Messages between rhokit and MommaCat

By MommaCat on Oct 8, 2012 at 9:16 AM

On oct 5th my eldest ketteh Sherekhan had to be aided in crossing the Rainbow Bridge due to a long standing condition called Megacolon. Sherekhan was a 17 trs young Manx with 3 legs ( 1 lost to cancer 4 yrs ago). I raised him from 4 days old bottle feeding him to save his life. I have made a tribute LOL and a LOLsite for him. I would be honored if, in memory of Sherekhan, u would vote for my LOL and send any tribute LOLs to me to add to my site in memory of our furry babies. LOL is and the site is on my homepage. In memory of my beloved "Fluffbutt" please feed ur kittehs the right diet with good amounts of fiber and honor the love companionship and comfort our furry babies give us by voting for Sherekhan to be on front page.....

By MommaCat on Nov 17, 2011 at 7:31 PM

Ai haz a Happee! Ai maeds teh votin paeg. Mai Hip-Hop Kitteh is a few pages back. Pls tu voet fur him.

By MommaCat on Sep 7, 2009 at 10:19 AM

Oh hai rhokit. I has a sick. Shuld has seen Dr. Tinycat. Mai bad. Bettur nao. You will sees maor of mee.

By MommaCat on Oct 18, 2008 at 7:18 PM

Yep, Luciano dus siing. He lurvs to siing tu teh kittehs.He's not sceered at all of dem. In fact, dey ar sceered of heim. He biits dem on teh noese if dey com neer. Whethur is beuutifull heer. Cuul adn cleer toonite, windoos opin, is vera, vera niic. How bout in NY. I hopes iz gud tuu