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By tinyinsydekitkat on Mar 23, 2012 at 7:40 AM

Ohai mini, this was harder than the last as this was my mom's baby brother, who we practically grew up with. He was a decorated police officer so he received all the ceremony that goes with it. Very emotional. My sister came here from almost 900 miles away. It was good to see her in person and spend a little time together. My mom is still here, we'll be taking her home tomorrow, and then hopefully I can find my little rut again. I let Tom out onto the screened in porch the other day and now he's being absolutely pushy about going out there again. He likes to watch the birds but he loves to watch all the chipmunks more. He runs from one side to the other as they scamper about just the other side of the screen. He can use the exercise tho :) It's been very warm here, it's like we just skipped winter and spring and went straight to summer. Flowers, leaves, bugs (yikes) everywhere ,,,overnight! How was your time with your daughter? Was it just for the weekend? Are you enjoying having your own time again? Silly me, of course you are! Have you and Frosty strolled thru the woods? (are there truffles where you are?) Well,, I'm going to cut my mom's hair now before we take her home tomorrow (as I have been since I was 16, cutting her hair that is, not taking her home LOL). Can't wait to hear from you!!! And thank you for the beams of courage and strength. - Purrs and hugs aplenty!

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By tinyinsydekitkat on Mar 16, 2012 at 7:23 PM

**SIGH** that's of relief that you get to stay home now! And especially that you get to see your daughter and spend leisurely time with her and Frosty. I just found out I will be spending my weekend attending the funeral of my uncle (who's wife just passed away 2 weeks ago). He just pined for her so badly that his already weakened respiratory system succumbed to a severe case of pneumonia. So think of me on Sunday when you have a quiet moment. I know I'd like to be having tea and taking walks with you instead. Hope you don't mind if I keep a few of Tom's hugz for myself. Please enjoy your time with your daughter. I know how precious and special that can be. Schmoos.

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By tinyinsydekitkat on Mar 15, 2012 at 2:33 PM

Weeeeeee!!! One more day!! If you're asking, I vote for not; the redecorating will still be there in a day or two. Enjoy your time with your famz, chicks, and Frosty! Spend time with him outside and take some more walks together and just breathe in the warm, spring air. It's more than warm here. Robins are all over the place. I spent the middle of this week at my daughter's house as she went through the grueling process of interviews for acceptance at the hospital where she'll do her residency. It was nerve-wracking and exhilarating all at the same time. She finally got and accepted an offer to do her family medicine residency, so she's now officially official. I came home to one very lonesome Tom. He immediately camped out on my duffel bag, curled up on it like it was the bestest, floofiest bed in town. And while he slept on my pillow very close to my head, if he snored last night I didn't hear it. After all the hoopla of the day before, I slept like a rock. Well, free time in 3--2--1----- Purrs and hedbonks to awl.

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By tinyinsydekitkat on Mar 10, 2012 at 8:15 PM

Well mini, we took my mom back home today; a whole day affair as it's 250 miles away, then we had to take her food shopping to get her caught up as she can't carry heavy things and then it was another 250 miles home. Now to take a breather for a few days. The weather today was amazing! I didn't need a coat or anything, just a long sleeve shirt. Really windy tho. Opened my car door at one stop and the wind ripped a bunch of papers out of the door and sent them flying. We change clocks tonight and lose an hour of sleep but gain an hour of daylight which is a fair trade aifink!. Maybe we'll check out some antique stores tomorrow just to get out and about. We like to wander through them and just look at all the neat things. I find a lot of old books there. I have the Dentist Monday so I'm not in a hurry for it to get here LOL! My son-in-law has another show next weekend so I think we'll be attending that as well. So you've finished week number four is it? Only one left,,,YAY! How was traffic with the motor show? Hopefully not as bad as you anticipated. I reread your post and was picturing you and Frosty strolling through the woods together. It must have been quite an experience to have him keep you company like that. We don't really have woods near us to speak of altho our yard is what they call "wooded". We are surrounded mostly by farm country but right here it's sort of hilly because we're near a river. So I walk out into the cornfield every once in a while but that's scary because it's really tall and planted very close together so it's easy to get turned around inside it. Tom doesn't go out,,too much city too close,,so he checks out our shoes and clothes when we come in from the outside especially my husband's after he's been gardening. He's almost like a dog in his determination to smell everything. Hope you're enjoying some spring like weather as well. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Much schmoos and hugz!

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By buyerbware on Mar 9, 2012 at 8:48 PM

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By tinyinsydekitkat on Mar 8, 2012 at 2:24 PM

That's a good idea I will definitely try it. He's keeping me up silly, snorey kitteh. And thank you! I couldn't agree more or have said it better (in fact I couldn't have said it even that well LOL). Happy Women's Day to you, too! We are cute, sweet. lovely, adorable and strong aren't we!!

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By tinyinsydekitkat on Mar 7, 2012 at 2:43 PM

News Flash!!!! Tom snores!

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By jlandis on Mar 5, 2012 at 10:16 PM

Thank you again and continually! You are such a sweetheart to be looking after everyone so well. I wish I could put your initials on all the collectibles you've helped see to new homes! Big hugs, Jane

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By NCcharmer on Mar 5, 2012 at 11:11 AM

Thanks for thinking of me again, miniminsmum. I hope to get to know you much better when this is all over.

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By tinyinsydekitkat on Mar 4, 2012 at 9:14 AM

Good morning, mini, we're all now trying to get back to our normal lives. That was one of the hardest ones I've had to attend. She was an amazing woman who left quite a legacy. My mom's still here with us and will probably stay throughout the week before we have to take her back home. I want to thank you for your comforting words, I felt them all the way across the ocean and they bore me up through those difficult days. The good part was seeing family we hadn't seen in a very long time either because of time and work constraints or distance. Tom didn't like being home alone for those long days and became a veritable pest when we got home, giving me persistent hedbonks and sleeping on (and hogging!) my pillow! Purring loudly in my ear and draping his paws across by forehead as he slept. You notice I said "he" not "we". Nothing like a kitteh to make you feel loved (or snubbed! when he's in a "mood" LOL). So how was week #3? Must be quite a task to deal with the VIPs and their bodyguards, photogs aunties & uncles!!! (sounds kind of fun, too) Is the weather cooperating with your drive? Nothing like a sunny sky to make even a boring task less so. We had some snow Friday afternoon but nothing we aren't already used to. We can get snow here as late as the end of May (and even bitter cold then too, poor little tree buds). We visited our daughter for a bit Friday and the sound of robins singing could be heard everywhere. They're the harbingers of spring so it's always thrilling to see the first one. They haven't made an appearance by us yet but it shouldn't be that much longer. I was going to ask you if Frosty bothered the chickens, I know Tom would have a field day!! I think a chicken would give Tom a run for his money tho 8^) . Well, have to make breakfast for everyone and then unpack all the bags I drug around for the past several days. Then, I never thought I'd say this, looking forward to doing laundry and grocery shopping. Schmoos and many hugz!!!

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By buyerbware on Mar 4, 2012 at 7:41 AM

That would be wondermus indeed. Maybe the splay of hazardous bones in a pheasant's legs are a deterrent for those of us who have a taste for bird but can't bring ourselves to do in a pheasant.

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By buyerbware on Mar 4, 2012 at 6:38 AM

Thanks and nice going, both on the collectibles and the photo taken from your office window! That's amazing, I've rarely seen pheasants show themselves around people.

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By buyerbware on Mar 3, 2012 at 1:23 PM

Are you friends with jlandis? She needs a Derpatello and VanHalensing. If they're available will you please send them to her, or send them to me to pass along?

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By buyerbware on Mar 3, 2012 at 1:12 PM

That photo you uploaded should be on a calendar. One of yours?

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By JediSquirrel on Feb 29, 2012 at 7:23 PM

Sorry it took me so long to get them to you! I haven't been able to get on much, but if you need any more I will try and get them to you sooner. :)

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By tinyinsydekitkat on Feb 28, 2012 at 12:54 PM

Ohai mini, I got a call early this morning telling me my aunt lost her 4 year battle with breast cancer. She was SOOOO young, just 6 years older than I. The next several days are going to be filled with trips out of state to pick up my mom and bring her back, visits with my one sister and her daughter from yet another state, and of course the memorial, funeral and everything that accompanies that. She was an unbelievably vibrant woman with such strength. We kept thinking she would beat this thing. Please keep my family in your thoughts as they absorb the full impact of her passing. Hugz - tiny

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By buyerbware on Feb 28, 2012 at 4:00 AM

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By tinyinsydekitkat on Feb 27, 2012 at 6:33 PM

Ohai mini, iz just a qwikee,,I sawd M. Pheasant, he's a beri distingwisht fella! I putted up teh pichur mai dawhter drew ob Timmy! I noes I hab sum ob teh pups in longjohns butt (!) I may hab mislaid sum ob mai alblums. Muss bee teh black hole thass hydin in mah basement, cuz sew much stuffs keeps going missing. I haz such a big sleepy tonite, wuz beri hard weekend. Me adn Tom say Gud Nyte!! And Sleep Tyte! Schmoos and Hugz...and no pointy ends, he pwomises! (uh-oh aifink he had hims paws crosst bahind hiz back!)

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By NineLivesBurra on Feb 27, 2012 at 11:25 AM

hehe, ai seez We muss hab an on agin off agin relashonchip adn confuzzle teh ICHC

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By annipuss on Feb 26, 2012 at 3:48 PM

Thx mmm! gud wishiz aer nebber 2 laet!

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