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By Marielen on Dec 7, 2011 at 2:22 AM

I have been kind of stuck at work... Have lots of things to do, but I'm depending on other peoples action, and they don't act :( Tonight I'm presenting my final project at university, it's a big challenge, but after that I'm free!!

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By PepeMuppetRocks on Dec 7, 2011 at 2:09 AM

That's ok, on both counts :)

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By PepeMuppetRocks on Nov 29, 2011 at 2:20 AM

Hello :) trade you an Incognito for a Reflecting Yaris?

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By Marielen on Nov 24, 2011 at 2:32 PM

Hi, are you feeling better from this flu? About the collectibles, I don't mind... and the thermomether, it's already an illusion for me :( the only person I know that has 2 of them doesn't accept my friend request, and it's already been months. Their name is ferretdee, and I know they still visit ICHC, because they favorite new LOLs and stuff. I just don't know why they don't accept me.

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By dead_lolparrot on Nov 24, 2011 at 1:08 AM

You're welcome, that's what cheezfriends are made for ;) I hope you've recovered well and are feeling better, have a nice day!

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By inspiredbychaos on Oct 31, 2011 at 12:22 PM

When I saw your message to Cyberra pop up in my dashboard newsfeed I thought "hey I have an extra one of those!" Happy to help. :)

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By Marielen on Oct 30, 2011 at 4:24 PM

Wow, so the party must have been great, at a Yacht Club. It's every girls dream!! A wedding in that level is really expensive, but it happens only once in a lifetime... When my time arrives, I want a beautiful party too, with all the people I love. I'm an only child too, I'll try to use it as an excuse to my parents hahah :) Do you have kids?

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By Cyberra on Oct 28, 2011 at 5:18 PM

XD; I confirmed a friend request, and that new person sent me a spare Zombie Kitteh

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By Marielen on Oct 27, 2011 at 5:34 PM

But was the wedding at somebody's house, like we see in american movies? Weddings here happen mostly in a church (most of times catholic) and after that the guests go to a party at a ballroom. Sorry about the contest. Let's wait another one for you to win!

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By Marielen on Oct 26, 2011 at 9:40 AM

Ohai, glad you had a nice trip! How was the wedding? Talking about food, what about that canning contest? :)

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By Marielen on Oct 20, 2011 at 7:10 AM

No problem, I'm young but already forgot most of brazilian history. That's a bad effect of specializing in some studies, we tend to forget the other knowledges... I hope you get well soon and enjoy the wedding!! See you and have a nice trip :)

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By Marielen on Oct 18, 2011 at 9:41 AM

I didn't know N.O. was an historic city ^^ When will the wedding happen?

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By Marielen on Oct 17, 2011 at 10:22 AM

Spain was really hot, like 41ºC!!! I couldn't believe that. And here in my city, where we were expecting a hot weather, it's actually cloudy and rainy... I really like weddings, hope you enjoy this one :) Is it of your family?

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By Marielen on Oct 16, 2011 at 4:58 PM

Hi raccoon, how are you? I'm unfortunately back from Seville - Spain, wish I could stay there forever :) Thanks for the Joke Book, all new sets are complete!!

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By _Otto on Oct 14, 2011 at 12:15 PM

To get any collectible you wish! This is for anyone that reads this and should copy/paste it too their friends. I see people asking this question all the time. This works for you to pick whatever collectible you wish to receive per sites of ICHC & Memebase etc.; PASS IT AROUND. 1) Log OFF your account before you are due to receive a new collectible for a new day. 00:00 Midnight Seattle WA. USA time. 2) Visit the two pages as normal and you'll be shown the collectible of the day as before. IF it's not what you want CANCEL it. THEN 3) You have to Clear All Cookies [Example: for IE go to Tools/Internet Options/General/Delete/ Delete Temp Internet Files & Cookies should be selected] in your browser. 4) Repeat steps 2 & 3 until the collectible shows Up that you want, then sign in to your account as asked and you will have the one you want. 5) This only allows you the same 1 collectible per day/site as before, but now you can fill the set AND get 3 that YOU want and not worry about ICHC's failed random generator. TRICK is to CLEAR COOKIES: although it clears ALL cookies for every other site you might depend on to auto log in too in the process. (Google Chrome has a feature to prevent clearing cookies of sites you do not wish that to happen to, As I just use IE; I'm unable to help with other browsers) Use as you wish. I won't be running short with any collectibles. :) Copy/Paste to your other friends to help them.

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By _Otto on Oct 14, 2011 at 12:15 PM

To get any collectible you wish! This is for anyone that reads this and should copy/paste it too their friends. I see people asking this question all the time. This works for you to pick whatever collectible you wish to receive per sites of ICHC & Memebase etc.; PASS IT AROUND. 1) Log OFF your account before you are due to receive a new collectible for a new day. 00:00 Midnight Seattle WA. USA time. 2) Visit the two pages as normal and you'll be shown the collectible of the day as before. IF it's not what you want CANCEL it. THEN 3) You have to Clear All Cookies [Example: for IE go to Tools/Internet Options/General/Delete/ Delete Temp Internet Files & Cookies should be selected] in your browser. 4) Repeat steps 2 & 3 until the collectible shows Up that you want, then sign in to your account as asked and you will have the one you want. 5) This only allows you the same 1 collectible per day/site as before, but now you can fill the set AND get 3 that YOU want and not worry about ICHC's failed random generator. TRICK is to CLEAR COOKIES: although it clears ALL cookies for every other site you might depend on to auto log in too in the process. (Google Chrome has a feature to prevent clearing cookies of sites you do not wish that to happen to, As I just use IE; I'm unable to help with other browsers) Use as you wish. I won't be running short with any collectibles. :) Copy/Paste to your other friends to help them.

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By Cyberra on Oct 13, 2011 at 4:59 PM

You sent me a Joke Book, and then I promptly earn a Joke Book... XD Never fails Murphy, y u torment me?

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By Marielen on Oct 5, 2011 at 5:25 AM

Thanks a lot my dear! See you soon :)

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By _Otto on Oct 4, 2011 at 4:03 PM

You'll see a NEW collectible on your page, but NO info about it or how to get it. Well bookmark this page and collect them until they are gone then delete. ....

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By Marielen on Oct 3, 2011 at 4:29 AM

Hi Raccoon, there's no problem, I was so busy at work that wasn't even chatting with cheezfriends :( From Thursday on I'll be out for a while, due to my vacations. Next week I'm in Spain, than I believe I'll need some extras ^^ By now, everything is under control yet!

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