Messages between roastpotato and robinrescues

By robinrescues on Dec 23, 2011 at 9:01 PM

Just stopping by with a holiday greeting for you, from all our family to yours. ~ ~ Happy Holidays!

By robinrescues on Apr 24, 2011 at 10:01 PM

Ohai RP! I just wanted to wish you a great weekend and a Happy Easter. Take care, MelB

By roastpotato on Feb 26, 2011 at 6:33 PM

You have a creek out back, ooooooh, looooovely and dreamy!! I dream of living somewhere like you do, but I do prefer the city for now! I live right in the city, in what we call a town house, basically a terraced house and in a small flat on one floor of the house. Its small but I LOVE it! I go to the Theatre with a friend every now and then and that's a 20 minute bus ride to the 'West end' :) and to the big (Selfridges etc) shops and the expensive restaurants and big designer shops (Vivien Westwood etc) though those are definitely just for me to look at! Erm, Islington is the area I live in and people you may have heard of who like here too are Gwyneth Paltrow, Sade (singer, she's from here), Tony Blair our ex-prime minister used to live round the corner from me, no idea where he is now though! There's shops here, two cinemas (one a small indipendant), a street market, lots of restaurants and bars, pubs that have music and comedy, a couple of good big parks. Im like most people who live in London and don't do 'touristy' things except when people from elsewhere come and stay with me, but then i certainly do and it's great, Tower of London, Big Ben, London Eye, etc! With my Theatre going friend though a few months ago we did go on a (that famous book by Dan Brown, name escapes me at the mo) walk which was really good, and ive also done the Jack the Ripper one and want to do others. The walks ive been on are done by 'Londn Walks' and the guides are usually actors and they are cheap £6 and just fab! Advert for London over! :)

By roastpotato on Feb 26, 2011 at 5:58 PM

I think that your Tigger jacket to lie on was a very loving last thing that you did for your boy, that definitely would have comfortated him with your smell etc :) his last thoughts would be familiar, just going to sleep on you(ur laundry) and you did that for him. It would have been so very, very hard for you that he and your Dad went so suddenly :( i am so sorry for you for that {{hugs}} Love, rp.

By robinrescues on Feb 22, 2011 at 7:46 PM

Ohai RP! Yes, Tigger's white and purple blanket is still in our bedroom under my big antique wardrobe that I got from Rob's mother. At this point, I have no plans to move it. The rest of my cats seem to prefer sleeping on our bed, so I doubt it will get used anymore. Still, it gives me a kind of comfort seeing it there, there's a lot of good memories of him on that blanket! :) Because I had no idea Tigger was dying or how serious it was, we didn't bring his blankey with us to the vet. We thought he was just going in for X-Rays, and it turned out he was never coming home with us again. I have a green Tigger jacket from the Disney Store that I wear most all winter, and that's what I was wearing that day. The vet brought in a surgical pad so Tigger wouldn't have to lay on the cold surgical table when they put him to sleep, but I couldn't see him on that. It was so impersonal. So I spread out my jacket and that's what I had him laying on when they put Tigger to sleep. It just seemed to fit him, at home he always loved to sleep in the laundry basket or on my clothes, so I hope being close to something familiar gave him some comfort and security as he passed on from this world. I still wear my Tigger jacket, and now I feel that it gives me a wonderful peace now knowing it's connected to him. ~ I'm sorry to hear of your dad's passing. My dad has been gone over 4 years now, but his birthday still chokes me up a bit. My dad was old, but he died of a heart attack so his passing was quite unexpected for me. On his birthday, I light a candle to his memory. :)

By robinrescues on Feb 22, 2011 at 7:45 PM

PAGE 2: :nods: I will be very glad if they put the MeMe base collectibles on another page, or in a separate tab or something. I don't really see the humor in a lot of the MeMe base pages, so that's probably why the collectibles hold little appeal to me. I didn't like the Trolling set at all. The Hipster set was OK, but it's also not something I particularly liked either. ~ Here the snow is slowly melting, so it looks like spring is on the way. Our old house used to have a rock garden out front, but here the former owner seemed to be quite the landscaper. I think I'm going to leave most of her landscaping as-is, although I'm a little worried I will be able to do as good a job as she did. I do want to set up my birdfeeder and birdbath in the back yard, I'm just not exactly sure where yet. As much as I have loved winter, at this point I am looking forward to spring. I want to enjoy my deck, and the creek out back, and I want to see everything turn green and come back to life again. ~ I like hearing about where other people live as well. I don't travel much, so it's sort of my 'window to the world'. :) I like the area we live in now. Living in the city was OK when we first moved here, but I like where we are now much better. I'm half-way between Kitty Corner and my best friend's house, and and about 5 minutes away from a main street with banks, stores, etc, so it's a great location. ~ Wishing you a good week. You and Bella take care, ~MelB

By roastpotato on Feb 19, 2011 at 12:15 PM

Fankuu for the mustache, never thought i'd actually want one of those *tee hee*! Ohh, nice to hear what happened to the invisible trophy i sent you so long ago! They usually just go off when i gift them and i never know how they get on, what sort of lives they are living :) Luv, rp.

By robinrescues on Feb 19, 2011 at 11:36 AM

You seem to be lacking in some facial hair, m'dear ... hmmm, I think I can help you out with that :D *giggles* seriously, I just sent you an Ironic Mustache to complete your Hipster Set. Yay! I hope it makes you smile! This is my way of thanking you for gifting me with the Invisible Trophy when I was looking one for earlier. The IT went to my hubby CaptnQ, who then gave it to his pal 2katmom to thank her for the Stethoscope she gifted him. So I was very grateful to have it, and to give it to someone who needed it. Thanks again. ~ I hope you are having a great weekend. Take care, MelB

By roastpotato on Feb 14, 2011 at 5:33 PM

I wish you a Valentines day full of love! :-D Well, I'm sorry to hear that you still have your snow! We in London had a sunny day today, but it's raining now :) It's really interesting to hear about where you come from, thanks for that :) I come from Nottingham (Robin Hood) which is in the middle of the country and from a small town (though not as small as yours!) where i didn't really fit so i escaped to the nearby city of Nottingham as soon as i could and then to the bigger city of London where i feel like i do fit in :) Im really pleased to hear your thoughts about Tigger, and the comforting memories that you have. I saw your message to someone else about his little blankee, and it reminded me of Sock's blanket. I took her to the vets wrapped in it (no carrier needed) for her final trip and i left it there with her, if i hadnt id be like you and not able to touch it :-/ I am mourning my Dad too who passed 6 months ago, it would have been his birthday yesterday, am finding it very difficult undeed :( I raised a glass to him yesterday, which he would have certainly approved of :)

By roastpotato on Feb 14, 2011 at 3:43 PM

Trolling set *shudder* - yep, i was studiously ignoring them and changed my profile to say please don't gift me any bcoz i hates them ... when of course someone did just that. They were just being kind of course! So then i had to complete the (polite version) unpleasant set and thankfully cheezfriends have given me ALL of them which is just awesome!! Im actually after a U Jelly? for a friend if you get a spare of those? Did you see on the blog that ICHC said they are working on a way to hide unwated sets - excellent :) rp

By robinrescues on Feb 14, 2011 at 1:12 PM

Ohai RP! Happy Valentine's Day! *hugs* MelB

By robinrescues on Feb 12, 2011 at 8:05 PM

WOAH! you got the complete Trolling set? I thought you didn't want any of those? Aw, I wish I had known you wanted them, I could have sent you my extras. Thanks again for the extra collectible, and do let me know if you ever need any of my extras.

By robinrescues on Feb 12, 2011 at 8:04 PM

Ohai RP! I hope you are having a wonderful Caturday! ~ Actually the snow here isn't quite as bad as where we were 2 houses ago. We used to live in Hamburg NY, two blocks away from Lake Erie. It was great fun at the beach for 3 seasons of the year, but in the winter you were literally shoveling your roof to keep it from collapsing. I'm grateful to have Rob to do that part of the home upkeep, as I wouldn't have been able to do it myself. At least here we have a snow blower, but that still doesn't help much with the mountain the plows leave at the end of your driveway. ~ London sounds lovely. Have you lived there all your life? I grew up in Wheatfield (waaayyyy out in the country, the 'town' literally was a Wheatfield!), slowly moving into the suburbs, then into Buffalo where I met Rob at college, and finally we got married and moved south of the city into Hamburg. After all my family passed away, I had no more reason to stay in the area and we moved here to be with Rob's family. For the most part I like it here, although I haven't really met our new neighbors yet beyond a wave while we were shoveling/plowing outside. It will probably have to wait until spring before we get chatty. ~ I am grateful Tigger got to enjoy this new home, even if it was only for 6 weeks, before he crossed over. At least I get to remember him here, and he did so love the heat vents on the floor! Seeing him a curled up and toasty warm there will be a memory I cherish. :) ~ I know what you mean about feeling more relaxed about the collectibles once you've got all the retired ones. I was so grateful when I got the thermometer, I literally had just got to the point where I was going to give up, and then unexpectedly I got it. Now I'm trying to trade off my current collectibles for the older ones, as I'm finding I have some new cheezpals who are so new they don't have any of the holiday ones. So it's nice to pass them along. ~ Well dear friend, take care and enjoy your Caturday with Bella! *hugs* MelB

By roastpotato on Feb 6, 2011 at 2:16 PM

Wow about your SNOW! That's a lot of hardship and work girl! I've never lived anywhere with that issue so I can only imagine :/ Here in central London we moan if a tube (underground train) or bus is delayed a minute, which is rediculous really :) and oh, I do so love living here! My oldest friend moved to Queensland Australia (boo hoo!) and they've been having SCARY weather! Though thankfully she is ok! I saw other posts about you moving home, that's got to have impacted quite a bit on how much energy and emotions you had to cope (or not) with Tigger's passing :/ being a very stressful event in itself of course. I can imagine your table behind the sofa with your favourite pic of Tigger in a quality frame beside the nice ashes container, a loving place in your home and your life for him, as he deserves :) My Socks is on a bookshelf, my fave pic, the first one i took of her when she arrived, in a frame and next to a lovely wooden pot for her ashes. I sit there sometimes and stroke the round pot :.-) Love n hugs to you, rp.

By robinrescues on Feb 5, 2011 at 6:37 PM

Ohai RP, how are things out your way? Here we're dealing with a lot of SNOW! We had the power knocked out for a few hours, they got it going again pretty quickly but it still got pretty cold in the house. We also lost our phone & internet for a little over a day. It's been tough because you've got to stay on top of getting the snow out of the driveway, otherwise you'll wind up shoveling off enough snow from the top so you can use your snow blower. and of course, right after you clear the driveway and take a nice long hot shower, the plows come by like clockwork to bury the end of your driveway in a mountain of snow! I envy the folks who have snow plowing contracts right about now. ~ For the moment, Tigger's ashes are on my desk. We just moved into this house right before Christmas, in the middle of a snowstorm no less. So once we get our living room set up, his ashes and photos will go on the sideboard behind the couch, with photos of the rest of our family (both human and feline) who are in spirit. It's my "remembrance table". Having it there helps me remember that death is a change but not an ending, and that the bonds of love are eternal. ~ Otherwise, I just keep trying to hang in there. Some days are better then others. This has been the first good day in a few days, actually. I keep trying though, and it will get better with time. ~ take care! *hugs * MelB

By robinrescues on Feb 1, 2011 at 2:03 PM

Ohai roastpotato! You're very welcome! I hope your friend enjoys the laptop. and thank you too. :) I see you already have a printer now. Would you still like me to send over my extra printer? Or is there anything special that any of your cheezpals are looking for that I have doubles of? Otherwise, I will continue to try and trade for for the charts and stapler that you need. Cheers, MelB

By robinrescues on Jan 31, 2011 at 1:22 PM

Whoops, I just saw your message! Yes, my cheezpal is still looking for the Invisible Trophy.

By robinrescues on Jan 31, 2011 at 1:16 PM

Ohai RP! I have a pal looking for an Invisible Trophy, and I see you have an extra. I see you're still missing a printer, would you like to trade? :) MelB

By robinrescues on Jan 30, 2011 at 7:49 PM

Ohai RP! Yes, it's really nice not to be spending all my ICHC time looking for a thermometer any more. I found the Dr TinyCat collection was hard to come by and trade for, though I think the Turkey is actually a bit worse to find. ~ Thanks so much for the Invisible Bike, my friend will be so happy! One laptop is comin' CheezBurger Express to you, and I hope it makes your friend smile. MelB

By roastpotato on Jan 30, 2011 at 4:10 PM

Thank you SO much for looking through my pics of my kittehs! It means alot to me that you've thought about them and of course said nice things too :) Socks was so very very pretty and she specialised in being really cute! Very photogenic too, I have hundreds of pics of her! Patsy I thought was very 'cat like' if that makes sense! Like Bast, elegant and regal :) Unfortunately she has been missing for a few months :.( she is microchipped so we will hear if she is ever taken to a vets and scanned, but basically I'm trying not to think about it now :/ Socks was 8 years old, Patsy 6 and Bella is 2 and a half. Bella is very playful and lively but very cuddly when she stops (is on my lap now) and as you can see is very dark so not so easy to get good pics of, but that doesnt stop me taking them! She is very cute when playing so i will try to take videos sometime. Love n hugs, rp xx

By roastpotato on Jan 30, 2011 at 3:58 PM

Thank you for your kind words about Socks :) It's still hard :( I had to recover a bit from your message before replying, you know what I mean :( I do therefore know what you're going through still and am so very sorry for you - do message me as much as you like for as long as you like if you want to let it out :) I hope you were able to do something special/meaningful with Tiggers ashes and that helped in a little way.

By robinrescues on Jan 30, 2011 at 1:39 PM

Ohai roastpotato! How are things going with you today? Here I'm doing my best to keep on hanging in there. ~ I see your Mondaze collection is missing a printer and charts, and I have an extra of both. Would you like to trade for either/both of my extras? Currently I'm trying to help a cheezpal work on their collection, so I'm looking for your extra Karot, Invisible Trophy and/or Invisible Bike. I know the Karot is a tough one to find - so let me know if you are interested, and thanx so much either way. :) *hugs* Always your pal, MelB

By robinrescues on Jan 29, 2011 at 4:05 PM

Hi RP, how are you? Here I'm still sad. The first few days after Tigger's death, I didn't even want to move or get out of bed. It seemed like everything reminded me of him, and I couldn't stop crying. Then Rob (hubby) was trying to comfort me, and though it took a little bit for me to understand what he said, I did find comfort in his words. It got a little better for the next few days. Today we got the call to come and pick up Tigger's ashes. Rob is off to pick them up now - I'm not ready to face that much yet. Or at least, if I have to face that I'd rather it be at home where I can cry and not worry who else is seeing me. ~ I'm so sorry for your loss of Socks. I've seen her pics, and she has the most expressive eyes and cute little face. Beautiful tabby markings as well. Patsy looks like a very dignified lady. Do you hear from her new family anymore? Bella is also very cute, but she seems to carry herself differently - she has this look like she is contemplating mischief! ~ on a happier note, I did finally get my thermometer. It was a bit of a bittersweet thing though - I'd wanted one for so long, and actually I had just posted a message to another CheezPal saying I was giving up on looking for one for now. I went back to my main page, and there were 3 notes of congrats on the thermometer. I was pretty shocked, but also glad the search was finally over. When I feel up to it, I'm trying to help a couple other friends fill in the holes in their collections. But there will be no major quests for collectibles for awhile. ~ Thanks for being such a good friend when I really needed one. *hugs* MelB

By roastpotato on Jan 26, 2011 at 2:50 PM

Ooo, you got your thermometer (i was looking to see if anyone had something I wanted and as usual for your thermometer), congrats!

By roastpotato on Jan 24, 2011 at 5:06 PM

Ohh, that's so very sad :.-( I unfortunately know just what you're going through, having lost my little girl Socks to cancer 18 months ago (after a year of operations and chemotherapy, etc), it was all so traumatic. So, I am very much with you in spirit and thinking of you. You should do what feels right for you and not hurry your feelings, talk to people, etc - oh you know the drill! As well as the understanding of a close friend (which really did help) what helped me a little was a little ceremony I did to say goodbye once I had Sock's ashes back. Sorry if i've said too much for you now, I hope not.

By robinrescues on Jan 23, 2011 at 7:55 PM

Hi roastpotato, thank you for your kind words about Tigger. I'm trying to hold onto the memories that we had a good life together, and how wonderful it was to share 12 years with each other. Still, it's hard to think about his crossing sometimes as I'm still missing his physical presence so much right now. I think only time will make that part better. and sleeping's hard - he purred us to sleep so many nights, and the bedroom is so quiet now ... I hope whatever afterlife there is, that we can be together again someday.

By roastpotato on Jan 22, 2011 at 8:52 PM

Hey, I've just seen your messages about your Tigger :.( I'm so sorry, it's such a hard thing to go through - just remember that (I'm sure) you gave him the best possible life for the time he was with you :)

By roastpotato on Jan 19, 2011 at 9:09 PM

OMG, I just got my reflex hammer! The ICHC staff peep who I asked aaages ago just sent it to me! *happy dance* *happy dance* *happy dance* I will keep looking for thermometer for you - hang in there MelB!

By roastpotato on Jan 19, 2011 at 8:39 PM

Oh that's lovely! I knew about Bast of course, very important indeed ^-^ but I didn't know about Melanthia, it's a very good combination for your screen name :) Now I know what it means I can shorten it, I wouldn't dare otherwise as you never know what you'd be saying, tee hee! My screen name is my (well known amongst my family) favourite thing to eat, with an avatar to match :)

By robinrescues on Jan 19, 2011 at 8:25 PM

Aw, Sorry I wasn't able to turn up anything new for you. Good luck though - hopefully that will work out for you!