Messages between prysma-kitteh and booklion

By booklion on Jan 16, 2010 at 8:14 AM

Gud lukks to you, p_k! I m sending beems to yu, to Seanya for pain redukshun, and to Kittehs! I hazzn't figgure out hao to compartmentlize fb yet, az I lykes keeping difrunt parts ov my lyfe dinstinct. But I am sending yu all the gud wishes in teh whirrld.

By prysma-kitteh on Jan 15, 2010 at 6:58 PM

Ohai! Job hunt, hmm, ai haz hopes fur teh innervu tihs moarning, uvverwise pleh. Nawt gotted taht Tanya Huff bukk yet, will has tu lukk fur it -- an also gnu Vertigo! Mostlee been reeding non-fikshun (histree an stuff) an kweschunabully non-fikshun (Keel's Mothman Prophecies, fur eggsampul) an writewritewrite mai own stuffs. :-D Ai can haz FB frenz wif yu, if yu duz FB? Ai bedder usuallee abowt updates there. Can finding me @ Lubs an hugs, an ai hazza sowree ai nawt talked much tu yu latelee!!!

By booklion on Jan 15, 2010 at 5:11 AM

ohai, p-k, just saying I hopes yu and yr fambly r well and happy. Hao is teh job hunt going? Haz yu readed enny gud buks lately? I enjoyed Tanya Huff's Enchantment Emporium, and just discovvred Vertigo's new series, The Unwritten.

By prysma-kitteh on Jun 27, 2009 at 1:08 PM