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By caycehouseofcats on Oct 26, 2011 at 1:02 PM

A couple of new videos are up. The first, “After 6 Weeks”, is a follow-up on the feral colony in downtown Columbia - The second is of “The Gang of Six” – - one week older and not slowing down a single bit. These are also posted on my web site:

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By caycehouseofcats on Oct 14, 2011 at 11:51 AM

New video up!

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By caycehouseofcats on Sep 6, 2011 at 7:28 PM

One last vid:

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By caycehouseofcats on Sep 5, 2011 at 2:54 PM

We released Little Grey back to the colony yesterday evening. I made a video of it here: I also made a video of our release of Mama Kitty. You can see it here: Everyone seems to be getting on nicely...

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By caycehouseofcats on Sep 2, 2011 at 3:05 PM

Thanks! The Mama Kitty I was referring to is the one who was trap-smart. Lately, she’d been letting us pet her and my husband actually picked her up about a foot off the pavement. We also observed her going all the way in to a house we have set up at the feeding station. I realized that I could fit a hard carrier into the house with the door open – so that’s what I did. She walked about half way in - so I snuck up behind her and tried to push her all the way in. She turned and tried to escape – but did not really try all that hard. I scruffed the back of her neck, pushed her all the way in the carrier, and closed the door. She didn’t try to bite or scratch. I think she wanted to be done with it all and retire. We also had a pregnant momcat show up here this spring. We took her in and she had four kittens on Good Friday. This is the first time we’ve had kittens born here. A friend adopted two and we kept her (“Priscilla”) and the other two (“Stan” and “Ollie”). And, now, we have another pregnant one in the back yard. This one is really skittish, tho. I think she belongs to some people in one of the rental houses down the street – but she come to our house because we put out the leftover cat food on the back porch. If your mom wants to get new traps, I suggest the Tomahawks with doors on both ends – plus a trap divider. Their web site is One pet only apartment? I hope your landlord doesn’t make surprise visits with people like exterminators and such. That happened to me once when I was cat-sitting for my parents. Three cats in an apartment where they didn’t allow pets. They were nice about it, tho.

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By caycehouseofcats on Sep 2, 2011 at 1:36 PM

After over a year of work, we have finally caught the last of our feral cat colony. I caught the little “kitten factory” we call Mama Kitty last Sunday. She was spayed last Monday. She was pregnant again with 5 more on the way. We returned her to the colony this past Sunday. We then caught the only survivor of a litter of five, named her ‘Grey’, and had her spayed. We’ll return her to the colony this coming weekend. So – that’s it! The entire cat colony has been adopted, neutered and re-located, or neutered and returned. There will be four remaining in the colony – Big ‘O’, Pippi, Mama Kitty, and Grey – and we will continue to maintain them up there for the rest of their lives. All told, we processed 22 cats. Not a large colony – but it would have certainly been much larger (and a lot more candidates for fox food) had we not started this project.

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By cinna-crumbs on Aug 1, 2011 at 1:05 PM

Yer very welcome - and thank you again! =)

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By Aviehenda on Jun 9, 2011 at 11:37 PM

Hello. I'm sorry that I'm returning the favor so late, but I sent you a "vom bomb" for your "photobomb" collection instead. I hope that's ok. :)

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By Freon on May 24, 2011 at 5:29 AM

G'morning! I got a spare Any Key and saw you needed it to complete your Tech. Impared Duck Internet 101 collectible set. Enjoy! BTW, your sweet little Meredith reminds me of one of the feral kittehs I cared for recently. Big hugs to you for tending to the momcats and babies that need some loving and forever homes.

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By Freon on May 23, 2011 at 5:21 AM

G'morning, cheezfren! I sent you a Problem Solver to complete your Very Demotivational set. Hope that gives you a happy! :) *hedbonk*

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By Freon on May 16, 2011 at 10:59 AM

Greetings, noo cheezfren! So happy to meetcha. Thanks for taking my FR. :)

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