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By ZeMadCatBrat on Aug 4, 2011 at 1:17 AM

No, it's a new (to me) one by a writer I know already. Chicot the Jester by Alexandre Dumas. TP I've heard so much about, but never read any of his books.

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By ZeMadCatBrat on Aug 4, 2011 at 1:05 AM

Yeah, the evening was OK. Wanted to read my book but someone came to chat on here, so that was cool too. Books are patient and can wait. Told them about the book anyway.

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By modernsavage on Aug 3, 2011 at 3:26 PM

yeah, i've seen about everything pegg and crew have been in. love shaun and hot fuzz. your city looks interesting. i google mapped it. things are quite packed there. except for downtown, my city is spread out over a large distance. you seem to be a stones throw from cardiff! i'd love to see cardiff. and youre close to the ocean. i've seen the atlantic like twice. once on a small plane we flew over it. i lived in seattle and lived a few streets away from the pacific. changing the subject, i like when frankie boyle did the night rider sketch where he was on drugs and was imagining the talking car. i also enjoy mitchell and webb especially sir digby chicken caesar, numberwang, and the game show after "the event". hilarious.

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By doom75 on Aug 3, 2011 at 9:53 AM

As the French would say: s'olala ... It was a little mixed. Some good things and some bad ones too. But that's life!

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By maxystone on Aug 3, 2011 at 5:51 AM

Pleasure. :)

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By ZeMadCatBrat on Aug 3, 2011 at 5:14 AM

Typically me, computer on most of the day, but me running around and really watching this site 5 minutes, 10x a day. So missed you again. Tomorrow then.

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By ZeMadCatBrat on Aug 3, 2011 at 4:05 AM

Sorry bit late in responding, just walked the dog, cooked and ate. If I have any more collectibles you want, tell me. I'm not doing anything with them. The best/worst career-move will have to wait till tomorrow if you're gone already now.

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By maxystone on Aug 3, 2011 at 3:39 AM

Thank you for accepting it. :) Happy Wednesday to you too. :)

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By ZeMadCatBrat on Aug 3, 2011 at 2:40 AM

It's true, the English flag should be OK. But whose fault is it? BNP and EDL and scum like that. Sad stuff. Bruce must be mid 50s at least. OK the interview 1st: he gave that interview when he was tremendously stoned. Couldn't remember his own name right. Try to find it on the net. It's a classic, or maybe I'll ask dog8mycheeseburger. He's a music writer.

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By ZeMadCatBrat on Aug 3, 2011 at 2:18 AM

Bruce must be older than I am. Did you ever read that interview he gave upon joining the band? Or what the best/worst career-move in metal was? Or the time-delay monologue he gave at the festival about 30 years ago, about bad language? Highlights of a life in Rock.

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By doom75 on Aug 2, 2011 at 3:56 AM

Hello Nat. I'm finally back from some days off. I hope you spent also some good days. And thanks for the collectible gift :-). They change alot these days...

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By AngelAndz on Aug 1, 2011 at 5:09 PM

Kitteh gives honest opinion ob noo invention ;) Hugz Andie

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By modernsavage on Aug 1, 2011 at 11:20 AM

when i was young (early 80s) i liked: are you being served, young ones, tomorrow people. i thought they were new and britain hadn't caught up yet! i like almost every show on tv: it crowd, new tricks, 8 out of 10 cats, my family, q.i., mock the week, anything al murray, tv burp, dr who... spaced was awesome. you get the idea. i would love uk weather! i think both countries are spiraling down the pooper but you have free healthcare. we have buy one get 10 free fireworks ALL year round. i'll choose u.k. over fireworks at 3am anytime. america is a great place to visit if you have money; yellowstone, vegas, disney, grand canyon... new york sucks unless you have alot of money (thousands).

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By ZeMadCatBrat on Aug 1, 2011 at 5:01 AM

yeah, I got no problem with sunburn either. You've lived in the wrong neighbourhoods. I don't want to say anything against Nigerians (I don't know any) but I lived among most nationalities from the M-E. and N-Africa. And then some. It's OK. I know what you mean about teachers. The ones I remember after all those years were the crazy ones. And what they taught me. Boring teachers never said anything worth remembering. Donkeys yeah, Spain too. And N-Africa, and the M-E anyway. Iron Maiden? ROFLMAO!! Time-warp, seriously! Enjoy! ('cause the devil sends the beast with wrath. let him who has understanding reckon the number.....)

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By ZeMadCatBrat on Aug 1, 2011 at 2:46 AM

And then suddenly! A donkey!

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By ZeMadCatBrat on Aug 1, 2011 at 2:45 AM

France and Germany are so civilised in a European way. So tidy, so fertile. Spain is hot, dusty, dry in many places,though not the NW. Things look stern, the buildings. There is (was) an air of democracy not being a matter of course, but a privilege to enjoy while it lasts. The people are often darker, the smells are not western-european (W-Eu smells little), the music has arabian harmonies, the old cities have tiny crooked alleyways and the houses no windows, like in Morocco. How could we forget that North-Africans ruled over Spain from 711-1492? Then the cactusses and palm-trees, the mosaics. The sun shining harder than anywhere else in Eu. The quick passions of the people and also the stubbornness. If you know Algerians in England, you'll see them again in Andalucia, Extremadura and Murcia. :)

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By ZeMadCatBrat on Aug 1, 2011 at 2:18 AM

I guess not, but their english has much improved since I was there the 1st time. Some places more than others anyway. It is a fascinating place and if you like them, you're halfway towards liking arabs. Spain is the most Middle-Eastern country in western-Europe. It often doesn't feel European much.

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By ZeMadCatBrat on Aug 1, 2011 at 1:39 AM

I've never been north of Cambridge myself, but all over Spain. In London you meet people from everywhere, and yeah, I've seen enough of the NW or Geordieland by the people to not want to go there. But Brum, Leeds and Hull are fine, don't know why. Completely different people. I know a lot of guys from Manc, but they're all Morriseys you know! Make me scream. Spain is as varied as Britain. 200km down the road, it's completely different. And lots of great places, from Bilbao to Almeria, excellent. They have every kind of landscape, ancient and hyper-modern cities, food, music and the people are more alive than nearly anywhere else.

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By modernsavage on Aug 1, 2011 at 1:19 AM

i was into punk for awhile but then one day it just became noise. i went back to music of my childhood, the 70's and 80's. i shaved it off back around 2003 when i was a biotech engineer and was trying for a field position that never happened. then i started losing the hair up front. que sara sara. i wish i lived in england. i know more about the uk than my own country and it sucks that no one i know has even heard of the shows i watch let alone the group take that! actually i turned my stepdad onto take that. he agrees that robbie williams has re-ruined the group.

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By ZeMadCatBrat on Aug 1, 2011 at 12:57 AM

The octopus is under the bed? My first line was La coche es muy veija. Or something that sounded like that. Serves me right for crossing the country in a mercedes twice as old as myself. Un Cafe Solo might have come even earlier though. Very important. Spain was the 1st country I ever went that felt foreign. The 1st where I thought: this is different, I'm not from here. France or Germany or Denmark or Belgium just feel more normal than Northern England. But Spain is nowhere in the home counties.

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