Messages between roastpotato and Templecat196

By Templecat196 on Feb 27, 2011 at 10:42 AM

Hi rp,thanks for friending me. I do try to get more pics of Max,he just always manages to duck out at the last moment.Besides he's been out prowling since the weather went nice for a week and he stinks!I gave him a bath and he just dissapears for a few days and comes back as smelly as before,hungry and wanting to snuggle

By roastpotato on Feb 27, 2011 at 2:04 AM

Ohai nu cheezfriend, thx for the request, it's very nice to meetchu! ^.^ Your Kitteh Max looks adorable :) you should post nice big pics of her/him so we can get a proper look?! Cheers m'dears, rp.