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By DoodliePoo on Dec 1, 2008 at 7:11 AM

O hai, Merlinz! It sownz liek yoo haz kinduv a sad. I hoeps it iz juss frum werkin too hard an dat yoo gitz soem tiem off soon. Mebbee Giz and Boss kin givz yoo a happee? I kant beleev dat yoo gots nuffin in teh wai uv snoes! I gotz bowt 6 intchs. Wen I wuz dun wif teh payntin, I parkeded mai butt in mai big chare wif teh kittehs and watchded futball on teh toob. Iz funny dat I kant moov wen I'z cubbered in kittehs, I dont wants to desturbz der snoozin. Dey luks so KUMFTERBULs! Onlee wen I cant standz it ennymoar and haz to gitz up 2 go 2 teh baffroom duz I desturbz dem, an wen I coems bak, we juss all re-arraynj owrselfs and snuggel bak in. Koinkadinkully, I had a Fiero 2, long tiem agoz. Wuz kyool! An Sunfirez iz kyool 2, I finkso! Gud luk wif werks 2dai n stai warm. Luvs, Poo

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By DoodliePoo on Nov 30, 2008 at 5:45 AM

OOo, Merlin! Iz berry code an windee owtsied 2dai! I hoepz yoo no haz to sell teh sungwasses 2dai, mebbee yoo kin stay hoem an be snugglee wif teh Sweetie an teh kittehs. I'z not berry gud at sittin still on code weekenz so I'z werkin on soem hoem 'proovments. Elmo gotz wite paint on hiz wiskerz, he finks hez halpin. I trayded mai pickemup truk 4 a Minnee Cooper an nao hassta maek 12 trips to Hoem Deepo 'sted of 2, o well, iz still cheeper to maek 12 tripz to Hoem Deepo in teh Minnee. Stayz warm, k, Merlin? Luvs, Poo!

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By DoodliePoo on Nov 28, 2008 at 7:18 AM

Ohai, Merlin! I'z so glad yoo had a gud Fanksgibbin, I did 2! I nommed n nommed. I betz teh Pinebox Durbee wuz fun-yoo no crashded, I hoepz! Mai brudder noes bowt teh Cheezee site an him askded me yesserday if I noo bowt it. Tryin to splayn teh ICHC to teh nonedjummekayted iz imposs ... iz impoos ... iz HARD! Kittehs gotz xtra Gweenies lass nite cuz wuz Fanksgibbin, den dey gotz hugd lots n lots. Den Elmo sayd, NO moer Hugz, Mom! Him iz sittin in mai lap rite nao helpin wif teh tipin, I kin tell himz preparin fer a big nom on mai leff hand. Gud luks todai on Blak Frydai! I hoepz yoo sells fortylebben sungwasses! Luvs frum Poo!

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By DoodliePoo on Nov 27, 2008 at 6:01 AM

Gumornin, Merlin! Howz teh stuffee noze? I hoepz iz gettin better. I uploded a pikshur dis mornin uv mai Willlie n Elmo wen Elmo wuz juss a beebee, iz in my pics fowder. Willie iz berry Birminnee and Elmo iz berry teenee (not ennyMOER!). Wenn I wuz drivin hoem lass nite frum werks, I wuz tinkin bowt hao lukkee I iz an hao gud mai lief iz an hao mai cheezyfrenz puts liddle sparkelz in mai day. I haz a sparkel cuz of yoo :), yoo maeks me laff ("koinkadinkalli" maed me LAFF!). Juss wannted to wish yoo a happy Fanksgivin. Fank yoo fer bein mai fren! Xtra Gweenies fer teh kittehs! Luv, Poo

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