Messages between robinrescues and JAGFan

By JAGFan on Jan 19, 2012 at 5:57 PM

Thanks for being my friend too! Take care and have a great start to the year! *hugs!!*

By robinrescues on Jan 11, 2012 at 6:58 PM

Ohai JAGFan! I'm sorry I haven't been around much through the holidays, things got a little crazy here, but I do hope your holidays were lovely. ~ I will always remember that you were one of my first cheezpals, and I am grateful that we're friends. *hugs* Take care.

By JAGFan on Dec 30, 2011 at 5:06 AM

Ohai MelB! Have a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year too! Thanks for your friendship! ^.^

By robinrescues on Dec 23, 2011 at 8:53 PM

Just stopping by with a holiday greeting for you, from all our family to yours. ~ Happy Holidays!

By robinrescues on Dec 17, 2011 at 12:58 PM

You're very welcome. :)

By JAGFan on Dec 15, 2011 at 2:13 AM

Thank YOU for completing my set first! ^.^

By robinrescues on Dec 12, 2011 at 10:16 AM

Thanks for the Yaris collectible swap :)

By JAGFan on Dec 7, 2011 at 3:02 AM

Aww, their own turkey, that's adorable. What a picture that would make. Really glad that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that Cattachino and Purrito got their forever home. Will you be fostering anymore kittens, since you and your home miss the little fellas? ~Thanks for asking about my mom, she's doing great, and is back to her normal self. I hope you have been well too, and that everything is on track for Christmas and the new year. *Big Hugs!*

By robinrescues on Dec 6, 2011 at 8:24 PM

Ohai JAGFan! We had a very nice Thanksgiving here, thank you. We spent the day at Kitty Corner with our friends, both human and feline. The cats there got their very own turkey for Thanksgiving, so they were happy too. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving Day as well. ~ Cattachino and Purrito got adopted December 3rd by a very nice young couple. I miss the little guys. It's awfully quiet here now - I'm so used to having mad playful kitten energy here, the house seems quite empty without them. ~ I hope by now that your mom is back to good, and that things are going well at your end. Take care & *hugs*

By JAGFan on Nov 24, 2011 at 3:27 AM

Ohai MelB! HAPPEE FANKSGIBING!!!! Wishing you and loved ones a wonderful, blessed day today!

By JAGFan on Oct 10, 2011 at 3:58 AM

Oh, your little orange tabbies are so cute! I love their names! ^.^ So sorry to hear that you've not been well, I will continue to keep you in my prayers! Speaking of, thanks so much for all your nice wishes and thoughts for my mom. She had an appendectomy a few weeks back but is now healing well. ~Regarding the collectible, do let me know if you need any of my extras, okay? Always happy to help! Take care, ok? *HUGS!!* p/s I got to beta the Cheezburger Site program so please check them out, when you have the chance: Thanks!

By robinrescues on Oct 9, 2011 at 9:05 PM

Ohai JAGFan! I'm feeling much better then I was back in July, thanks for asking. Still, it just seems like there's always something coming up to deal with these days. ~ I am keeping my mind off the bad news by bottle raising two orphaned kittens. They just turned 3 weeks old today, and they are so cute. They're two little orange tabbies, although I'm not sure of their gender yet. They are named Purrito and Cattachino, just like the collectibles. :) ~ Speaking of, thanks and you're welcome for the collectible share. I couldn't figure out how to get the Yaris ones until I saw the blog post, and I just completed my collection of them today. Yay, finished! I just haven't been into the collectibles much lately. Hubby and I have it where we each take turns getting them as part of our daily chores. Collecting them stopped being as much fun for me when the sets started to change every week. ~ Anyway, hope all is well with you. I ED'ed that your mom was not doing well, so I hope this finds her doing better. I'll send some healing energy her way tonight. Take care! *hugs*

By JAGFan on Oct 6, 2011 at 12:40 AM

Ohai MelB! Long time no write! How have you been? Thanks so much for the Success Kid medal and trophy collectible. I wasn't expecting anything in return when I sent you the Kitty Purry - just that it was good to send you something as your sets are usually more or less up-to-date. Are you collecting the YARIS set as well? Anyway, hope you're doing ok and am thinking of ya! Take care!

By JAGFan on Jul 21, 2011 at 2:56 AM

Ohai MelB! So sorry to hear from SW that you're not feeling well. Miss you and your wonderful stories. Do take care and feel better soon k? You are in my prayers. Sending you lots of love and healing HUGS!! XOXO

By JAGFan on Jul 1, 2011 at 3:27 AM

Hi MelB! It's wonderful to hear from you. I'm glad that that while you still miss Jay a lot, everything is slowly starting to be better. I'm sure that he had an amazing life with you - in fact, I know that having you in his life for that 3 short years made up for all the stuff that happened in the sad middle part of his life. *hugs* Yay for the news on your house repairs! Good roof! ^.^ The baby hummies are doing great, thanks for asking! They're ready to fledge any time now. Her first baby is already off on its own, and will most probably have a family of her own in a few months. They grow up really fast - from egg to full-grown takes only about month. I'm still keeping track, but I think I'll probably miss the fledge if they were to take off over the weekend, as my handphone has trouble loading the page. Hopefully, they're still be on the nest on Monday. *fingers crossed* I hear you about digital cameras - don't have a printer but it sounds like a good idea to have one handy. I'm also planning to buy a camera, still considering all the possibilities. ^.^ Thanks for sharing your stories with me. Do take care and have a good and restful weekend filled with lots of hugs, love, and healing. God bless! XOXO

By robinrescues on Jun 29, 2011 at 6:25 PM

Ohai JAGFan, Thank you, I'm glad you liked reading Jay's story. It had a good start and a sad middle, but I hope that I managed to give Jay a happy ending. Here it's been lonely without him, especially missing him at night cuddling with me in bed, but I'm hanging in there. ~ How is the hummingbird and her two new eggs? Is her first baby off on it's own? ~ The roof actually survived with no permanent damage and no repairs needed, yay! We will probably be putting heat tape up on it in the fall so this doesn't happen again next winter. Besides that, we'll just have to touch up the stains on the ceiling where the ice dams caused water stains inside. I'm very grateful that the roof wasn't damaged, I didn't need any more major home repair expenses! ~ So far I haven't done anything to get quotes for central air conditioning, I've been too depressed lately. Hopefully after next week I will feel more like getting that done. ~ I have an older digital camera, but I love it. It's so nice to take a bunch of pictures, preview them right away, and delete the ones you don't like. I also love printing the photos out right from my printer - instant gratification! Good photo paper and ink cartridges can get expensive, but it's so much nicer then just getting the old film roll prints because you can crop/resize the photos to fit perfectly into a photo frame. ~ I hope things have been going well with you. Blessings to you, dear friend! *hugs*

By JAGFan on Jun 27, 2011 at 1:24 AM

Thanks so much for sharing Jay's story with me, MelB. My favourite part was about his huge pair of luminous eyes peering back at you from under the wicker chair. That was so cute! And I especially loved the image of the two of you sitting together. I'm glad you'll always have these beautiful memories of Jay. [No need to reply, just wanted to thank you for your sharing and to send you lots of hugs and love, and healing. XOXO] God bless!

By robinrescues on Jun 26, 2011 at 11:19 PM

Ohai JAGFan, you beat me to sharing the news with you, but yes - the health issues he was facing became too serious and life threatening, and so Jay is peacefully over the Rainbow Bridge now. ~ I am sad, but mostly coping with this. I still miss him, especially at night when I know he won't be waiting in bed for me. ~ I am trying to remember that it wasn't how much time we spent together, it was how much love we shared in the time that we did have. Thank you for the comforting words. You take care as well. Bless you, dear friend. *hugs*

By robinrescues on Jun 26, 2011 at 11:19 PM

Jay's Memorial: On Thursday June 23rd, my dear friend Jay crossed the Rainbow Bridge. This is a remembrance of his life ... Many years ago, Deb and Linda, two sisters with a love of cats, decided to start Kitty Corner Cat Rescue. One of the first cats they rescued was a feral tortoiseshell they named Liberty, and her newborn litter of kittens that she had in the storm drain of the school where Deb worked. Liberty took good care of her kittens but was to feral to live with people, so she was eventually spayed and returned outside. Her kitten 'Rescue' was adopted by a little girl, who renamed him 'Mayo'. Almost 12 years passed, and Kitty Corner received a call from the now teenage girl, who wished to return him as she "didn't have time for him anymore". In accordance with their open door return policy, he was accepted back unquestioningly. They renamed him Jay. Despite that declawing is against the terms & conditions of the adoption contract, on his retesting and exam it was noted that he had been declawed in his front paws. He was placed in the Sun room, a cat room for senior cats and mellow personalities. He promptly hid under the wicker chair. ~ This is where I met him. At first he was just a huge pair of luminous eyes peering back at me. I would lay on the floor and talk to him, and he peered back at me quietly. After a few weeks he came out from under the chair, and we would sit together. We became good friends, and soon Jay came home with me. Days he would sit on my desk and keep me company, nights he slept on my pillow above my head. Over time, age and illnesses caught up with him. He became less surefooted, so he stopped coming up onto my desk and instead would sit beside it. Through chronic kidney failure, URI's, cataracts, corneal rupture and a nasal/brain tumor we tried to give him the best quality of life we could, until there was no doubt it was time for him to leave us. Jay's euthanasia was quick and peaceful, almost as if he welcomed it. While I have cried to miss the presence of my dear friend in my life, I almost find myself wondering if he stayed here long enough to help me accept and understand that it was his time. We had 3 great years together, and I will always look back on that with love and joy. Jay, remember me with smiles and love - and I will surely do the same for you. Namaste.

By JAGFan on Jun 26, 2011 at 9:04 PM

Ohai MelB! I'm really sorry to read about Jay. I hope that you can take comfort in the fact that he had a wonderful life with you. You and your family are always in my thoughts. Take care and God bless always! *hugs!*

By JAGFan on Jun 8, 2011 at 2:49 AM

Ohai MelB! I always love getting updates from you. So sorry to hear about Jay. Glad that he's slowly getting better though. Fingers and toes crossed for this Friday. Will continue to keep you, Jay, and family in my thoughts. Love and hugs to Pepperoni and Belle too! The hummingbird's doing great. Her single offspring (sadly, the other one didn't make it) fledged around the 21-22 May weekend so she's now sitting on two new eggs in another nest. She's really a busy lil' bird, isn't she? I'm also following the progress of the Decorah eagles via nestcam. The eaglets really grow up fast. Hard to believe that they were once tiny balls of fluff. I also keep a picture record of the eaglets' progress so perhaps one day, when they're ready, I could share both files with you. Oh, let me know if you would like to have the links to the nestcams. Thanks for the explanation on the air-con units. Hope I didn't come off too blur (or worse), lol! Fingers also crossed for your roof - hope it won't require any major repairs. Getting pictures of the house at different times of the year is a great idea. Now that everything's digital, we can snap away and then choose the photos that we want to keep. Remember when cameras used rolls of films instead of a memory card? Back then, every shot counts. Weather-wise, it's been rather hot over here, but thankfully, the sudden downpour earlier today has cooled things down a lil. Thanks for the wishes - do have a great rest of the week yourself, and a good weekend too! *hugs*

By robinrescues on Jun 7, 2011 at 8:26 PM

Ohai JAGFan! Yes, that particular weekend was very bad on the rainstorms. Usually the rain doesn't come down anywhere near that hard, but we really got drenched that weekend! Next year I hope to get pictures of the flowers around our house. I also want to get pictures of the house at different times of the year, I think that would be fun to look back on and see how it looks at through the seasons. I haven't taken any photos since Tigger died, but I do want to get updated photos of our cats, especially of Pepperoni and Belle. ~ Jay has been having some eye problems with his cataracts, he gave us quite a scare the Friday before last but now he seems to be slowly getting better. He goes back to our vet this Friday, and I will continue to hope he keeps healing. ~ How are the hummingbirds you are watching coming along? One of my cheezpals mentioned that she is watching baby eagles through a nestcam, and I checked them out once. It's pretty interesting watching baby birds grow up. :) ~ There's 2 different kinds of air conditioners, "central air" is built in to your house and portable air conditioning units are window mounted, and can be removed seasonally or stay in year round. We have two air conditioners that go in the windows in the summer months to keep the house cool and comfortable, then get stored in the garage in the winter. I couldn't install them myself as they are too heavy for me to lift with my bad back, but Rob installs them. We have the smaller unit in our family room downstairs and the larger unit in our master bedroom upstairs. Between both of them, they do a good job of cooling the house off. We don't service or repair them ourselves. We have talked about getting central air conditioning installed in this house, and I would love to get that here but it's very expensive. Tomorrow we're having our roof looked at to see how much damage the heavy snowfalls did over the winter. Once we know how much that will cost to fix, we can have a better idea if we can afford to look into installing central air here. ~ Hope the weather is comfortable and nice for you, and have a good rest of the week. Take care, MelB

By JAGFan on May 27, 2011 at 12:19 AM

Pelted the petals right off? O.O Oh wow, and I thought the rains here were heavy. Too bad you didn't take any photos of the tulips but there's always next year, yes? Fingers crossed for that black tulip to make a reappearance! Really love the short stories about Pepperoni (that name makes me smile every time) and Belle. Are you keeping a picture diary of them growing up and settling in? I'm currently following the progress of a hummingbird and her eggs/babies via a live nestcam. Once in awhile, I'll screenshot the page and paste the picture into a Word document. It's really interesting to see the progress of such tiny birds. ^.^ How's the a/c project coming along? Do you and Rob fix them in yourselves? Over here, we get technicians/workmen to install the units. I think it's great that you can DIY a/c units. Maybe they are different here compared to yours? Anyway, hope the heat won't get too bad as spring makes way for summer. Thanks for the weekend wishes. I plan to just hang out at home and watch some tv. ^.^ Do have a wonderful (and restful) weekend too! *hugs*

By robinrescues on May 26, 2011 at 6:08 PM

No, I didn't take any photos of our tulips, and I'm really regretting it now as the tulips were beautiful. They all went away when we got the weekend of torrential rainstorms, it was coming down so hard it pelted the petals right off them :( Although we did have a few pink tulips in the front corner of the house, that came up late after the rains. ~ Pepperoni is a real friendly guy, he's great to have around to keep us company. and Belle is settling in as well, it's good to see her relaxing more. ~ We're getting hot outside here too. Rob got the Air Conditioner in the Family Room window tonight, and even when it's just on fan that's helped a lot keeping it cooler. We have a larger a/c unit that will eventually find it's home in the master bedroom window, but it was late out and already getting dark by the time he got the first one done, so that will be a project for another day. ~ Thanks for the well wishes, I do hope you have a wonderful weekend! MelB

By JAGFan on May 15, 2011 at 7:29 PM

Wow, a lone black tulip amongst the red and yellow. How beautiful! Did you take any photos? Pepperoni sounds amazingly adorable, the way he keeps you company. And it's wonderful to know that Belle is slowly getting used to her new home. Who knows, she might turn out to be the alpha female and rule them all some day, haha! Never did manage to convince my mom to let me have a cat when I was growing up, but I did get to play with the neighbour's cat and kittens - still one of my fondest memories. The weather's a lil unpredictable right now - with hot days and warm nights, interrupted by sudden thunderstorms. I don't mind the heavy rain, just that it makes it hard to get to work as it causes the roads to jam up during those times. Anyway, hope you and your lovely family are keeping well and wishing all of you (kittehs included) a very blessed week ahead!

By robinrescues on May 14, 2011 at 9:28 PM

Ohai JAGFan! The daffodils didn't last long actually, but the tulips are still blooming. and in the middle of all the red and yellow tulips, one lone black tulip came up. Very pretty :) Orchids and Lillies sound beautiful, but I fear it won't be warm enough here for them to thrive. I guess one of life's lessons is in finding the beauty in what is around us. :) ~ We had a sunny and warm week, but now we're back to rain showers again. We had a pretty bad thunderstorm earlier that kept me offline for awhile, but it seems to have broken back down into sporadic rain. ~ Pepperoni is doing great, and he's a real pal, Lately he's been coming into the family room to sleep on my printer (next to my computer) to keep me company. Belle is still working on fitting in, but she seems more relaxed and less edgy now. ~ I hope you have a great weekend! Take care, MelB

By JAGFan on May 9, 2011 at 2:25 AM

Ohai MelB! Just dropping in to wish you a great week ahead!

By JAGFan on May 6, 2011 at 2:22 AM

Hiya MelB! Daffodils and red and yellow tulips! How beautiful! My mom would love those - she enjoys gardening but we can't plant them where we live due to the hot weather. We have plenty of orchids, lilies, and hibiscus tho. The sun's out in full force as well so it can get pretty hot here during the day. Hope all's well at home, and both Pepperoni and Belle are fitting in well with the other kittehs. Go have a great weekend too! Enjoy the sunshine! ^.^

By robinrescues on May 5, 2011 at 7:42 PM

Ohai JAGFan! We've finally started seeing a few breaks of sunshine mixed in with all the rain we've been getting lately, and that's been a nice change here. We have Daffodils and red and yellow tulips coming up and blooming already, and it looks like we have other flowers coming up yet too that have not yet bloomed. Hope spring is finding it's way to you as well. Have a great weekend. MelB

By JAGFan on Apr 24, 2011 at 7:56 PM

Ohai MelB!! Happy Blessed Easter to you and yours too! Hope you're enjoying your long weekend. Over here, the sun's out but we still get sudden thunderstorms every now and then. Sounds like spring's near for you as well. Wishing you many many happy sunshine days this year! Have a great week!