Messages between prysma-kitteh and DrGizmo

By DrGizmo on Jan 6, 2010 at 1:48 AM

Yup, dat be Moxie! Hur be a crazeee kitteh, alwais runnin intu fings and nokin dem over, lol! butt (!) wen hur be tyrd and snorgloly, hur melts mai hart! ai donut no wat ai wud do wifowt mai 3 kitteh - i finkso lyf is sew mush bedder wif a kitteh (or 3!) on yur lap :) fankess fur teh burfday wishes, ai had a lubberly dai owf frum wrk sew ai cud see mai famblee :) adn ai hope dat too fousind adn tin be wunnermus fur yu tu!

By prysma-kitteh on Jan 5, 2010 at 4:42 PM

Ohai! Ai didnawt make teh connekshun yu be Gizmo, ai just finked frum yur profile yu sownded kewl. *giglol* Moxie am teh BC in yur pics? Her a CYOOTEE!!! An lubberlee cally-co an regal tuxie! :) Ai a lil layt wif teh birfday wishes, but ai hopeso yur birfday waz full uv win, an teh rest uv teh yeer just gets bedder frum there!!!

By DrGizmo on Jan 5, 2010 at 8:25 AM

ohai pk, fankees fur acceptifying mai fren rekwest! ai donut fink yu saw mai bery layte reply tu yur kweschun bowt BCs teh uffer dai (mai naym is Gizmo on teh comment payges), butt (!) ai lublublubs dem! ai can has a tortie-adn-wyte adn a blak-adn-wyte kitteh adn wus alsew adoptified bai a 2 munf old bebbeh bc callded Moxie 3 munfs ago. she be teh adorablols :) teh bc ar teh bestest! ohohoh, adn ai saw yur vydeeo uf Cory in teh snow - he def has teh kyoots! {{pk}}

By prysma-kitteh on Jan 5, 2010 at 5:53 AM

Ohai! Fanks fur frend rekwest, iz alwayz gud tu meet gnu frenz!!! {{{i.hilton}}}