Royally Funny

Fluffy is STILL talking about the Royal Wedding

Photoshop or Miracles

Get me to the TV on time!

Royal Wedding Patryz

Royal Wedding Day Shenanigans

Much Ado

Little Princess Buffy's lack of a wedding invitation was an oversight she wouldn't soon forgive....

1 moar an HE'D be a littur !

How minny goz on teh hunnymoon?

Breaking News - Babs Lauderdale arrives in London from Palm Beach for the Royal Wedding. Kate and Babs met during Spring Break.

Royalty, Royalty, Everywhere!!!

Royalty, Royalty, Everywhere!

Royal Wedding Fever Has Everyone Acting Like Newlyweds!

I was too late, but now I'm too early!

I Don't Trust That Lad!!

Get ready darling. I arranged for our guests to toss Kibbles and Bits instead of rice.


Be on the lookout for ...

RickRollin' the Royals

Simple mistake.

Kate's coming out party.

God Save the Quuen(s)

u cawnt go yet!?!! iz nawt dun shredding ur veil!

This should have been the best day of my life! But she dumped me! What does he have to offer that I don't have? Sure, he has money, and prospects, but does he have a rubber bone? Does he know how to fetch? And I bet he does not sniff butts as well as I do

You know, I honestly expected the bridesmaids dresses to be a little more flattering.

Amy's invite got lost in the mail.

Oh, well, I suppose it will have to do...

Can you believe it? We get all dressed up to go the wedding, and they refuse to let us in for no good reason!

Lady Arabella! Can you tell us about the Bridal gown?

We iz representin teh RSPCA at teh weddin. Maw haz teh invite safe in her reticule. I hear dere will be hotdogs after.