Messages between robinrescues and AnOldCowhand

By robinrescues on Feb 25, 2012 at 8:49 AM

Hya James, What a great birthday card you made for Kristen, those flowers are beautiful! We're got a front yard full of snow and it's still snowing out, so it'll be awhile before we see the flowers bloom here. ~ I scrap'ed her photo of Jade for Kristen's birthday, you can see it here it came out darker then I wanted, but I hope she likes it. ~ Hope all goes well with you. Take care :)

By AnOldCowhand on Feb 25, 2012 at 8:21 AM

By AnOldCowhand on Jan 13, 2012 at 11:24 PM

Evenin' Mel, I guess I'm used to the new reality...don't like it, but it is what it is. The sting fades but the loss remains. I just finished up this month's newsletter for the organization we belonged to. Writing his obit helped. >What weather? The Central Coast during a dry year is the most boring place on Earth. Cold nights and warm clear days. Day after day. Like you, I like winter weather and other than cold, we just haven't had any yet. Alas, when it's 110 next summer I'll prob'ly gripe about that too :-)

By robinrescues on Jan 13, 2012 at 11:06 PM

Hi James, I hope this finds you feeling a bit better after the sad loss of your friend. I hope that Fred's family is doing better as well, and that his son is handling his father's business OK. I agree with all you wrote - in the end, it really all comes down to how much we miss our friends in our lives once they cross over. ~ How is the weather out at your end of the country? We spent so long without snow here, or just getting light snow that barely stuck around a day or two, but now we finally have a good bit of snow here. I do so love my snow! Rob says it's easy for me to love the snow, as I don't have to shovel it. :) I don't like driving our when it's very slushy, like it was earlier today, but otherwise I love the snow. Winter is my favorite season.

By AnOldCowhand on Dec 28, 2011 at 6:28 PM

Hi Mel, Thank you for the poem and your kind words. As cliche as it may be, I'm used to grieving alone, it is the "cowboy way" if you will, but I am very touched & moved by the outpouring of sympathy from my cheezfriends. I am very grateful for it as well. >I went up to Fred's this afternoon and spent a few hours with his wife, sisters and kids...It was odd, somehow. Mind you, I'm no stranger to death and the (sometimes) ugliness of life, you can't spend your life around livestock and the outdoors, like I have, without that "initiation". This is only the third time, though, that it has troubled me so and the first time that it has visited with no time to prepare. >I spent a bit of time with his son, going through the shop and showing him what I knew about Fred's recent business (he was a diesel/farm equipment mechanic), what he was working on of his own and for others. At least with my own father, his affairs were pretty well wrapped up. His catskinin' days were over, the equipment was home and my uncles were poised to step in and take over running the ranch. In the end, I guess it comes down to one thing; I'm gonna miss my friend.

By robinrescues on Dec 28, 2011 at 4:01 PM

Oh James, I'm so sorry to learn of the loss of your friend Fred. I can't find my own words to express my sorrow at your loss, so perhaps this beautiful poem may bring you some comfort. It was a great comfort to me when I was going through my grief. Though our friends bodies may wear out or be taken from them - they can't ever really die as long as you remember them in your heart. *hugs* I am so sorry for your loss. (no reply necessary, take care of yourself right now and know that our thoughts are with you.)

By robinrescues on Dec 25, 2011 at 11:10 PM

Aw, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I agree, there's never really a good time to lose a pet - but at the holidays with all the Christmas Cheer, it's hard to be in the mood to celebrate when you've just lost a good friend.

By AnOldCowhand on Dec 25, 2011 at 9:52 PM

I lost my Buckshot rather suddenly in April of 2003. It's never a 'good' time but holidays are the worst. - James

By robinrescues on Dec 25, 2011 at 9:45 PM

Thank you. I lost my Grace to cancer on December 13th 2008, so I can relate to her loss. I hope your friend is doing OK, holidays without a furbaby are lonely.

By AnOldCowhand on Dec 25, 2011 at 5:37 PM

That was very sweet of you...Passed on as requested. - James

By robinrescues on Dec 25, 2011 at 5:31 PM

and if you don't mind, please pass along my condolences to christkitty, I ED'ed that she lost a furbaby and I know how hard that is, especially on the holidays. Thank you.

By robinrescues on Dec 25, 2011 at 5:30 PM

What a beautiful card, thank you for creating & sharing. Merry Christmas James, and best wishes for a New Year!

By AnOldCowhand on Dec 24, 2011 at 10:02 PM

By AnOldCowhand on Dec 23, 2011 at 9:15 PM

Merry Christmas to you too. Here's hoping for a happy and prosperous New Year for you and yours. - James

By robinrescues on Dec 23, 2011 at 8:50 PM

Just stopping by with a holiday greeting for you, from all our family to yours. ~ Happy Holidays!

By AnOldCowhand on Aug 14, 2011 at 9:34 PM

Hai MelB, I've been meaning to reply for...well a week now Actually, it has been so long since I've written you a proper note that I had to go back and review. Boy was that last one disjointed. Jeez. >My hand is doing a lot better, thanks, but I've still got a ways to go. There's still an awful lot of stiffness that comes and goes. >The NSGW is a great organization. As well as the historical preservation, we also raise money for hospitals that treat cleft palates. I was recently at a Mass and brunch, in honor of the Native Sons, at St. John's Medical Center in Santa Monica. It is heartwarming to see the work that they do. >I've also attended a BBQ for the veterans at the California Veteran's Home in Yountville. Another very gratifying event. >I admire the work you do at your shelter and that you take the time to learn about caring for your...guests. >I cannot remember what the problem my kitty had was called, but it involved a thickening of the left ventrical (I think) wall, which in turn caused a stretching and bulging of the chamber above it. That set up the conditions for turbulent flow in that chamber which causes clots. The first sign that there was something wrong was dragging his hind leg. I guess a clot had somehow cut off motor control. We had him on blood thinners for several months and the symptoms came and went until we came home one day and found him gone. I took the opportunity of his last months to spoil the little guy rotten. I let him sleep on the bed with me and just generally get away with murder. I think it annoyed my wife but I really don't care. I loved that little monster. >So, are you feeling better? I know you were pretty sick.

By robinrescues on Aug 8, 2011 at 11:00 PM

Ohai AOC, I hope that you had a good weekend, and that your road trip was a good one. I think that somehow road trips are always more enjoyable when you're not the one driving *grins* You had a couple of long road trips in July too, I hope they were also a good time. ~ I was curious about your mention of the Native Sons, so I googled it - and it sounds very interesting. The way you write about the event makes it sound very interesting - almost like you can watch history come to life. I never knew California was an independent nation for 20-ish days! ~ How is your hand feeling? It must be great to finally get out of the cast! Were the plate and screws for a proper set healing, or do they stay in forever? Either way, I hope you're all healed up and back to good now. ~ My weekend was good, though it was tiring. Sunday I went to the Shelter Medicine Conference at Cornell with a group of friends from Kitty Corner, and it was really good. (It usually is.) The behaviorist was my favorite lecture, followed by Feline AIDS and Leukemia testing methods. It's amazing to see how it's grown the past few years though - this year all the attendees nearly filled two lecture halls! ~ I'm sorry to hear about how you lost your cat to heart problems. It sounds similar to a shelter kitten we loved and lost - a little orange and white tabby named Harvey. Once he was diagnosed they wouldn't adopt him out, so he stayed at Kitty Corner, where everyone spoiled him. I think he loved it, though! Harvey lived for almost 8 months before passing away, and I think he had a good time for all but the last week of his life. ~ I hope you are enjoying a good summer. Stay cool and take care. :)

By AnOldCowhand on Aug 6, 2011 at 9:02 AM

Good morning, Mel, I EDd one of your messages that you're feeling better. Here's hoping you can get out and enjoy the weekend. Another road trip for me tomorrow (430 miles round trip) but at least I don't have to drive :-)

By AnOldCowhand on Jul 25, 2011 at 4:04 PM

Hey MelB, Glad to see you prowling around a little. Hope you you get better soon.

By AnOldCowhand on Jul 18, 2011 at 9:25 AM

Hey MelB, How ya been. I've been jumpin' 'round like a flea in a hot skillet. Last Wednesday I had a 450 mile road trip and yesterday a 500 mile one. Phew am I pooped. Yesterday was for a BBQ that the Native Sons throw for the California Veterans Home in Yountville so it was worth the effort. I get my hand back this week (2d 6h 5m...but who's counting?).

By robinrescues on Jul 7, 2011 at 8:35 PM

Oh, thank you for the birthday wishes! We didn't do anything special - just stayed home and enjoyed a day off with the kitties, but it was a very nice birthday! :)

By AnOldCowhand on Jul 7, 2011 at 8:06 AM

Happy, happy. Hope you have a great day.

By AnOldCowhand on Jul 3, 2011 at 7:51 PM

I truly understand the pain of losing a pet, whether it be a cat, dog or horse. The only cat that I ever cared for came down with a heart problem. It's actually a common thing but I don't remember the name of it. The gist of it was; a thickening of the left ventricle that causes turbulent flow and that, in turn, causes clot formation. The clots break loose and do all sorts of nastiness. I nursed him along with blood thinners for another 6 months and made sure I spoiled the absolute snot out of him. I knew that it was terminal and I had plenty of time to get used to the idea but that didn't make it easy. Unfortunately I have way too much time to kill on the computer. I broke my hand on Memorial Day weekend and had to have a plate and screws installed. My right hand of course so I can't do much around the house or in the yard and now with the heat I don't want to be sweating in the cast. Just 16 days 21 hours 10 minutes more...but who's counting? The flag raising ceremony commemorated the raising of the US flag over California by Commodore Sloat on 7July1846. There was some speech making by a city councilwoman then the head of the Museum of Monterey talked about the event and the events that led up to it. Lastly a re-enactor acting as the Commodore read the original proclamation and then ordered a squad of Marines to raise a 28 star flag over the Custom House. The Native Sons were not active in this ceremony but it never hurts to be represented. Last month I was part of the ceremonial team in Sonoma when we commemorated the Bear Flag Revolt and the raising of the Bear Flag over the Presidio of Sonoma. California was then an independent nation for twenty some days. My Native Sons parlor sells fireworks for a fundraiser and I pulled guard-dog duty tonight.

By robinrescues on Jul 3, 2011 at 5:20 PM

Ohai AOC, nice to meet you :) ~ Thank you for your condolences. While it was hard for me to watch Jay's health going downhill, I think it gave me time to mentally adjust myself to the idea of Jay leaving us for good. I still miss him, but I try to comfort myself that he is healthy and happy over the rainbow bridge, playing with Grace and Tigger once again. and thank you for fav'ing their memorials, it means a lot to me. ~ don't worry about prompt replies, I regret that I am often behind in replying to posts, partially because I don't get to spend as much time here as I'd like and partially because my replies tend to be longer and chattier. ~ I hope that your flag ceremony was nice. My hubby is stuck working this weekend, so we're staying home and spending some time together, which is nice for us. I hope whatever you are doing this weekend that you have a safe and happy holiday. Take care, Robin

By AnOldCowhand on Jul 2, 2011 at 10:18 PM

Ohai, MelB. I'm sorry I didn't drop in earlier but I was rushing off to a flag raising ceremony in Monterey. Once again, and in person, my condolences for the recent loss of your kittys. My dogs are my children so I understand completely. When I lost my boy, I cried for three days (if I'm honest, I still do). Hope you're feeling better now. Have a happy and safe Independence Weekend.