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By miniminsmum on Mar 25, 2012 at 2:03 PM

Ohai - boycott ICHC - 2 April - read all about it here:

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By miniminsmum on Feb 27, 2012 at 10:45 AM

Hmmm, yes we were, butt (!) it's awl about teh avaatar yu see :-)

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By miniminsmum on Feb 16, 2012 at 4:04 AM

Sure was - even still is in places, but not so pretty now, it's all getting a bit dirty and melting! Quite impressive though! Schmoos

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By miniminsmum on Feb 16, 2012 at 1:59 AM

Funnee taht shud happn - maybee cawse ai hav adoptd a Naw-weejun wevver site to wotch wen spring will be heer! Teh sno adn iice iz melting - see sum pics ov Layk Gineeva heer (iz colleegs fotos, nawt myne!) Schmoos

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By miniminsmum on Feb 12, 2012 at 9:47 AM

Thanks nenne, everything sent on! Have a good week, keep warm, at last we will have temperatures above 0°, and I will be back at work. Schmoos

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By DarkSirocco on Feb 11, 2012 at 7:15 AM

thank you so much nenne! the c'bles really helped! *hedbonks and purrrrrz* -Siro =^.^=

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By miniminsmum on Feb 10, 2012 at 1:23 PM

Ohai Nenne, here I am, back with my begging bowl. Would you be able to send me some more of your eggstra collectibles. I would need anything you can spare from the News Years Resolushunz down to the end, and also I have peeps collecting unrolled tps dead birds and tulips, so I can take all those off your hands too :-) Thanks and schmoos and has a nice weke end, and keep warm!

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By DarkSirocco on Feb 9, 2012 at 12:23 AM

thank you so much! inorite?! i never thought i'd get rid of my excess Rickrolls! =^.^=

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By DarkSirocco on Feb 7, 2012 at 3:21 AM

ohai! don't need that one anymore, but i am working on someone else, who could really use 6 others. and we can now send however many c'bles we want to anyone, too! so, i'll be extremely grateful for however many you have time to send! :D if they aren't taken, may i plz have your Walk of Fame Star, Scumbag Shuttle, Lame Pun Coon, Me Dusa, Lenin Cat, and/or YA RLY? if you can send more then one, you just go back in like you normally would gift, and my name should still be there! thanks either way! *hedbonks* -Siro =^.^=

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By miniminsmum on Feb 7, 2012 at 1:59 AM

Ohai nenne! Hao ar yu doing up norf. Ai sea yur temprichures ar higher than ours - rite nao at 11 am it's -11° adn such a strong cowld wind. Brrrrrrr. Ai'm bak wurking fur whirled peas next week - shud be naice adn warm in teh offiss. Multiple gifting is now possible, so whatever you want to get rid of from your collectibles, I can send on to those who need them! Thanks for all your help so far getting collections completed! Catchya sune Schmoos

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By GumbieKat on Feb 5, 2012 at 1:33 PM

ohai nenne! Hvordan har du det? I am trying to complete as many of my collectible sets as possible before the deadline and I'd be really grateful for any spares you can give me. I know you can only send one a day but every little helps right?! We have alot of snow here in TTI at the moment but none for me here on the coast ...meh!

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By miniminsmum on Feb 4, 2012 at 9:02 AM

Ohai nenne, thanks for the sun, it's trying valiantly to warm the place up, but the "Bise" is keeping the temperatures down. Not as low as your though, yikes! I see Monday they forecast -2° for you - you'll be outdoors in t-shirts! May I ask you for Roller skate kitteh tomorrow? Schmoos!

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By miniminsmum on Feb 2, 2012 at 10:55 AM

Ohai nennepus - ai hoep yu is keeping warm in tehse arctic temprichurs! Mite ai ask yu fur a Scumbag sun to warm me up? Schmoos

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By miniminsmum on Jan 30, 2012 at 9:47 AM

Fankees fur teh lamp to lite mai wai on tehse dark knights! Schmoos!

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By miniminsmum on Jan 29, 2012 at 12:49 PM

Ohai nenne! comment ça va? Hope iz nawt too chilli in Oslo - we are expecting -8° max next week. Ai'z luuking to halp frendz finish their collectibles - wud yu myind sending me yur spare lava lamp? Fnaks and schmoos

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By laughingcats on Jan 22, 2012 at 6:22 PM

ohai, nennepus! ai just wanted tu send greetings yur wai tu let yu know ai'm thinking ov yu in Norway, while ai'm heer in Minnesota, which has one ov teh largest populayshuns ov Norwegians outsyde ov Norway. *waves floofy paw in yur direcshun*

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By DarkSirocco on Jan 18, 2012 at 11:46 PM

ohai! ai'm trying to help a friend complete their c'bles! if it's not promised to anyone, may i plz have your extra Lady Paw Paw, from the Celeb Kittehs set? if not, it's fine! thx either way! -Siro =^.^=

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By azevedan on Jan 14, 2012 at 9:33 AM

Ohai, cheezpeeps! On the eve of the great collectibles sale, here are some of my thoughts. If you still need things and you have coins, use your coins for the most rare that you need…those original Dr. Tinycat and the 4’s in the old sets. If you are all set, but have extra coins, wait a few days to see who is able to buy what for him/herself. Those of you with lots of extras – there are peeps who still need collectibles, collectibles that you have! Please try to gift to each person each day! Let’s help finish each other off! Those of you who need collectibles – please, PLEASE just ask each of us for what you need. It’s very hard keeping track. We want to help – make it easy for us! Looking for more names either to help out or hit up, send me a message! Kthnx! ~catena

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By miniminsmum on Jan 14, 2012 at 9:09 AM

O nenne, ai forgottid to menshun teh roller skate from the itty bitty kitty set (dat's on p.4) Merci buckets, yur a star!

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By miniminsmum on Jan 14, 2012 at 8:51 AM

Ohai nennepus! Duz yu nede yur spayr keyboard cat from p 5 of the retired collectiblols? I can find a home fur it if it's cluttering up yur cubberds! Schmoos

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