Messages between rew and Romeow

By Romeow on Jul 11, 2016 at 4:50 PM

Ohai mah Rew. We were supposed to grow old together. I can't believe the things that have happened, and the things that I've had to do. Saying goodbye to him was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. If he had to go before me, why couldn't it have been in another 30 years? I don't know why I have to spend so much of my life without him. We were perfect together. My weaknesses were his strengths, and vice versa. The most kind, smart, compassionate man I've ever met. And, he LOVED our kittehs. He could see things in them, that I didn't even see. They miss him, too. I just want to go back in time and fix this terrible mistake. Thank you for your message. So nice to hear from you. Hope you and Dory are doing well.

By rew on Jul 8, 2016 at 1:08 PM

I'm so sorry! I just can't believe it. John was a truly sweet and wonderful guy, and if there's any proof that life isn't fair, this is it. I know he loved you, that just oozed out of every word in the short conversation we had, and I know you loved him, I was always proud that you not only said you liked sweet, kind guys, but actually did, and found one. That's the only thing I can take away from this tragedy, that when most people only find sadness and conflict in relationships, you both really shared love, and knew something that most can only dream of. All my love rew

By rew on May 28, 2014 at 3:21 PM

Hello sweetheart! I'm sorry, I really am never on here anymore. I miss you though, and think about you more than you could guess. I was so sorry to hear about Mitts!!!! At least she had you with her at the end, and really, her life was blessed, she had the hooman mom of most cats dreams, and could not have been happier in this world than in your lap. Give all the kitten kids a kiss on the noggin for me. And bear hugs for you. Love you! rew

By Romeow on Dec 3, 2013 at 2:04 PM

OhaI rew! iz u eber heer?

By Romeow on Oct 15, 2012 at 1:00 PM

Ohai rew! Hao u been? I maded a LOL fur teh furst tiem inna long tiem so I taked teh oppourtunaity to say ohai!

By Romeow on Jun 19, 2012 at 1:22 PM

Oh yes! Dory Queen goes fur teh bad bois. Doan tell her dat dey iz nawt so bad, but dey IZ LOUD! KLOMP KLOMP KLOMP alla wai ober to Dory's howse to see dere bestest girlie girl.

By rew on Jun 16, 2012 at 10:56 AM

Ai axed Dory if she's been gettin on da interwebs whin Ai'm nawt lookin to flirt wiff Jazzy an Finn, stringin dem boff alawng, but she jus smiled sheepishly, which is hard for a cat. Ai fink u may be rite. Dey sai oppysits attrak... Dory's so quiet she might jus like da idear ob a wild an dangerus KLOMPing kitty in her lief.

By Romeow on Jun 15, 2012 at 9:47 AM

Jazzy and Finney waz tawkin lass nite, and dey boff claimed Dory as dere girlie girl. I finks dat she habs lub enuff fur boff of deze doofuses. U fink so?

By Romeow on Apr 10, 2012 at 11:18 PM

I juss figured it owt todai dat dere iz no foto credit ennymoar. Iz dis juss won moar fing dat iz gone furreber?

By Romeow on Apr 10, 2012 at 11:17 PM

Happeh Super Belated FP!!! I didn't kno until I started lukin fru ur pages! Pulp Fikshun FTW!!!!! U maed John an I boff laff!!!

By Romeow on Apr 10, 2012 at 11:05 PM

Ohai mah rew! Hao cum u habs too pikshurs ov Sweet Potato on ur dashboard? Oh, iz it becuz he made it onto teh FP eben thou he missed teh 6:15 Train of Thought courtesy of mamawalker? Isn't he a doll? He habs teh funniest x-pression on hims face! Hopes dat u an teh Dory Queen r doin gwate! U muss b thawing out up dere cuz alla snowy burds frum here r heading ur wai soon!

By rew on Mar 8, 2012 at 1:17 AM

Cause nobody says thanks nearly enough... Happy International Womans Day, 2012!

By rew on Mar 7, 2012 at 1:23 PM

Oh... dere mite b wun 'r too udders u mite kno. Babeh Finn, Lorraine an ob corse, mai Dory. =)

By rew on Mar 6, 2012 at 5:59 PM

Didju rekunize #2? Is a lil babeh Jazz, so kyoot!

By rew on Mar 6, 2012 at 12:13 PM

A little lol for my friends, for making me laugh and smile. IT'S The Kitty Bum Song! - Sing it when you're happy- Sing it when you're sad- Sing it in the bathtub- Sing it to your dad- - - Kitty, Kitty, Bum, Bum- Kitty, Bum, Kitty, Bum- Bum, Kitty, Bum, Bum- Kitty Bum, Bum- - - It doesn't have a tune You just say the words- And if you're feeling mean- You cn sing it to the birds- - - Bum, Kitty, Kitty Bum- Bum, Bum, Bum- Bum, Kitty, Bum, Kitty- Kitty, Bum, Bum- - - It can stop that song - Stuck in your head- Lull you to sleep- When you're in bed- - - Bum, Kitty, Bum, Bum- Kitty Bum, Bum!

By rew on Feb 25, 2012 at 4:15 AM

Well, u'd fink dat wud be sumfink dat wudda commed up inna conbersashun BEFOR da proseedjur... "BTW, we is gonna put a bit ob sumbuddy else in u, but don worry dey won b needin it." Iz ok tho, I lubbs u, eben if u been zombified.

By rew on Feb 24, 2012 at 10:09 PM

Ai wud fink knobby roots wud b a shoor fire, put-u-under sitchyashun, but whudda ai kno? Ai'z glad da smashified taters maid u feel bedder. Dats a lot a fur babehs finding homes, 21 las week!!! Yeah! Baxter souns so kyoot. He's gunna be a hugger, for shor. U hasn' been bad, is jus summa tiems da pooter cn wants more dan u gots, an summa tiems its all u wanna do. Jus da wai it is. Lub u. {{{{Romeow}}}}

By rew on Feb 23, 2012 at 5:44 AM

Ohhhh nooooes! Por Romeow! Enkownters wiff dental surgeons is nebber rekomendid, since by definition dey is gunna pull sumfink outta ur hed. Sawft serb an gud drugs r def in order. When ai had mai wizdum teef owt, dey wuz rilly impac... empak... stuk in dere gud. Dey put meh right owt for da operashun. On mai fallaw-up appointmint wif da surgeon he aksd meh if dere wuz any komplicayshunz, an I sed "Nope, cept ai had huge bruises on mai chest da neks dai." an he towd me dat wuz where he put his knees when he wuz pullin so hard on mai teef!!! OMG! Ai hope ur feelin bedder. {{{{{{{Romeow}}}}}}}

By rew on Feb 21, 2012 at 2:54 PM

OMG! U jus gibbed Dory da las naim ai been lookin fur since ai gotted her... Dory Kween!!! My large, chocolate dipped cone of soft -serve. Dat's jus too funneh! Dat's her naim frum nao on, Dory Kween! Lub u sweetheart. {{{{{{{{{Romeow}}}}}}}}}}

By rew on Feb 11, 2012 at 8:11 PM

*gibbes u big random hug* Hope u'z doin good. Luv U!!!

By rew on Nov 3, 2011 at 2:16 PM

Oh noooooos! Oh nose! Ai musta sneezled on da keys when ai was typin to ya. Sorry! If I was dere ai'd let ya blow yr nose on meh. {{{{{Romeow}}}}} *hands u hot lemmin an hunny*

By rew on Oct 26, 2011 at 12:30 AM

Ai'z heer! Ai'z had a nasty cowd dis lass week an been awl snuggly inna bed wiff mai Dory tryin not to drown in snot! (yuch! tmi) But u kno ai's alweez heer fur u. We'z best frienz fur lief, u an meh. Ai gunna jam sum kleenex up mai nose an write u a emeow berry soon, ai promise. Lub you bunches an bunches. (((((Romeow))))))

By rew on Sep 20, 2011 at 1:21 PM

Oh sweetie! My heart jus jumpd seein ur messidg. Ai miss u too, an fink bout u alla tiem. Hop ur doin gud. Hao's fings at da sheltr? We boff doin great, I'll sen u an update on Dory, she's doin so gud. *Great big, lifts-u-offa-da-floor bear hug* Lubbs u!

By rew on Jul 3, 2011 at 12:12 PM

Happy, happy Forff ob Joolai! Ai hope ur habbin biggie fun! An I'm so glad to heer John ekscaped bein turned into a campfire munchmallow. Dat cud rooin ur dai! Luv u, <333

By rew on Jun 8, 2011 at 2:17 PM

Hope you and John, all the "kids" are OK and far from the flames. I was watching a local pet show where they interviewed a man who's dog saved his life and died in the process. I wish I could remember his name. He'd sworn to help animals for the rest of his life if he survived. He began working with local shelters where it's estimated he's saved more than 3 million since, increasing adoption rates up to three times. One tip he shared... put two kittehs in each cage/enclosure (not three or more) and name them "Salt & Pepper" or "Peaches & Cream" names that imply they go together, then when a potential adopter looks at one, mention that the other will miss them terribly, that they have always been so close, etc. and they will often take both. He says this has increased adoption rates by 20-30% everywhere he's done it. I know you often do something the same when naming your kittehs and it made me think of you. Love you! rew

By rew on May 30, 2011 at 1:19 PM

DoodliePoo's Willie McGee crossed the bridge today.

By rew on May 21, 2011 at 11:12 PM

Random Hugs {{{{{{Romeow}}}}}} Thinking about you and hoping the new gig is going OK. Love u, rew

By rew on Apr 13, 2011 at 2:32 PM

OMG! Jazzy has foun his inner predator. I wan to beleev dat him's instinks jus kicked in an he feltd bad aftr. Hao's fings goin at da shelter? I had dis ideer bout "garage" sales. Times is tuff an peeple don wanna donate money dey might need, but whut about donating da stuff clutterin up dere garages? You could taik donations ob stuff, den has a garage sale ebbry Sunday or sumfink. Get sumbuddy to maik u a big donations boks, like Salvation Army, but outta wood or whatebber an put it on da grounds.

By rew on Apr 10, 2011 at 1:30 PM

Yeah fur da Uno Manager! I hassa proud ob u as big as a rilly, rilly big fing! <333 lubbs u

By rew on Mar 23, 2011 at 1:13 PM

Ai did ED bout da adventoors in da metropoliss, an ai laffed an laffed! Ai fink dat da generl popewlus ob New Hork is watch da Finnemonster an Jazilla klompin ober buildins an sai "Oh my stars, ain't dat cyoot?!!!" lol