Messages between notquitesure and hazTweetur4eatmeburd

By hazTweetur4eatmeburd on Feb 16, 2011 at 3:24 PM

ohai, notquitesure! hope u r doing well. ~happy valentine's~ i sent u some of my xtra collectibles a while back, since i know u r saving some xtras to trade for the ones u want. i have just about given up hope of ever finding a turkey or a karot. lol! oh, well.

By hazTweetur4eatmeburd on Jan 30, 2011 at 11:05 AM

awww, u found a dress 4 me! ur awesome :) thx so much, notquitesure. i m sending u one of my xtras that u can use to trade 4 turkey - one 4 which u need an extra in yr collection. thx again 4 being such a great cheezfriend!! :) :) purrs - hazTweetur

By hazTweetur4eatmeburd on Jan 28, 2011 at 5:07 PM

ohai, cheezfriend! thx 4 reply. np - i understand completely. ur so nice to offer an xtra if u get 1 - but u already were so nice 2 send 2 me b4. so thx again! i appreciate it. purrs :)

By hazTweetur4eatmeburd on Jan 27, 2011 at 11:07 PM

ohai, cheezfriend ~ thx 4 ur reply :) np, i totally understand ur master plan to trade karot for turkey - karot is gold! :) i do need a dress; can i offer u anything in exchange? let me know what 2 send u & i will do. kthxbai! purrs.

By hazTweetur4eatmeburd on Jan 25, 2011 at 7:33 PM

ohai, notquitesure! it's so cool that u have a cat that's been w/u a long time. what a great friend! cats r so faithful to stay w/us & be r best buds! thx so much 4 the collectibles - ur awesome! it looks like i don't have any xtras of things that u need right now, but pls let me know if i can send u sg else that you'd like to add to your set! at least u could send 2 other cheezfriends, if u like :) ps: i'd love to trade for karot, so let me know which collectibles i can send u. kthxbai!

By notquitesure on Jan 16, 2011 at 1:59 PM

Oh hai new Cheezfrend! Pleased to meet you. One of my kittehs has been my best friend (and sometimes worst enemy) since I was 12 years old. I always joke that she's going to outlive me just out of spite. LOL Anywho, let me know if you ever want to trade or if there's anything I can help you find. Happy hunting! :D

By hazTweetur4eatmeburd on Jan 16, 2011 at 11:17 AM

Hello, there, new Cheezfriend!